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DMSessionActions CSP

The table below shows the applicability of Windows:

Edition Windows 10 Windows 11
Home Yes Yes
Pro Yes Yes
Windows SE No Yes
Business Yes Yes
Enterprise Yes Yes
Education Yes Yes

The DMSessionActions configuration service provider (CSP) is used to manage:

  • the number of sessions the client skips if the device is in a low-power state.
  • which CSP nodes should send an alert back to the server if there were any changes.

This CSP was added in Windows 10, version 1703.

The following example shows the DMSessionActions configuration service provider in tree format.




./Device/Vendor/MSFT/DMSessionActions or ./User/Vendor/MSFT/DMSessionActions Defines the root node for the DMSessionActions configuration service provider.

ProviderID Group settings per device management (DM) server. Each group of settings is distinguished by the Provider ID of the server. It must be the same DM server Provider ID value that was supplied through the w7 APPLICATION configuration service provider XML during the enrollment process. Only one enterprise management server is supported, which means there should be only one ProviderID node under NodeCache.

Scope is dynamic. Supported operations are Get, Add, and Delete.

ProviderID/CheckinAlertConfiguration Node for the custom configuration of alerts to be sent during MDM sync session.

ProviderID/CheckinAlertConfiguration/Nodes Required. Root node for URIs to be queried. Scope is dynamic.

Supported operation is Get.

ProviderID/CheckinAlertConfiguration/Nodes/NodeID Required. Information about each node is stored under NodeID as specified by the server. This value must not contain a comma. Scope is dynamic.

Supported operations are Get, Add, and Delete.

ProviderID/CheckinAlertConfiguration/Nodes/NodeID/NodeURI Required. The value is a complete OMA DM node URI. It can specify either an interior node or a leaf node in the device management tree. Scope is dynamic.

Value type is string.

Supported operations are Add, Get, Replace, and Delete.

AlertData Node to query the custom alert per server configuration

Value type is string.

Supported operation is Get.

PowerSettings Node for power-related configurations.

PowerSettings/MaxSkippedSessionsInLowPowerState Maximum number of continuous skipped sync sessions when the device is in low-power state.

Value type is integer.

Supported operations are Add, Get, Replace, and Delete.

PowerSettings/MaxTimeSessionsSkippedInLowPowerState Maximum time in minutes when the device can skip the check-in with the server if the device is in low-power state.

Value type is integer.

Supported operations are Add, Get, Replace, and Delete.

Configuration service provider reference