GetDisplayAutoRotationPreferencesByProcessId function (winuser.h)

Retrieves the screen auto-rotation preferences for the process indicated by the dwProcessId parameter.


BOOL GetDisplayAutoRotationPreferencesByProcessId(
  [in]  DWORD                  dwProcessId,
  [out] ORIENTATION_PREFERENCE *pOrientation,
  [out] BOOL                   *fRotateScreen


[in] dwProcessId

The process to get preference settings for.

[out] pOrientation

Pointer to a location in memory that will receive the current orientation preference setting for the indicated process.

[out] fRotateScreen

Pointer to a location in memory that will receive a TRUE or FALSE value indicating whether the screen was rotated to comply with the process orientation preferences.

Return value

TRUE if the method succeeds, otherwise FALSE.

Applications should use GetDisplayAutoRotationPreferences to retrieve their auto-rotation preferences instead of using this API. For an example, see GetDisplayAutoRotationPreferences.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Windows
Header winuser.h
DLL Kernel.dll