DNS WMI Provider Samples—Managing DNS Resource Records
This section demonstrates scripting tasks associated with managing DNS resource records. The links below jump to subroutines in the script file.
- List resource records
- Add a resource record
- Delete a resource record
- Modify a resource record
- Connect to the DNS WMI Provider
The general implementation of the script is as follows:
- A class is created for each resource record type.
- Resource record data is provided through user command-line inputs and DNS WMI Provider information for each record type class.
- Common functions such as list, delete, and modify are created and can be used on individual resource record type classes.
This code example shows tasks associated with Managing DNS resource records.
'* File: DnsResource.vbs
'* Main Function: Gets DNS Resource Record Data.
'Define constants
'Declare variables
Dim intOpMode, i, intCount
Dim strServer, strUserName, strPassword, strOutputFile
Dim blnContextHelp
Dim strOwner, strZone, strDomain, strRecordDAta
Dim intTTL
Dim ObjService, objOutputFile
Dim cResource
' Ensure the host is script, If not then abort
'Parse the command line
intOpMode = intParseCmdLine(strServer , _
strUserName , _
strPassword , _
strOutputFile , _
strDomain , _
cResource , _
blnContextHelp )
Select Case intOpMode
Call ShowUsage()
Call DnsList(strServer , _
strUserName , _
strPassword , _
strOutputFile , _
strDomain , _
cResource , _
blnContextHelp )
Call DnsCreate(strServer , _
strUserName , _
strPassword , _
strOutputFile , _
cResource , _
blnContextHelp )
Call DnsDelete(strServer , _
strUserName , _
strPassword , _
strOutputFile , _
cResource , _
blnContextHelp )
Case CONST_Modify
Call DnsModify(strServer , _
strUserName , _
strPassword , _
strOutputFile , _
cResource , _
blnContextHelp )
Call Wscript.Echo("Error occurred in passing parameters.")
Case Else 'Default -- should never happen
Call Wscript.Echo("Error occurred in passing parameters.")
End Select
'* End of Script
'* Classes
Class A_RecordData
Public strContainerName
Public strDnsServerName
Public strDomainName
Public strOwnerName
Public strTTL
Public strRecordData
Public strText
Public strRelPath
Public strClassType
Public strClass
Public intParseArguments
Public strModifyPropertyArray()
'Class Constructor
Sub Class_Initialize
strClassType = "A"
intParseArguments = 2
strClass = "MicrosoftDNS_AType"
ReDim strModifyPropertyArray(1,1)
End Sub
'Help for this Resource Record.
Public Function AddHelp
Call ClassHelp("Adds an A (Host) Record to a Zone.", _
" DnsResource /Add A <zone> <host> <ipaddress>", _
" host A host name." & vbCRLF & _
" ipaddress The IP Address for the host.", _
" DnsResource.vbs /Add A Example.microsoft.com MyHost.MyDomain " _
& "" & vbCRLF & _
" Creates an A record in " & _
"Example.microsoft.com, " & _
"in the MyDomain domain, with the " _
& "name MyHost.")
AddHelp = 1
End Function
Public Function DeleteHelp
Call ClassHelp("Deletes an A (Host) Record from a Zone.", _
" DnsResource /Delete A <zone> <host> <ipaddress>", _
" host A host name." & vbCRLF & _
" ipaddress The IP Address for the host.",
" DnsResource.vbs /Delete A Example.microsoft.com " & _
" MyHost.MyDomain" & vbCRLF & _
" Deletes the A record in Example.microsoft.com, in the" & _
" MyDomain domain, with the name MyHost.")
