Best practices for running a healthy Viva Goals program

Microsoft Viva Goals is a goal and OKR management solution designed to help leaders and teams create, manage, and track organizational goals.

The following articles are designed to help support you as you build a healthy Viva Goals program for your company, which can deliver incredible benefits, including stronger alignment, increased focus, goal transparency, team adaptability, and strategic growth.

How to use Solutions to run a healthy Viva Goals program

Select the core focus area you want to improve from the table of contents

We’ve identified a select number of core topics that are key to running a great program, such as writing great goals, OKR alignment, and incorporating OKRs into your Rhythm of Business.

Begin with the topic overview

Read through the topic overview to get the full picture of why this focus area is important.

Consider recommendations

For each topic, we present 3-5 recommendations that can be implemented right away to improve the health of your program.

Dive deeper on topics

For most core topics, there are more articles and resources that dive deeper into specific use cases.

For example, beneath the Using the OKR Framework Overview are articles with OKR examples and formulas.

Connect and learn from experts and peers

As you build out your program, you don’t have to go it alone! Join the discussion and see the latest events in the Microsoft Viva Goals Community, including tips on Starting an OKR program and Setting Priorities with OKRs.

With a solid understanding of core topics, recommendations, and specific examples, these solutions help you run a healthy OKR program for your organization.