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How to build MSIX package on Linux

The MSIX SDK project includes cross-platform API support for packing and unpacking .msix/.appx packages. The project includes a shared library (.so file) that enables MSIX packages to be packaged on Linux. This library exports a subset of the functionality contained within appxpackaging.dll on Windows.

To learn more about creating, reading and writing an app package, visit the Packaging API page.

Build the MSIX package

On a Linux machine use the following commands to build an MSIX package:

   ./makelinux [options]
   ./makeaosp [options]

Use the MSIX package

After creating your MSIX package on Linux, you have a few options:

  • Distribute your app on the Microsoft Store for business. There is no need to sign it yourself in this case.

  • Use this Azure Dev Ops MSIX Packaging Extension to help sign your package in a Windows agent. A sample pipeline can be found here.

  • Generate the MSIX package on Linux and copy it over to a Windows machine to sign it by using signtool.