DeleteHelp = 1
End Function
Public Function ModifyHelp
Call ClassHelp("Modifies an A (Host) Record.", _
" DnsResource /Modify A <zone> <host> ", & _
"<ipaddress> [<property> <value>] [...]", _
" property Valid Properties are:" & vbCRLF & _
" IPAddress" & vbCRLF & _
" TTL" & vbCRLF & _
" value The new value for the listed property." & _
" host A host name." & vbCRLF & _
" ipaddress The IP Address for the host.", _
" DnsResource.vbs /Modify A Example.microsoft.com " _
& "MyHost.MyDomain " _
& "IPAddress " _
& "TTL 7200" & vbCRLF & _
" Modifies an A record's ip address and TTL.")
ModifyHelp = 1
End Function
'Fill in Class properties from Parse Data
Public Function PopulateClass(strArgArray)
strContainerName = strArgArray(0)
strOwnerName = strFindFQDNOwnerName(strContainerName, _
strRecordData = strArgArray(2)
strText = strOwnername & " IN A " & strRecordData
End Function
'Update Class Properties from a object
Public Function UpdateProperties(objDNS)
'On Error Resume Next
strContainerName = objDNS.ContainerName
strDNSServerName = objDNS.DNSServerName
strDomainName = objDNS.DomainName
strOwnername = objDNS.OwnerName
strTTL = objDNS.TTL
strRecordData = objDNS.RecordData
strText = objDns.TextRepresentation
strRelPath = objDns.Path_.Relpath
If blnErrorOccurred("Error while updating properties.") then
UpdateProperties = 1
UpdateProperties = 0
End If
End Function
'Display Class Properties to screen
Public Function DisplayProperties
Call WriteLine(" Host Name : " & strOwnerName, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" IP Address : " & strRecordData, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" DNS Server : " & strDNSServerName, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" Zone : " & strContainerName, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" Domain : " & strDomainName,objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" TTL : " & strTTL, objOutputFile)
DisplayProperties = 0
End Function
'Find the Class Instance based on current Class property Data
Public Function GetInstanceFromQuery
'On Error Resume Next
Dim strQuery
Dim objQuery, objInst
Dim intReturn
strQuery = strStandardQuery(strClass, strContainerName, _
strDnsServerName, strDomainName, _
strOwnerName, strTTL)
If Not IsEmpty(strRecordData) then
strQuery = strQuery & _
" RecordData=""" & strRecordData & """ and"
End If
strQuery = Left(strQuery,Len(strQuery)-4)
Set objQuery = objService.ExecQuery(strQuery)
If objQuery.Count <> 1 then
GetInstanceFromQuery = objQuery.Count
GetInstanceFromQuery = 1
For Each objInst in objQuery
intReturn = UpdateProperties(objInst)
End If
If blnErrorOccurred("Error while finding Resource Record") _
End If
End Function
'Modify the Record
Public Function Modify
'On Error Resume Next
Dim objDns, objMethod, objInParam, objOutParam
Dim intReturn
Set objDNS = objService.Get(strRelPath)
Set objMethod = objDNS.Methods_("Modify")
Set objInParam = objMethod.inParameters.SpawnInstance_()
For I = 0 to 1
If Not IsEmpty(strModifyPropertyArray(I,0)) Then
Select Case LCase(strModifyPropertyArray(I,0))
Case "ttl"
objInParam.TTL = strModifyPropertyArray(I,1)
Case "ipaddress"
objInParam.IPAddress = _
Case else
Modify = True
Call WriteLine(strModifyPropertyArray(I,0) _
& " is not a valid property.",
Exit Function
End Select
End If
Set objOutParam = objDNS.ExecMethod_("Modify", ObjInParam)
Set objDNS = objService.Get(objOutParam.RR)
If UpdateProperties(objDNS) = 1 then
Modify = 1
Exit Function
End If
intReturn = DisplayProperties
If blnErrorOccurred("Modifing Resource Record") then
Modify = 1
Modify = 0
End If
End Function
End Class
Class CNAME_RecordData
Public strContainerName
Public strDnsServerName
Public strDomainName
Public strOwnerName
Public strTTL
Public strRecordData
Public strText
Public strRelPath
Public strClassType
Public strClass
Public intParseArguments
Public strModifyPropertyArray()
'Class Constructor
Sub Class_Initialize
strClassType = "CNAME"
intParseArguments = 2
strClass = "MicrosoftDNS_CNAMEType"
ReDim strModifyPropertyArray(1,1)
End Sub
'Help for this Resource Record.
