ITAutomatedPhoneControl::SelectCall method (tapi3if.h)

The SelectCall method selects the current phone object onto the Call object pointed to by the pCall parameter.


HRESULT SelectCall(
  [in] ITCallInfo   *pCall,
  [in] VARIANT_BOOL fSelectDefaultTerminals


[in] pCall

Pointer to the ITCallInfo interface.

[in] fSelectDefaultTerminals

If VARIANT_TRUE, use default terminals. For more information, see the following Remarks section.

Return value

If the method succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an error value.


The application must have owner privilege on both the call and the phone for this method to return success. If the phone is not already open with owner privilege, this method fails.

If the fSelectDefaultTerminals parameter is set to VARIANT_TRUE, this method retrieves all the default terminals associated with the phone and attempts to select them on the call. If instantiation of one of the terminals fails, or if selection of one of the terminals on the call fails, then the entire SelectCall method will return failure, and the call will not be selected on the phone. If this is not the required behavior for an application, then the application should pass in VARIANT_FALSE for the fSelectDefaultTerminals parameter and handle terminal selection separately.

On successful completion of this method, the phone object keeps a reference to the call object (that is, it calls the AddRef method on ITCallInfo).

For Windows XP, only one call at a time can be selected on a phone. Future versions of TAPI may support simultaneous selection of multiple calls for use with phones that support multiple call appearances.

Note that a call can be unselected in two ways: (1) the application can invoke ITAutomatedPhoneControl::UnselectCall, or (2) the phone object itself can invoke ITAutomatedPhoneControl::UnselectCall. See the following list for information on when this happens.

After this method completes successfully, the following handling is performed on the selected call:

  • When the phone goes onhook, the phone object calls ITBasicCallControl::Disconnect on any currently handled call that is not already in the CS_DISCONNECTED call state.
  • If a selected call reaches the CS_DISCONNECTED call state, then the phone object automatically unselects the call using the ITAutomatedPhoneControl::UnselectCall method.
  • If the phone is closed, any selected call is automatically unselected from that phone.
  • When the phone goes offhook, or a call is selected when the phone is offhook, the phone object calls ITBasicCallControl::Answer on the currently handled call if it is in the CS_OFFERING call state.
  • The phone object calls ITAutomatedPhoneControl::StartTone( PT_RINGBACK, 0 ) on itself when a call is selected on it in the CS_INPROGRESS call state and the phone is offhook, or when a call that has been selected on the phone enters the CS_INPROGRESS call state and the phone is offhook.
  • The phone object calls ITAutomatedPhoneControl::StopTone on itself when a call is selected on it in the CS_CONNECTED call state, or when a call that has been selected on the phone enters the CS_CONNECTED call state.
  • The phone object calls ITAutomatedPhoneControl::StartRinger( 0, 0 ) on itself when a call is selected on it in the CS_OFFERING, CS_INPROGRESS, or CS_CONNECTED call state and the phone is onhook. This also occurs when a call that has been selected on the phone enters the CS_OFFERING, CS_INPROGRESS, or CS_CONNECTED call state and the phone is onhook.
Depending on the circumstances, the phone object performs one of the following actions when a call is selected on it in the CS_DISCONNECTED call state, or when a call that has been selected on the phone enters the CS_DISCONNECTED call state.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Windows
Header tapi3if.h (include Tapi3.h)
Library Uuid.lib
DLL Tapi3.dll

See also


