IAlertDataCollector::get_TaskUserTextArguments method (pla.h)

Retrieves or sets the command-line arguments to pass to the Task Scheduler job specified in the IAlertDataCollector::Task property.

This property is read/write.


HRESULT get_TaskUserTextArguments(
  BSTR *task



Return value



These arguments are included in the command-line arguments passed to the Task Scheduler job only if the IAlertDataCollector::TaskArguments property includes the {usertext} substitution variable.

PLA provides the following substitution variables that you can include in your arguments string. PLA provides the values for the substitution variables when the alert is triggered. You do not escape the braces.

Variable Description
{counter} Path of the performance counter that crossed the threshold.
{date} Time that the threshold was crossed.
{name} Name of the alert data collector.
{threshold} Value of the threshold.
{value} Value of the performance counter.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header pla.h
DLL Pla.dll

See also