Public Function AddHelp
Call ClassHelp("Adds a CNAME (Alias) Record to a Zone.", _
" DnsResource /Add CNAME <zone> <alias> " _
&"<host>", _
" alias Alias name." & vbCRLF & _
" host Name of the host.", _
" DnsResource.vbs /Add CNAME " _
&"Example.microsoft.com www.MyDomain " _
&"MyHost.MyDomain" & vbCRLF & _
" Creates an alias for MyHost called " _
& "www in the MyDomain.Example.microsoft.com" _
&" domain.")
AddHelp = 1
End Function
Public Function DeleteHelp
Call ClassHelp("Deletes a /Delete CNAME Record from " _
& "a Zone.", _
" DnsResource /Add CNAME <zone> <alias> " _
& "<host>", _
" alias Alias name." & vbCRLF & _
" host Name of the host.", _
" DnsResource.vbs /Delete CNAME " & _
"Example.microsoft.com www.MyDomain " _
"MyHost.MyDomain" & vbCRLF & _
" Deletes the alias for MyHost called " _
& "www in the MyDomain.Example.microsoft.com" _
& "domain.")
DeleteHelp = 1
End Function
Public Function ModifyHelp
Call ClassHelp("Modifies a CNAME (Alias) Record.", _
" DnsResource /Modify CNAME <zone> <alias> " _
& " <host> [<property> <value>] [...]", _
" property Valid Properties are:" & _
vbCRLF & _
" Host" & vbCRLF & _
" TTL" & vbCRLF & _
" value The new value for the " _
& "listed property." & vbCRLF & _
" alias Alias name." & vbCRLF & _
" host Name of the host.", _
" DnsResource.vbs /Modify CNAME " _
& "Example.microsoft.com www.MyDomain " _
& "MyHost.MyDomain ttl 7400" & vbCRLF & _
" Modifies the alias' TTL value to 7400.")
ModifyHelp = 1
End Function
'Fill in Class properties from Parse Data
Public Function PopulateClass(strArgArray)
strContainerName = strArgArray(0)
strOwnerName = strFindFQDNOwnerName(strContainerName, _
strRecordData = strFindFQDNOwnerName(strContainerName, _
strText = strOwnername & " IN CNAME " & strRecordData
End Function
'Update Class Properties from a object
Public Function UpdateProperties(objDNS)
'On Error Resume Next
strContainerName = objDNS.ContainerName
strDNSServerName = objDNS.DNSServerName
strDomainName = objDNS.DomainName
strOwnername = objDNS.OwnerName
strTTL = objDNS.TTL
strRecordData = objDNS.RecordData
strText = objDns.TextRepresentation
strRelPath = objDns.Path_.Relpath
If blnErrorOccurred("Error while updating properties.") then
UpdateProperties = 1
UpdateProperties = 0
End If
End Function
'Display Class Properties to screen
Public Function DisplayProperties
Call WriteLine(" Alias Name : " & strOwnerName, _
Call WriteLine(" Host Name : " & strRecordData, _
Call WriteLine(" DNS Server : " & strDNSServerName, _
Call WriteLine(" Zone : " & strContainerName, _
Call WriteLine(" Domain : " & strDomainName, _
Call WriteLine(" TTL : " & strTTL, objOutputFile)
DisplayProperties = 0
End Function
'Find the Class Instance based on current Class property Data
Public Function GetInstanceFromQuery
'On Error Resume Next
Dim strQuery
Dim objQuery, objInst
Dim intReturn
strQuery = strStandardQuery(strClass, strContainerName,_
strDnsServerName, strDomainName, _
strOwnerName, strTTL)
If Not IsEmpty(strRecordData) then
strQuery = strQuery & _
" RecordData=""" & strRecordData & """ and"
