X3DAudioInitialize function (x3daudio.h)

Sets all global 3D audio constants.


X3DAUDIO_API_(HRESULT) X3DAudioInitialize(
  [in]  UINT32          SpeakerChannelMask,
  [in]  FLOAT32         SpeedOfSound,
  [out] X3DAUDIO_HANDLE Instance


[in] SpeakerChannelMask

Assignment of channels to speaker positions. This value must not be zero. The only permissible value on Xbox 360 is SPEAKER_XBOX.

[in] SpeedOfSound

Speed of sound, in user-defined world units per second. Use this value only for doppler calculations. It must be greater than or equal to FLT_MIN.

[out] Instance

3D audio instance handle. Use this handle when you call X3DAudioCalculate.

Return value

This function does not return a value.


X3DAUDIO_HANDLE is an opaque data structure. Because the operating system doesn't allocate any additional storage for the 3D audio instance handle, you don't need to free or close it.

Platform Requirements

Windows 10 (XAudio2.9); Windows 8, Windows Phone 8 (XAudio 2.8); DirectX SDK (XAudio 2.7)

Windows Phone 8.1: This API is supported.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Windows
Header x3daudio.h
Library XAudio2.lib

See also
