IBrowserService::GetHistoryObject method (shdeprecated.h)

Deprecated. Retrieves an IOleObject that represents the browser's history object.


HRESULT GetHistoryObject(
  [out] IOleObject **ppole,
  [out] IStream    **pstm,
  [out] IBindCtx   **ppbc


[out] ppole

Type: IOleObject**

The address of a pointer to an IOleObject that represents the browser's history object.

[out] pstm

Type: IStream**

The address of a pointer to the history object's IStream. This parameter may be NULL.

[out] ppbc

Type: IBindCtx**

The address of a pointer to the history object stream's IBindCtx. This parameter may be NULL.

Return value


If this method succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code.


If pstm is not NULL, you can call QueryInterface on IOleObject to get a pointer to IPersistHistory.

IStream and IBindCtx can be passed to IPersistHistory::LoadHistory.

The calling application must release all three pointers if non-NULL.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Windows
Header shdeprecated.h