WinBioAsyncOpenFramework function (winbio.h)

Opens a handle to the biometric framework. Starting with Windows 10, build 1607, this function is available to use with a mobile image. You can use this handle to asynchronously enumerate biometric units, databases, and service providers and to receive asynchronous notification when biometric units are attached to the computer or removed.


HRESULT WinBioAsyncOpenFramework(
  [in]           WINBIO_ASYNC_NOTIFICATION_METHOD  NotificationMethod,
  [in, optional] HWND                              TargetWindow,
  [in, optional] UINT                              MessageCode,
  [in, optional] PWINBIO_ASYNC_COMPLETION_CALLBACK CallbackRoutine,
  [in, optional] PVOID                             UserData,
  [in]           BOOL                              AsynchronousOpen,
  [out]          WINBIO_FRAMEWORK_HANDLE           *FrameworkHandle


[in] NotificationMethod

Specifies how completion notifications for asynchronous operations in this framework session are to be delivered to the client application. This must be one of the following values.

Value Meaning
The framework invokes the callback function defined by the application.
The framework posts a window message to the application's message queue.

[in, optional] TargetWindow

Handle of the window that will receive the completion notices. This value is ignored unless the NotificationMethod parameter is set to WINBIO_ASYNC_NOTIFY_MESSAGE.

[in, optional] MessageCode

Window message code the framework must send to signify completion notices. This value is ignored unless the NotificationMethod parameter is set to WINBIO_ASYNC_NOTIFY_MESSAGE. The value must be within the range WM_APP (0x8000) to 0xBFFF.

The Windows Biometric Framework sets the LPARAM value of the message to the address of the WINBIO_ASYNC_RESULT structure that contains the results of the operation. You must call WinBioFree to release the structure after you have finished using it.

[in, optional] CallbackRoutine

Address of the callback routine to be invoked for completion notices. This value is ignored unless the NotificationMethod parameter is set to WINBIO_ASYNC_NOTIFY_CALLBACK.

[in, optional] UserData

Address of a buffer supplied by the caller. The buffer is not modified by the framework or the biometric unit. It is returned in the WINBIO_ASYNC_RESULT structure. Your application can use the data to help it determine what actions to perform upon receipt of the completion notice or to maintain additional information about the requested operation.

[in] AsynchronousOpen

Specifies whether to block until the framework session has been opened. Specifying FALSE causes the process to block. Specifying TRUE causes the session to be opened asynchronously.

If you specify FALSE to open the framework session synchronously, success or failure is returned to the caller directly by this function in the HRESULT return value. If the session is opened successfully, the first asynchronous completion event your application receives will be for an asynchronous operation requested after the framework has been open.

If you specify TRUE to open the framework session asynchronously, the first asynchronous completion notice received will be for opening the framework. If the NotificationMethod parameter is set to WINBIO_ASYNC_NOTIFY_CALLBACK, operation results are delivered to the WINBIO_ASYNC_RESULT structure in the callback function specified by the CallbackRoutine parameter. If the NotificationMethod parameter is set to WINBIO_ASYNC_NOTIFY_MESSAGE, operation results are delivered to the WINBIO_ASYNC_RESULT structure pointed to by the LPARAM field of the window message.

[out] FrameworkHandle

If the function does not succeed, this parameter will be NULL.

If the session is opened synchronously and successfully, this parameter will contain a pointer to the session handle.

If you specify that the session be opened asynchronously, this method returns immediately, the session handle will be NULL, and you must examine the WINBIO_ASYNC_RESULT structure to determine whether the session was successfully opened.

Return value

If the function succeeds, it returns S_OK. If the function fails, it returns an HRESULT value that indicates the error. Possible values include, but are not limited to, those in the following table. For a list of common error codes, see Common HRESULT Values.

Return code Description
There is not enough memory available to create the framework session.
If you set the notification method to WINBIO_ASYNC_NOTIFY_MESSAGE, the TargetWindow parameter cannot be NULL or HWND_BROADCAST and the MessageCode parameter cannot be zero (0).
The FrameworkHandle parameter and the AsynchronousOpen parameter must be set.

If you set the notification method to WINBIO_ASYNC_NOTIFY_CALLBACK, you must also specify the address of a callback function in the CallbackRoutine parameter.


The framework handle returned by the WinBioAsyncOpenFramework function can be used to generate asynchronous completion notifications for the following functions:

The AsynchronousOpen parameter determines only whether the open operation will block. This parameter has no effect on the completion behavior of subsequent calls that use the session handle.

If you set the AsynchronousOpen parameter to TRUE, this function will return S_OK as soon as it has performed an initial validation of the arguments. Any errors detected beyond that point will be reported to the caller using the method specified by the NotificationMethod parameter. That is, a successful return value indicates only that the WinBioAsyncOpenFramework parameters were fine and not that the open operation succeeded. To determine whether the open operation succeeded, you must examine the WINBIO_ASYNC_RESULT structure.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 8 [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2012 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header winbio.h (include Winbio.h)
Library Winbio.lib
DLL Winbio.dll

See also
