The DXGKARG_ACQUIRESWIZZLINGRANGE structure describes parameters for making an allocation accessible through a CPU aperture.


  [in]     HANDLE           hAllocation;
  [in]     UINT             PrivateDriverData;
  [in]     UINT             RangeId;
  [in]     UINT             SegmentId;
  [in]     SIZE_T           RangeSize;
  [in/out] PHYSICAL_ADDRESS CPUTranslatedAddress;


[in] hAllocation

A handle to the allocation that the display miniport driver assigned and that is returned through its DxgkDdiCreateAllocation function.

[in] PrivateDriverData

A UINT value of private data that the user-mode display driver sends when it calls the Microsoft Direct3D runtime's pfnLockCb function. The private data should be an index that lets the display miniport driver determine the accessible part of the allocation (for example, the MIP level). This member should not contain a pointer.

[in] RangeId

The zero-based identifier of the swizzling range that the DxgkDdiAcquireSwizzlingRange function programs.

[in] SegmentId

The identifier of a segment in which the allocation is currently paged.

[in] RangeSize

The size, in bytes, of the range to acquire. This range size is identical to the size of the allocation that DxgkDdiAcquireSwizzlingRange acquires a range for. The driver can modify the value in RangeSize when the UseAlternateVA bit-field flag is specified in the Flags member of the D3DDDICB_LOCKFLAGS structure in a call to the pfnLockCb function. If the UseAlternateVA flag is not specified, the driver cannot change RangeSize.

[in/out] CPUTranslatedAddress

The base physical address where the CPU should map the allocation. The display miniport driver must set this information when a call to its DxgkDdiAcquireSwizzlingRange function succeeds.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista
Header d3dkmddi.h (include D3dkmddi.h)

See also



