IUnregisterPhysicalConnection::UnregisterPhysicalConnection method (portcls.h)

The UnregisterPhysicalConnection method deletes the registration of a physical connection that was registered by a previous call to PcRegisterPhysicalConnection.


NTSTATUS UnregisterPhysicalConnection(
  [in] PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject,
  [in] PUNKNOWN       FromUnknown,
  [in] ULONG          FromPin,
  [in] PUNKNOWN       ToUnknown,
  [in] ULONG          ToPin


[in] DeviceObject

Pointer to the device object for the adapter device. This parameter must point to a system structure of type DEVICE_OBJECT.

[in] FromUnknown

Pointer to the IPort interface of a port driver object. The port driver object that is associated with FromUnknown is bound to the subdevice that supplies the connection's data source pin.

[in] FromPin

Specifies a pin ID. This parameter identifies the data source (output) pin on the filter that is associated with the FromUnknown interface.

[in] ToUnknown

Pointer to the IPort interface of a port driver object. The port driver object that is associated with ToUnknown is bound to the subdevice that supplies the connection's data sink pin.

[in] ToPin

Specifies a pin ID. This parameter identifies the data sink (input) pin on the filter that is associated with the ToUnknown interface.

Return value

UnregisterPhysicalConnection returns STATUS_SUCCESS if the call was successful. Otherwise, it returns an appropriate error code.


For more information, see Dynamic Audio Subdevices.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Universal
Header portcls.h (include Portcls.h)

See also



