
This topic is part of the WiFiCx driver model. WiFiCx is the Wi-Fi driver model released in Windows 11. We recommend that you use WiFiCx to take advantage of the latest features. The previous Wi-Fi driver model WDI is in maintenance mode and will only receive high priority fixes.

WDI_TLV_LOW_LATENCY_CONNECTION_QUALITY_PARAMETERS is a TLV that contains low latency connection quality parameters.

TLV Type



The size (in bytes) of the array of all contained elements.


Type Description
UINT8 Specifies the maximum number of milliseconds that the port can be on a different channel during Active Scan or other multi-channel operations. The only instance in which this off-channel can be higher is if the adapter needs to do a passive scan.
UINT8 Specifies the link quality threshold for NDIS_STATUS_WDI_INDICATION_ROAMING_NEEDED. When the link quality is below this threshold, it is acceptable for the adapter to send NDIS_STATUS_WDI_INDICATION_ROAMING_NEEDED.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 11
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2022
Header dot11wificxtypes.hpp

See also