DXGI1_2_DDI_BASE_FUNCTIONS structure (dxgiddi.h)

Contains pointers to functions that a Windows Display Driver Model (WDDM) 1.2 and later user-mode display driver can implement to perform low-level tasks like presenting rendered frames to an output, controlling gamma, getting notifications regarding shared and Windows Graphics Device Interface (GDI) interoperable surfaces, and managing a full-screen transition.


typedef struct DXGI1_2_DDI_BASE_FUNCTIONS {
  HRESULT()(DXGI_DDI_ARG_BLT1 *) * pfnBlt1;
  HRESULT()(void *) * pfnGetMultiplaneOverlayFilterRange;



A pointer to the driver's PresentDXGI function.


A pointer to the driver's GetGammaCapsDXGI function.


A pointer to the driver's SetDisplayModeDXGI function.


A pointer to the driver's SetResourcePriorityDXGI function.


A pointer to the driver's QueryResourceResidencyDXGI function.


A pointer to the driver's RotateResourceIdentitiesDXGI function.


A pointer to the driver's BltDXGI function.

The Direct3D runtime might set the Flags member of the DXGI_DDI_ARG_BLT structure that the pBltData parameter points to in such a way as to require the Blt1DXGI function to perform a bit-block transfer (bitblt) operation that resolves multi-sampled resources, performs color-format conversion, and performs a stretch or shrink all at once. However, the Direct3D runtime will never set the Flags member of DXGI_DDI_ARG_BLT1 to zero (that is, no flags set) together with the DXGI_DDI_MODE_ROTATION_IDENTITY value set in the Rotate member of DXGI_DDI_ARG_BLT1 (that is, to indicate no rotation) to perform a straight memory copy operation. Instead, unless both resources are multi-sampled, the Direct3D runtime calls the driver's ResourceCopy or ResourceCopyRegion(D3D11_1) function to perform a straight memory copy operation.

The quality of the stretch or shrink that the user-mode display driver performs must be as good as the stretch or shrink that a bilinear filter performs.

The Direct3D runtime will call the driver's Blt1DXGI function infrequently. That is, the runtime should call Blt1DXGI no more than once or twice per frame because the runtime uses Blt1DXGI primarily to support a presentation.

When the runtime calls Blt1DXGI for a presentation, the runtime sets the Present bit-field flag in the Flags member of DXGI_DDI_ARG_BLT1. The runtime sets the Present bit-field flag to inform the driver that there are extra requirements for the bitblt and that extra synchronization may be necessary (for example, the runtime might need to perform extra synchronization in computer configurations that contain two graphics adapters that each handle separate parts of the display). When the Present bit-field flag is set, the driver should perform a copy operation from an application's back buffers to the shared surface of the DWM. Because synchronization for this type of copy operation is inexact, tearing artifacts should be the worst type of artifacts that a user experiences. For this type of copy operation, the driver should not use a multi-pass approach by first resolving into the destination surface and then color converting the results in-place because the possible artifacts would be much worse.

If the driver supports returning DXGI_DDI_ERR_UNSUPPORTED during the creation of a primary surface (that is, returning DXGI_DDI_ERR_UNSUPPORTED from a call to its CreateResource(D3D10) function with the D3D10_DDI_BIND_PRESENT flag set in the BindFlags member of D3D10DDIARG_CREATERESOURCE along with the pPrimaryDesc member of D3D10DDIARG_CREATERESOURCE set to non-NULL), the driver must also support rotation during a copy operation. If the driver never returns DXGI_DDI_ERR_UNSUPPORTED from a call to its CreateResource(D3D10) or CreateResource(D3D11) function, the runtime will never pass the DXGI_DDI_MODE_ROTATION_ROTATE90, DXGI_DDI_MODE_ROTATION_ROTATE180, or DXGI_DDI_MODE_ROTATION_ROTATE270 value to the Rotate member of DXGI_DDI_ARG_BLT1. Therefore, in this situation, the driver's Blt1DXGI function is not required to support rotation.

The runtime sets a value in the Rotate member of DXGI_DDI_ARG_BLT1 to indicate the number of degrees to rotate counter-clockwise the contents of the source before the driver copies the contents to the destination. Rotation is specified in increments of 90 degrees.


When the driver's Blt1DXGI function copies sRGB-formatted content from a source surface to a non-sRGB destination surface, the driver should copy the sRGB content unchanged (that is, the driver should not perform the sRGB to linear conversion).

