IPdfRendererNative::RenderPageToSurface method (windows.data.pdf.interop.h)

Outputs a single page of a Portable Document Format (PDF) file to a Microsoft DirectX image-data object.


HRESULT RenderPageToSurface(
  [in]           IUnknown          *pdfPage,
  [in]           IDXGISurface      *pSurface,
  [in]           POINT             offset,
  [in, optional] PDF_RENDER_PARAMS *pRenderParams


[in] pdfPage

The IPdfPage interface as an instance of the PdfPage class, type-casted to the IUnknown interface, representing the page to be output.

[in] pSurface

An instance of the target image-data object.

[in] offset

An x- and y-coordinate offset within the target image-data object to output the page.

[in, optional] pRenderParams

A set of page output properties, such as rendering only a portion of the page, rendering a scaled version of the page, setting the page's background color, and whether the page is shown in high contrast mode.

Provide a null pointer for this parameter to specify default page output properties. For the list of defaults, see PDF_RENDER_PARAMS.

Return value

This method can return one of these values.

Return code Description
The page output operation succeeded.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 8.1 [UWP apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2012 R2 [UWP apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header windows.data.pdf.interop.h
Library Windows.data.pdf.lib
DLL Windows.Data.Pdf.dll

See also
