Implement ads in your app


As of June 1, 2020, the Microsoft Ad Monetization platform for Windows UWP apps will be shut down. Learn more

The articles in this section show you how to add banner ads, interstitial ads, and native ads to apps by using the Microsoft Advertising SDK. For complete sample projects, see the advertising samples on GitHub.

In this section

Topic Description
Banner ads Provides instructions for adding a banner ad to your UWP app by using the AdControl class in the Microsoft Advertising SDK.
Interstitial Ads Provides instructions for adding an interstitial ad to your UWP app by using the InterstitialAd class in the Microsoft Advertising SDK.
Native ads Provides instructions for adding a native ad to your UWP app by using the NativeAdsManagerV2 and NativeAdV2 classes in the Microsoft Advertising SDK.
Show ads in video content Provides instructions for showing ads during video content in your UWP app (this feature is currently supported only for apps that are written using JavaScript with HTML).