ID3D10Device1::CreateShaderResourceView1 method (d3d10_1.h)

Create a shader-resource view for accessing data in a resource.


HRESULT CreateShaderResourceView1(
  [in]  ID3D10Resource                         *pResource,
  [in]  const D3D10_SHADER_RESOURCE_VIEW_DESC1 *pDesc,
  [out] ID3D10ShaderResourceView1              **ppSRView


[in] pResource

Type: ID3D10Resource*

Pointer to the resource that will serve as input to a shader. This resource must have been created with the D3D10_BIND_SHADER_RESOURCE flag.

[in] pDesc


Pointer to a shader-resource-view description (see D3D10_SHADER_RESOURCE_VIEW_DESC1). Set this parameter to NULL to create a view that accesses the entire resource (using the format the resource was created with).

[out] ppSRView

Type: ID3D10ShaderResourceView1**

Address of a pointer to a shader-resource view (see ID3D10ShaderResourceView1 Interface). Set this parameter to NULL to validate the other input parameters (the method will return S_FALSE if the other input parameters pass validation).

Return value


This method returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.


A resource is made up of one or more subresources, a view identifies which subresources to allow the pipeline to access. In addition, each resource is bound to the pipeline using a view. A shader-resource view is designed to bind any buffer or texture resource to the shader stages using the following API methods: VSSetShaderResources, GSSetShaderResources and PSSetShaderResources.

Since a view is fully typed, this means that typeless resources become fully typed when bound to the pipeline.

This method requires Windows Vista Service Pack 1.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Windows
Header d3d10_1.h

See also

ID3D10Device1 Interface