Printing from cloud printers vs. local printers in web applications
One great benefit of Universal Print is the ability to directly print to your organization's printers from web applications without having to first install these printers on your device.
To accomplish this, web applications contact the Universal Print cloud service to get a list printers to which you have access in your organization. The web application may then give you the ability to select a printer and select print options before sending your file to the printer.
Difference between cloud printers and local printers
Local printers are printers installed on the device you are using (e.g. a printer installed on your PC). To install a printer on your Windows PC, you can go to Settings > Devices > Printers and scanners and click Add a printer or scanner. Windows then shows you a list of available printers and you can install any of them by clicking it and clicking Add device.
Once the printer is installed on your PC, you can use any application on this PC to print to it.
Although Universal Print cloud printers could be installed on your device they don't need to be. They are made available by Universal Print for applications to use them directly. Therefore, they can be used from any web app regardless whether these printers are installed on the device you are using and regardless if you have permission to install a printer on the device.
Why can't I see my local printers in web applications
Web applications can print to local printers installed on your device using the browser print function which is accessible by pressing the Ctrl+P keys.
Without using the browser's print function, web application cannot access printers on your device. For security and privacy reasons, the browser acts as a boundary that guarantees that a web application cannot directly access resources on your device.
With that limitation in place, web applications can only access cloud printers and have them available for use. Local printers remain available through the browser's print function.
After provisioning your Windows 365 Cloud PCs, you can either install apps manually or by using Microsoft Intune. This module covers application installation, nested virtualization, and Microsoft Teams installation and optimization.