End If
strQuery = Left(strQuery,Len(strQuery)-4)
Set objQuery = objService.ExecQuery(strQuery)
If objQuery.Count <> 1 then
GetInstanceFromQuery = objQuery.Count
GetInstanceFromQuery = 1
For Each objInst in objQuery
intReturn = UpdateProperties(objInst)
End If
If blnErrorOccurred("Error while finding Resource Record") _
End If
End Function
'Modify the Record
Public Function Modify
'On Error Resume Next
Dim objDns, objMethod, objInParam, objOutParam
Dim intReturn
Set objDNS = objService.Get(strRelPath)
Set objMethod = objDNS.Methods_("Modify")
Set objInParam = objMethod.inParameters.SpawnInstance_()
For I = 0 to 1
If Not IsEmpty(strModifyPropertyArray(I,0)) Then
Select Case LCase(strModifyPropertyArray(I,0))
Case "ttl"
objInParam.TTL = strModifyPropertyArray(I,1)
Case "host"
objInParam.PrimaryName = _
Case else
Modify = True
Call WriteLine(strModifyPropertyArray(I,0) _
& " is not a valid property.", _
Exit Function
End Select
End If
Set objOutParam = objDNS.ExecMethod_("Modify", ObjInParam)
Set objDNS = objService.Get(objOutParam.RR)
If UpdateProperties(objDNS) = 1 then
Modify = 1
Exit Function
End If
intReturn = DisplayProperties
If blnErrorOccurred("Modifing Resource Record") then
Modify = 1
Modify = 0
End If
End Function
End Class
Class MX_RecordData
Public strContainerName
Public strDnsServerName
Public strDomainName
Public strOwnerName
Public strTTL
Public strRecordData
Public strPreference
Public strText
Public strRelPath
Public strClassType
Public strClass
Public intParseArguments
Public strModifyPropertyArray()
'Class Constructor
Sub Class_Initialize
strClassType = "MX"
intParseArguments = 3
strClass = "MicrosoftDNS_MXType"
ReDim strModifyPropertyArray(2,1)
End Sub
'Help for this Resource Record.
Public Function AddHelp
Call ClassHelp("Adds a MX (Mail Exchange) Record " _
& "to a Zone.", _
" DnsResource /Add MX <zone> " _
& "<recordname> <mailexchange> <preference>", _
" recordname Name for the MX record." _
& vbCRLF & _
" mailexchange Name of the mail server." _
& vbCRLF & _
" preference The preference given " _
& "to this MX record over others (Low values " _
& "are preferred).", _
" DnsResource.vbs /Add MX Example.microsoft.com" _
& " @ Mail 10" & vbCRLF & _
" Creates a MX Record that sends mail addressed" _
& " to Example.microsoft.com to the host " _
& "Mail.Example.microsoft.com.")
AddHelp = 1
End Function
Public Function DeleteHelp
Call ClassHelp("Deletes a MX (Mail Exchange) Record from a Zone.", _
" DnsResource /DeleteMX <zone> <recordname>" _
& " <mailexchange> <preference>", _
" recordname Name for the MX record." _
& vbCRLF & _
" mailexchange Name of the mail server." _
& vbCRLF & _
" preference The preference given to " _
& "this MX record over others (Low values " _
& "are preferred).", _
" DnsResource.vbs /Delete MX " _
& "Example.microsoft.com Example.microsoft.com " _
& "Mail.Example.microsoft.com 10" & vbCRLF & _
" Deletes the MX Record that sends mail " _
& "addressed to Example.microsoft.com to " _
& "the host Mail.Example.microsoft.com.")
