
The HvCallGetVpIndexFromApicId allows the caller to retrieve a VP index for the VP with the specified APID ID.


   _In_ HV_PARTITION_ID PartitionId,
   _In_ HV_VTL TargetVtl,
   _Inout_ PUINT32 ApicIdCoount,
   _In_reads_(ApicIdCount) PHV_APIC_ID ApicIdList,
   _Out_writes(ApicIdCount) PHV_VP_INDEX VpIndexList

Call Code

0x009A (Rep)

Input Parameters

Name Offset Size Information Provided
PartitionId 0 8 Partition
TargetVtl 8 1 Target VTL
Padding 9 7

Input List Element

Name Offset Size Information Provided
ApicId 0 4 APIC ID of the VP
Padding 4 4

Output List Element

Name Offset Size Information Provided
VpIndex 0 4 Index of the VP with the specified APIC ID
Padding 4 4

Return Values

Status code Error Condition
HV_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER An invalid parameter was specified
HV_STATUS_INVALID_PARTITION_ID The specified partition ID is invalid.
HV_STATUS_INVALID_REGISTER_VALUE The supplied register value is invalid.
HV_STATUS_INVALID_VP_STATE A virtual processor is not in the correct state for the performance of the indicated operation.
HV_STATUS_INVALID_PARTITION_STATE The specified partition is not in the “active” state.
HV_STATUS_INVALID_VTL_STATE The VTL state conflicts with the requested operation.