Source restrictions

The Blt1DXGI function always uses a whole source subresource (versus some sub-rectangular area) to perform the bitblt operation. In addition, the source is a D3D10DDIRESOURCE_TEXTURE2D representation (specified in the ResourceDimension member of D3D10DDIARG_CREATERESOURCE or D3D11DDIARG_CREATERESOURCE when the source is created in a call to the user-mode display driver's CreateResource(D3D10) or CreateResource(D3D11) function, respectively). When the runtime sets the Resolve bitfield in the Flags member of DXGI_DDI_ARG_BLT1, the source is a multi-sampled resource. The source resource is restricted to a resource in which the D3D10_DDI_BIND_PRESENT flag was set in the BindFlags member of D3D10DDIARG_CREATERESOURCE or D3D11DDIARG_CREATERESOURCE. The format of the source (specified in the Format member of D3D10DDIARG_CREATERESOURCE or D3D11DDIARG_CREATERESOURCE) is restricted to display mode formats, specified by the following values from the DXGI_FORMAT enumeration:

  • DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM (See Note below.)


If the driver supports the source format DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM, the following restrictions apply:

  • When the driver performs a bitblt operation from a floating-point format to an integer format such as BGRA8888, it must implicitly encode gamma into the results.
  • Conversely, when the driver performs a bitblt operation from an integer format to a floating-point format, it must implicitly remove gamma encoding from the results.

Destination restrictions

The destination is also a D3D10DDIRESOURCE_TEXTURE2D representation. The format of the destination is also restricted to display mode formats. The destination resource is restricted to a resource that is bound as a render target (D3D10_DDI_BIND_RENDER_TARGET set in the BindFlags member of D3D10DDIARG_CREATERESOURCE or D3D11DDIARG_CREATERESOURCE).

Creating a stereo back buffer

Beginning in Windows 8, if the driver must create a stereo back buffer, it should set members of the D3D10DDIARG_CREATERESOURCE or D3D11DDIARG_CREATERESOURCE structure, respectively, pointed to by the pCreateResource parameter of the CreateResource(D3D10) or CreateResource(D3D11) functions, as follows:

  1. Set the ArraySize member to a value of 2.
  2. Set the D3D10_DDI_BIND_PRESENT flag value in the BindFlags member.

Additionally, to support stereo presentation, the BltDXGI function must allow any values for the DstSubresource and SrcSubresource members of the DXGI_DDI_ARG_BLT structure that are within the range of the source and destination resources.


A pointer to the driver's ResolveSharedResourceDXGI function.


A pointer to the driver's Blt1DXGI function.


A pointer to the driver's pfnOfferResources function.


Called by the DXGI runtime to reclaim video memory resources that the user-mode display driver previously offered for reuse. Implemented by WDDM 1.2 and later user-mode display drivers.


Called by the Microsoft DirectX Graphics Infrastructure (DXGI) runtime to request that the user-mode display driver get basic overlay plane capabilities. Optionally implemented by Windows Display Driver Model (WDDM) 1.3 and later user-mode display drivers. The syntax of pfnGetMultiplaneOverlayCaps follows:

pfnGetMultiPlaneOverlayCaps GetMultiPlaneOverlayCaps;

HRESULT __stdcall* GetMultiPlaneOverlayCaps(
{ ... }

The pCaps parameter is a pointer to a DXGI_DDI_ARG_GETMULTIPLANEOVERLAYCAPS structure that specifies the overlay plane capabilities.

pfnGetMultiplaneOverlayCaps returns one of the following values:

  • S_OK: The driver successfully provided the overlay plane capabilities.
  • D3DDDIERR_DEVICEREMOVED: The driver detected that the display adapter was removed, so the driver did not complete the operation. If the driver is not aware of the adapter removal, the driver is not required to return this error code.


This member is reserved and should be set to zero. Supported starting with Windows 8.1.


Called by the Microsoft DirectX Graphics Infrastructure (DXGI) runtime to check the details on hardware support for multiplane overlays. The syntax of pfnCheckMultiplaneOverlaySupport is:


HRESULT __stdcall* pfnCheckMultiplaneOverlaySupport(
{ ... }

The pSupport parameter is a pointer to a DXGI_DDI_ARG_CHECKMULTIPLANEOVERLAYSUPPORT structure that describes how to display to the destination surface.

If pfnCheckMultiplaneOverlaySupport succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code.


A pointer to the driver's pfnPresentMultiplaneOverlay (DXGI) function. Supported starting with Windows 8.1.


A pointer to a DXGI_DDI_ARG_CHECKMULTIPLANEOVERLAYSUPPORT structure that describes how to display to the destination surface.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 8, WDDM 1.2
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2012
Header dxgiddi.h (include D3d10umddi.h)

See also
