IInkEdit::get_SelInks method (inked.h)

Gets or sets the array of embedded InkDisp objects (if displayed as ink) in the current selection.

This property is read/write.


HRESULT get_SelInks(
  VARIANT *pSelInk



Return value



Ink must be recognized before being accessed through this property. If it is not recognized first, the SelInks property always contains zero InkDisp objects. You must either call the Recognize method (if the RecognitionTimeout property equals 0) or wait until the ink is automatically recognized (when the value of the RecognitionTimeout property is greater than 0) to access ink through this property.

The InkEdit control ignores any InkDrawingAttributes on ink set through the SelInks property. Instead, the InkEdit control applies alternate drawing attributes according to the attributes of nearby text.

This property is run time only.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows XP Tablet PC Edition [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server None supported
Target Platform Windows
Header inked.h
Library InkEd.dll

See also


InkDisp Class


RecoTimeout Property

Recognize Method [InkEdit Control]