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Troubleshooting Windows HLK

This section provides troubleshooting support articles for Windows Hardware Lab Kit (Windows HLK).

In this section:

Topic Description

Troubleshooting the Windows HLK Environment

Provides general troubleshooting information on installing and running HLK environment.

Troubleshooting Windows HLK Test Failures

Provides video demonstrations and troubleshooting information related to all HLK tests.

Windows HLK Support

How to get help from Microsoft.

Additional troubleshooting resources

The following articles provide additional troubleshooting assistance:

Article Description

Bug Check Code Reference

This article provides a list of bug check error codes for kernel debugging.

Debugging Resources

This site provides tools to debug drivers, applications, and services on Windows systems.

Interpreting a Bug Check Code

This article contains information about bug checks when you use a kernel debugger.

Setting Up Kernel-Mode Debugging in Visual Studio or Setting Up Kernel-Mode Debugging Manually

This article describes how to set up kernel debugging

Troubleshooting the Device Fundamentals tests using WDK

This article contains troubleshooting content for device driver developers.

Using KDbgCtrl

This article describes how to use the kernel debugger.

Windows Debugging

This site contains a collection of debuggers and related tools.

Windows Hardware Lab Kit Filters

This site contains the latest Windows HLK filters and kit updates.