AutomationTextRange Class


Provides access to a span of continuous text in a container that supports the IUIAutomationTextPattern interface.

public ref class AutomationTextRange sealed
/// [Windows.Foundation.Metadata.ContractVersion(Windows.UI.UIAutomation.UIAutomationContract, 65536)]
/// [Windows.Foundation.Metadata.MarshalingBehavior(Windows.Foundation.Metadata.MarshalingType.Agile)]
class AutomationTextRange final
[Windows.Foundation.Metadata.ContractVersion(typeof(Windows.UI.UIAutomation.UIAutomationContract), 65536)]
public sealed class AutomationTextRange
Public NotInheritable Class AutomationTextRange
Object Platform::Object IInspectable AutomationTextRange

Windows requirements

Device family
Windows 10, version 2104 (introduced in 10.0.20348.0)
API contract
Windows.UI.UIAutomation.UIAutomationContract (introduced in v1.0)


Client applications can use this object to select, compare, and retrieve embedded objects from the text span. Two endpoints are exposed that delimit where the text span starts and ends. Disjoint spans of text are represented by an IUIAutomationTextRangeArray interface.

Applies to