WSK_TDI_MAP structure (wsk.h)

The WSK_TDI_MAP structure specifies a mapping between a particular address family, socket type, and protocol to the device name of a TDI transport.


typedef struct _WSK_TDI_MAP {
  USHORT         SocketType;
  ADDRESS_FAMILY AddressFamily;
  ULONG          Protocol;
  PCWSTR         TdiDeviceName;



The socket type. This member can contain any of the SOCK_XXX values that are defined in the Ws2def.h header file.


The address family. This member can contain any of the AF_XXX values that are defined in the Ws2def.h header file.


The transport protocol.


A pointer to a null-terminated wide character string that contains the device name for the TDI transport that supports the combination of address family, socket type, and protocol specified by the AddressFamily, SocketType, and Protocol members.


The Map member of the WSK_TDI_MAP_INFO structure points to an array of WSK_TDI_MAP structures, each of which contains a mapping between a particular address family, socket type, and protocol to the device name of a TDI transport.

For more information about using TDI transports, see Using TDI Transports.

Note  TDI will not be supported in Microsoft Windows versions after Windows Vista. Use Windows Filtering Platform or Winsock Kernel instead.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Available in Windows Vista and later versions of the Windows operating systems.
Header wsk.h (include Wsk.h)

See also