The MRTK3 diagnostics package is a collection of subsystems and components to help developers measure and diagnose their mixed reality experiences.
Performance Statistics
One of the most important aspects of a mixed reality experience is performance. Achieving a comfortable frame rate is crucial to the wellbeing of your customer and the success of your experience.
In the past, MRTK combined frame rate and memory utilization statistics in a visual profiler. With MRTK3, the statistics logic and the visualization are separate. Developers now have control over the visualization (if any) that's displayed in their experience. In fact, some developers may wish to forgo the visualization in favor of a log file or custom visual feedback as thresholds are encountered.
The MRTK3 diagnostics package ships with a basic performance statistics visualization SimpleProfiler in MRTK Diagnostics > Visualizations. Under the hood, MRTKPerformanceStatsSubsystem is used to expose performance statistics, including memory usage and frame rate.
Other diagnostics
As MRTK3 evolves, we anticipate that additional diagnostic tools will be written.
The MRTK2 provides a VisualProfiler that renders a graphical representation of application performance. This component is not available in MRTK3. If such a component is desired, an updated version of the VisualProfiler can be found at the VisualProfiler for Unity project on GitHub. The VisualProfiler for Unity project is being maintained by Microsoft, and any future updates to the VisualProfiler can be found at this project.
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