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ContactListSyncConstraints.MaxOtherPhoneNumbers Property


Gets or sets the maximum number of 'other phone' numbers that can be synchronized.

 property IReference<int> ^ MaxOtherPhoneNumbers { IReference<int> ^ get(); void set(IReference<int> ^ value); };
IReference<int> MaxOtherPhoneNumbers();

void MaxOtherPhoneNumbers(IReference<int> value);
public System.Nullable<int> MaxOtherPhoneNumbers { get; set; }
var iReference = contactListSyncConstraints.maxOtherPhoneNumbers;
contactListSyncConstraints.maxOtherPhoneNumbers = iReference;
Public Property MaxOtherPhoneNumbers As Nullable(Of Integer)

Property Value

The maximum number of 'other phone' numbers that can be synchronized.

Windows requirements

App capabilities

Applies to