RouterAllocBidiMem function (winsplp.h)

RouterAllocBidiMem allocates a block of memory of a specified size. This function is used by the port monitor to allocate memory for strings and binary objects.


PVOID RouterAllocBidiMem(
  [in] size_t NumBytes


[in] NumBytes

Specifies the size, in bytes, of the block of memory to be allocated.

Return value

RouterAllocBidiMem returns a pointer to the block of memory if successful. If the function fails, the caller can obtain the error code by calling GetLastError (described in the Microsoft Windows SDK documentation).


When the memory allocated by this function is no longer needed, it can be returned by a call to RouterFreeBidiMem.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client This function is available in Windows XP and later operating systems.
Target Platform Desktop
Header winsplp.h (include Winsplp.h)
Library Spoolss.lib
DLL Spoolss.dll

See also

