Run code analysis manually for .NET
By default, .NET Compiler Platform (Roslyn) analyzers automatically analyze C# or Visual Basic code during a build and as you type (via live code analysis). Hence, you don't normally need to trigger code analysis manually. However, there are some scenarios where you might want to manually trigger code analysis:
- You want to view code analysis warnings for all files in a specific project or solution. By default, live code analysis executes analyzers only for the active document. However, you can opt to trigger code analysis once on the entire project or solution. Alternatively, you can enable continuous live code analysis to execute on the entire solution. For more information, see Configure live code analysis for .NET.
- You prefer on-demand code analysis execution workflow over continuous live analysis or build-time analysis. If so, you can disable analyzer execution during live analysis and a build. Then you can manually trigger code analysis once on a project or solution. For information about disabling analysis, see Disable source code analysis for .NET.
Running code analysis manually requires Visual Studio 2019 version 16.5 or later.
To manually run a code analysis, follow these steps:
In Solution Explorer, select the project.
From the Analyze menu, select Run Code Analysis > Run Code Analysis on [Project Name].
Alternatively, to run code analysis on the entire solution, select Analyze > Run Code Analysis > On Solution.
Code analysis starts executing in the background. The message Running code analysis for '<project>' appears in the Visual Studio status bar toward the bottom-left corner. After code analysis completes, the status message changes to Code analysis completed for '<project>'. The error list refreshes with all the code analysis diagnostics.
Additional resources
Disable source code analysis for .NET - Visual Studio (Windows)
Learn how to disable the Visual Studio source code analysis feature in .NET Core, .NET Standard, .NET 5+, and .NET Framework projects.
Customize Roslyn analyzer rules - Visual Studio (Windows)
Learn how to customize Roslyn analyzer rules by adjusting analyzer severities, suppressing violations, and designating files as generated code.
Legacy analysis for managed code - Visual Studio (Windows)
Learn about legacy analysis in Visual Studio. See how to suppress warnings and how to run analyses manually, automatically, and during check-ins and builds.