This article contains recommendations for devices configured with Assigned Access and Shell Launcher. Most of the recommendations include both group policy (GPO) and configuration service provider (CSP) settings to help you configure your kiosk devices.
Kiosk user account
For kiosks devices located in public-facing environments, configure as a kiosk account a user account with the least privileges, such as a local, standard user account. Using an Active Directory user or Microsoft Entra user might allow an attacker to gain access to domain resources that are accessible to any domain accounts. When using domain accounts with assigned access, proceed with caution. Consider the domain resources potentially exposed by using a domain account.
Automatic sign-in
Consider enabling automatic sign-in for your kiosk device. When the device restarts, from an update or power outage, you can configure the device to sign in with the Assigned Access account automatically. Ensure that policy settings applied to the device don't prevent automatic sign in from working as expected. For example, the policy settings PreferredAadTenantDomainName prevents automatic sign-in from working.
You can configure the Assigned Access and Shell Launcher XML files with an account to sign-in automatically. For more information, review the articles:
Configure your kiosk devices so that they're always up to date, without disrupting the user experience. Here are some policy settings to consider, to configure Windows Update for your kiosk devices:
Integer value. Set to 2: turn off all notifications, including restart warnings
Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Windows Update\Manage end user experience
Display options for update notifications > Set the value to 2 - Turn off all notifications, including restart warnings
Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Windows Update\Manage end user experience\Configure Automatic Updates
4 - Auto download and schedule the install > specify an install time that is outside the active hours
Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Windows Update\Manage end user experience\Turn off autorestart for updates during active hours
Configure the start and end active hours, during which the kiosk device can't restart due to Windows Update
Power settings
You might want to prevent the kiosk device from going to sleep, or prevent users to shut down or restart the kiosk. Here are some options to consider:
String. Set to <Enabled/><Data ID="EnterACStandbyTimeOut" value="0"/>
Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Start Menu and Taskbar\Remove and prevent access to the Shut Down, Restart, Sleep, and Hibernate commands
Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\System\Power Management\Button Settings\Select the Power button action
Select the action: Take no action
Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\System\Power Management\Button Settings\Select the Sleep button action
Select the action: Take no action
Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\System\Power Management\Specify the system sleep timeout
Set the value to 0 seconds.
Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\System\Power Management\Video and Display Settings\Turn off the display
Set the value to 0 seconds.
Computer Configuration\Windows Settings\Security Settings\Local Policies\Security Options\Shutdown: Allow system to be shut down without having to log on
Computer Configuration\Windows Settings\Security Settings\Local Policies\User Rights Assignment\Shut down the system
Remove the users or groups from this policy. To prevent this policy from affecting a member of the Administrators group, be sure to keep the Administrators group.
You can also disable the power button from the security options screen using a feature called Custom Logon. For more information on removing the power button or disabling the physical power button, see Custom Logon.
Keyboard shortcuts
The following keyboard shortcuts aren't blocked for any user account that is configured with a restricted user experience:
Alt + F4
Alt + Tab
Alt + Shift + Tab
Ctrl + Alt + Delete
You can use Keyboard Filter to block the key combinations. Keyboard Filter settings apply to other standard accounts.
Accessibility shortcuts
Assigned access doesn't change accessibility settings. Use Keyboard Filter to block the following key combinations that open accessibility features:
Key combination
Blocked behavior
Left Alt + Left Shift + Print Screen
Open High Contrast dialog box
Left Alt + Left Shift + Num Lock
Open Mouse Keys dialog box
Open the Settings app accessibility panel
If Keyboard Filter is turned ON, then some key combinations are blocked automatically without you having to explicitly block them. For more information, see Keyboard Filter.
You can also disable the accessibility features and other options on the lock screen with Custom Logon. For example, to remove the Accessibility option, use the following registry key:
To create a kiosk experience with Assigned Access, you can choose UWP apps or Microsoft Edge. However, some applications might not provide a good user experience when used as a kiosk.
The following guidelines help you choose an appropriate Windows app for a kiosk experience:
Windows apps must be provisioned or installed for the Assigned Access account before they can be selected as the Assigned Access app. Learn how to provision and install apps
UWP app updates can sometimes change the Application User Model ID (AUMID) of the app. In such scenario, you must update the Assigned Access settings to execute the updated app, because Assigned Access uses the AUMID to determine the app to launch
The app must be able to run above the lock screen. If the app can't run above the lock screen, it can't be used as a kiosk app
Some apps can launch other apps. Assigned Access in kiosk mode prevents Windows apps from launching other apps. Avoid selecting Windows apps that are designed to launch other apps as part of their core functionality
Don't select Windows apps that might expose information you don't want to show in your kiosk, since kiosk usually means anonymous access and locates in a public setting. For example, an app that has a file picker allows the user to gain access to files and folders on the user's system, avoid selecting these types of apps if they provide unnecessary data access
Some apps might require more configurations before they can be used appropriately in Assigned Access. For example, Microsoft OneNote requires you to set up a Microsoft account for the Assigned Access user account before OneNote opens
The kiosk profile is designed for public-facing kiosk devices. Use a local, nonadministrator account. If the device is connected to your organization network, using a domain or Microsoft Entra account could compromise confidential information
When planning to deploy a kiosk or a restricted user experience, consider the following recommendations:
Evaluate all applications that users should use. If applications require user authentication, don't use a local or generic user account. Rather, target the group of users within the Assigned Access configuration file
A multi-app kiosk is appropriate for devices that are shared by multiple people. When you configure a multi-app kiosk, certain policy settings that affect all nonadministrator users on the device. For a list of these policies, see Assigned Access policy settings
Develop your kiosk app
Assigned Access uses the Lock framework. When an Assigned Access user signs in, the selected kiosk app is launched above the lock screen. The kiosk app is running as an above lock screen app. To learn more, see best practices guidance for developing a kiosk app for assigned access.
Stop errors and recovery options
When a stop error occurs, Windows displays a blue screen with a stop error code. You can replace the standard screen with a blank screen for OS errors. For more information, see Configure system failure and recovery options.
Lock screen notifications
Consider removing notifications from the lock screen to prevent users from seeing notifications when the device is locked. Here are some options to consider:
Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\System\Logon\Turn off app notifications on the lock screen
Troubleshooting and logs
When testing Assigned Access, it can be useful to enable logging to help you troubleshoot issues. Logs can help you identify configuration and runtime issues. You can enable the following log: Applications and Services Logs > Microsoft > Windows > AssignedAccess > Operational.
The following registry keys contain the Assigned Access configurations:
Demonstrar os recursos do Microsoft Entra ID para modernizar as soluções de identidade, implementar soluções híbridas e implementar a governança de identidade.
Saiba como configurar uma experiência de quiosque com o Acesso Atribuído com o Fornecedor de serviços de configuração de Acesso Atribuído (CSP), Microsoft Intune, PowerShell ou política de grupo (GPO).
Saiba como configurar uma experiência de utilizador restrita com o Acesso Atribuído com o fornecedor de serviços de configuração de Acesso Atribuído (CSP), o Microsoft Intune, o PowerShell ou a política de grupo (GPO).
Saiba como solucionar problemas de configurações de quiosque de aplicativo único e de vários aplicativos, bem como problemas comuns, como problemas de entrada.