Static configuration options for the performance state engine overview

You can use the static configuration options documented in this section to tune the behavior of the performance state selection algorithms.

In this section

Topic Description


IdleDemoteThreshold specifies the upper busy threshold that must be met before demoting the processor to a lighter idle state.


IdlePromoteThreshold specifies the lower busy threshold that must be met before promoting the processor to a deeper idle state.


MaxFrequency specifies the maximum processor performance state, which is specified in Megahertz (MHz).


MaxPerformance specifies the maximum processor performance state, which is specified as a percentage of maximum processor performance.


MinPerformance specifies the minimum processor performance state, which is specified as a percentage of maximum processor performance.


PerfBoostMode determines how processors select a performance level when current operating conditions allow for boosting performance above the nominal level.


PerfIncreasePolicy specifies the algorithm used to select a new performance state when the ideal performance state is higher than the current performance state.


PerfIncreaseThreshold specifies the percentage of processor utilization, in terms of the maximum processor utilization, that is required to increase the processor to a higher performance state.


PerfIncreaseTime specifies minimum amount of time that must elapse between subsequent increases in the processor performance state. The time is specified in units of the number of processor performance time check intervals.


PerfDecreasePolicy specifies the algorithm used to select a new performance state when the ideal performance state is lower than the current performance state.


PerfDecreaseThreshold specifies the percentage of processor utilization, in terms of the maximum processor utilization, that is required to reduce the processor to a lower performance state.


PerfDecreaseTime specifies minimum amount of time that must elapse between subsequent reductions in the processor performance state. The time is specified in units of the number of processor performance time check intervals.


PerfLatencyHint specifies the processor performance in response to latency sensitivity hints. Such hints are generated when an event preceding an expected latency-sensitive operation is detected. Examples include mouse button up events (for all mouse buttons), touch gesture start and gesture stop (finger down and finger up), and keyboard enter key down.


PerfAutonomousMode controls whether autonomous mode is enabled on systems that implement version 2 of the CPPC interface, and determines whether desired performance requests should be provided to the platform. On systems with other performance state interfaces, this setting has no effect.


PerfEnergyPreference specifies the value to program in the energy performance preference register on systems that implement version 2 of the CPPC interface.


PerfAutonomousWindow specifies the value to program in the autonomous activity window register on systems that implement version 2 of the CPPC interface and have autonomous mode enabled. Longer values indicate to the platform that it should be less sensitive to short duration spikes/dips in processor utilization.


DutyCycling enables or disables the duty cycling capability on systems that support processor duty cycling.