An HBA miniport driver that supports the Storage Management API uses the MS_SMHBA_FC_Port class to expose the port attributes of the associated FC adapter. There should be one instance of this class for each port.

The MS_SMHBA_FC_Port class is defined as follows in Hbaapi.mof:

class MS_SMHBA_FC_Port 
    [HBAType("HBA_WWN"), WmiDataId(1)]
    uint8   NodeWWN[8];

    [HBAType("HBA_WWN"), WmiDataId(2)]
    uint8   PortWWN[8];

    uint32  FcId;

    [HBAType("HBA_COS"), WmiDataId(4)]
    uint32  PortSupportedClassofService;

    [HBAType("HBA_FC4TYPES"), WmiDataId(5)]
    uint8   PortSupportedFc4Types[32];

    [HBAType("HBA_FC4TYPES"), WmiDataId(6)]
    uint8   PortActiveFc4Types[32];

    [HBAType("HBA_WWN"), WmiDataId(7)]
    uint8   FabricName[8];

    uint32  NumberofDiscoveredPorts;

    uint8   NumberofPhys;

    [MaxLen(256), WmiDataId(10)]
    string  PortSymbolicName;

When this class definition is compiled by the WMI tool suite, it produces the following data structure:


There are no methods associated with this WMI class.