RtmRegisterForChangeNotification function (rtmv2.h)

The RtmRegisterForChangeNotification function informs the routing table manager that the client should receive change notifications for the specified types of changes. The routing table manager returns a change notification handle, which the client must use when requesting change information after receiving a change notification message.


DWORD RtmRegisterForChangeNotification(
  [in]  RTM_ENTITY_HANDLE  RtmRegHandle,
  [in]  RTM_VIEW_SET       TargetViews,
  [in]  RTM_NOTIFY_FLAGS   NotifyFlags,
  [in]  PVOID              NotifyContext,
  [out] PRTM_NOTIFY_HANDLE NotifyHandle


[in] RtmRegHandle

Handle to the client obtained from a previous call to RtmRegisterEntity.

[in] TargetViews

Specifies the views in which to register for change notification.

[in] NotifyFlags

Specifies the flags that indicate the type of changes for which the client requests notification. The following flags are used. (The flags are to be joined using a logical OR.)

Constant Meaning
Notify the client of any change to a destination.
Notify the client of changes to the current best route, or when the best route changes.
Notify the client of any best route changes that affect forwarding, such as next hop changes.
Notify the client of changes to destinations that the client has marked. If this flag is not specified, change notification messages for all destinations are sent.

[in] NotifyContext

Specifies the notification context that the RTM_EVENT_CALLBACK uses to indicate new changes. The notification context is the Context2 parameter of the RTM_EVENT_CALLBACK callback.

[out] NotifyHandle

Receives a handle to a change notification. The handle must be used when calling RtmGetChangedDests.

Return value

If the function succeeds, the return value is NO_ERROR.

If the function fails, the return value is one of the following error codes.

Value Meaning
A parameter contains incorrect information.
There are not enough available system resources to complete this operation. The routing table manager has exceeded the maximum number of change notifications that can be cached.
There is not enough memory to complete this operation.
One or more of the specified views is not supported.


A client calls RtmMarkDestForChangeNotification when it is registering for changes to a specific destination.

The routing table manager uses the RTM_EVENT_CALLBACK callback, specified when the client called RtmRegisterEntity, to notify the client when changes have occurred; the client must call RtmGetChangedDests to receive the actual change information.

For sample code using this function, see Register For Change Notification.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client None supported
Minimum supported server Windows 2000 Server [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header rtmv2.h
Library Rtm.lib
DLL Rtm.dll

See also


