RouterRegisterForPrintAsyncNotifications function (prnasntp.h)

The RouterRegisterForPrintAsyncNotifications function registers for asynchronous notifications associated with a printer or print server.


HRESULT RouterRegisterForPrintAsyncNotifications(
  [in]  PCWSTR                            pName,
  [in]  PrintAsyncNotificationType        *pNotificationType,
  [in]  PrintAsyncNotifyUserFilter        eNotifyFilter,
  [in]  PrintAsyncNotifyConversationStyle eConversationStyle,
  [in]  IPrintAsyncNotifyCallback         *pCallback,
  [out] HANDLE                            *phNotify


[in] pName

A pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the name of the printer or print server.

[in] pNotificationType

A pointer to the GUID that represents the type of notifications of interest to the caller.

[in] eNotifyFilter

The filter for the session or user of interest to the caller when receiving notifications.

[in] eConversationStyle

The type of communication: unidirectional or bidirectional.

[in] pCallback

A pointer to the callback that is used deliver the notifications.

[out] phNotify

A pointer to an opaque handle. The caller can use this handle to discontinue receiving notifications.

Return value

This function returns S_OK on success, and a standard COM error code otherwise.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Desktop
Header prnasntp.h (include Prnasntp.h)
Library Spoolss.lib
DLL Spoolss.dll

See also
