Starting in Windows 10, version 1607 (build 14393), Windows 10 allows developers to make stronger guarantees around app updates from the Store. Doing this requires a few simple APIs, creates a consistent and predictable user experience and lets developers to focus on what they do best while allowing Windows to do the heavy lifting.
There are two fundamental ways that app updates can be managed. In both cases, the net result for these methods is the same - the update is applied. However, in one case, you can choose to let the system do all the work while in the other case you might want to have a deeper level of control over the user experience.
Simple updates
First and foremost is the very simple API call that tells the system to check for updates, download them and then request permission from the user to install them. You'll start by using the StoreContext class to get StorePackageUpdate objects, download and install them.
using Windows.Services.Store;
StoreContext updateManager = StoreContext.GetDefault();
IReadOnlyList<StorePackageUpdate> updates = await updateManager.GetAppAndOptionalStorePackageUpdatesAsync();
if (updates.Count > 0)
IAsyncOperationWithProgress<StorePackageUpdateResult, StorePackageUpdateStatus> downloadOperation =
StorePackageUpdateResult result = await downloadOperation.AsTask();
At this point the user has two options they can choose from: apply the update now or defer the update. Whatever choice the user makes will be returned back to via the StorePackageUpdateResult object allowing developers to take further actions such as closing down the app if the update is required to continue or simply trying again later.
Fine-controlled updates
For developers who want to have a completely customized experience, additional APIs are provided which enable more control over the update process. The platform enables you to do the following:
Get progress events on an individual package download or on the whole update.
Apply updates at the user's and app's convenience rather than one or the other.
Developers are able to download updates in the background (while app is in use) then request the user install updates, if they decline, you can simply disable capabilities affected by the update if you choose.
Download updates
StoreContext updateManager = StoreContext.GetDefault();
IReadOnlyList<StorePackageUpdate> updates = await updateManager.GetAppAndOptionalStorePackageUpdatesAsync();
if (updates.Count > 0)
IAsyncOperationWithProgress<StorePackageUpdateResult, StorePackageUpdateStatus> downloadOperation =
downloadOperation.Progress = async (asyncInfo, progress) =>
// Show progress UI
StorePackageUpdateResult result = await downloadOperation.AsTask();
if (result.OverallState == StorePackageUpdateState.Completed)
// Update was downloaded, add logic to request install
Install updates
StoreContext updateManager = StoreContext.GetDefault();
IReadOnlyList<StorePackageUpdate> updates = await updateManager.GetAppAndOptionalStorePackageUpdatesAsync();
// Save app state here
IAsyncOperationWithProgress<StorePackageUpdateResult, StorePackageUpdateStatus> installOperation =
StorePackageUpdateResult result = await installOperation.AsTask();
// Under normal circumstances, app will terminate here// Handle error cases here using StorePackageUpdateResult from above
Making updates mandatory
In some cases, it might actually be desirable to have an update that must be installed to a user's device - making it truly mandatory (e.g. a critical fix to an app that can't wait). In these cases, there are additional measures that you can take to make the update mandatory.
Implement the mandatory update logic in your app code (would need to be done before mandatory update itself).
During submission to the Dev Center, ensure the Make this update mandatory box is selected.
Implementing app code
In order to take full advantage of mandatory updates, you'll need to make some slight modifications to the code above. You'll need to use the StorePackageUpdate object to determine if the update is mandatory.
StoreContext updateManager = StoreContext.GetDefault();
IReadOnlyList<StorePackageUpdate> updates = await updateManager.GetAppAndOptionalStorePackageUpdatesAsync();
if (updates.Count > 0)
foreach (StorePackageUpdate u in updates)
if (u.Mandatory)
Then you'll need to create a custom in app dialog to inform the user that there is a mandatory update and that they must install it to continue full use of the app. If the user declines the update, the app could either degrade functionality (for example, prevent online access) or terminate completely (for example, online-only games).
Partner Center
To ensure the StorePackageUpdate shows true for a mandatory update, you will need to mark the update as mandatory in the Partner Center in the Packages page.
A couple of things to note:
If a device comes back online after a mandatory update has been superseded with another non-mandatory update, the non-mandatory update will still show up on the device as mandatory given the missed update before it was mandatory.
Developer-controlled updates and mandatory updates are currently limited to the Store.