IBackgroundCopyCallback1::OnStatus method (qmgr.h)

[IBackgroundCopyCallback1 is available for use in the operating systems specified in the Requirements section. It may be altered or unavailable in subsequent versions. Instead, use the BITS interfaces.]

Implement the OnStatus method to receive notification when the group is complete or an error occurs.


  [in] IBackgroundCopyGroup *pGroup,
  [in] IBackgroundCopyJob1  *pJob,
  [in] DWORD                dwFileIndex,
  [in] DWORD                dwStatus,
  [in] DWORD                dwNumOfRetries,
  [in] DWORD                dwWin32Result,
  [in] DWORD                dwTransportResult


[in] pGroup

Interface pointer to the group that generated the event.

[in] pJob

Interface pointer to the job associated with the event or NULL if the event is not associated with a job.

[in] dwFileIndex

Index to the file associated with the error or -1. To retrieve the file, call the IBackgroundCopyJob1::GetFile method.

[in] dwStatus

The state of the group. The state of the group is either complete (all jobs in the group have been downloaded) or in error. An error occurred if the QM_STATUS_GROUP_ERROR flag is set. Otherwise, the group is complete.

[in] dwNumOfRetries

Number of times QMGR tried to download the group after an error occurs. Valid only if the QM_STATUS_GROUP_ERROR dwStatus flag is set.

[in] dwWin32Result

Win32 error code. Valid only if the QM_STATUS_GROUP_ERROR dwStatus flag is set.

[in] dwTransportResult

HTTP error code. Valid only if the QM_STATUS_GROUP_ERROR dwStatus flag is set.

Return value

This method should return S_OK; otherwise, the service continues to call this method until S_OK is returned. The interval at which the implementation is called is arbitrary.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows XP
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2003
Target Platform Windows
Header qmgr.h

See also