DeleteHelp = 1
End Function
Public Function ModifyHelp
Call ClassHelp("Modifies a MX (Mail Exchange) Record.", _
" DnsResource /Modify MX <zone> <zone> <recordname> <mailexchange> <preference> [<property> <value>] [...]", _
" property Valid Properties are:" & vbCRLF & _
" recordname" & vbCRLF & _
" mailexchange" & vbCRLF & _
" preference" & vbCRLF & _
" value The new value for the listed property." & vbCRLF & _
" recordname Name for the MX record." & vbCRLF & _
" mailexchange Name of the mail server." & vbCRLF & _
" preference The preference given to this MX record over others (Low values are preferred).", _
" DnsResource.vbs /Modify MX Example.microsoft.com Example.microsoft.com Mail.Example.microsoft.com 10 preference 90" & vbCRLF & _
" Modifies the MX record's TTL preference to 90.")
ModifyHelp = 1
End Function
'Fill in Class properties from Parse Data
Public Function PopulateClass(strArgArray)
strContainerName = strArgArray(0)
strOwnerName = strFindFQDNOwnerName(strContainerName, strArgArray(1))
strRecordData = strFindFQDNOwnerName(strContainerName, strArgArray(2))
strPreference = strArgArray(3)
strText = strOwnername & " IN MX " & strPreference & " " & strRecordData
End Function
'Update Class Properties from a object
Public Function UpdateProperties(objDNS)
'On Error Resume Next
strContainerName = objDNS.ContainerName
strDNSServerName = objDNS.DNSServerName
strDomainName = objDNS.DomainName
strOwnername = objDNS.OwnerName
strTTL = objDNS.TTL
strRecordData = objDNS.MailExchange
strPreference = objDNS.Preference
strText = objDns.TextRepresentation
strRelPath = objDns.Path_.Relpath
If blnErrorOccurred("Error while updating properties.") then
UpdateProperties = 1
UpdateProperties = 0
End If
End Function
'Display Class Properties to screen
Public Function DisplayProperties
Call WriteLine(" Record Name : " & strOwnerName, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" Mail Exchange : " & strRecordData, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" Preference : " & strPreference, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" DNS Server : " & strDNSServerName, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" Zone : " & strContainerName, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" Domain : " & strDomainName, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" TTL : " & strTTL, objOutputFile)
DisplayProperties = 0
End Function
'Find the Class Instance based on current Class property Data
Public Function GetInstanceFromQuery
'On Error Resume Next
Dim strQuery
Dim objQuery, objInst
Dim intReturn
strQuery = strStandardQuery(strClass, strContainerName, strDnsServerName, strDomainName, strOwnerName, strTTL)
If Not IsEmpty(strRecordData) then
strQuery = strQuery & " MailExchange=""" & strRecordData & """ and"
End If
If Not IsEmpty(strPreference) then
strQuery = strQuery & " Preference=""" & strPreference & """ and"
End If
strQuery = Left(strQuery,Len(strQuery)-4)
Set objQuery = objService.ExecQuery(strQuery)
If objQuery.Count <> 1 then
GetInstanceFromQuery = objQuery.Count
GetInstanceFromQuery = 1
For Each objInst in objQuery
intReturn = UpdateProperties(objInst)
End If
If blnErrorOccurred("Error while finding Resource Record") Then
End If
End Function
'Modify the Record
Public Function Modify
'On Error Resume Next
Dim objDns, objMethod, objInParam, objOutParam
Dim intReturn
Set objDNS = objService.Get(strRelPath)
Set objMethod = objDNS.Methods_("Modify")
Set objInParam = objMethod.inParameters.SpawnInstance_()
For I = 0 to 2
If Not IsEmpty(strModifyPropertyArray(I,0)) Then
Select Case LCase(strModifyPropertyArray(I,0))
Case "ttl"
objInParam.TTL = strModifyPropertyArray(I,1)
Case "mailexchange"
objInParam.MailExchange = strModifyPropertyArray(I,1)
Case "preference"
objInParam.Preference = strModifyPropertyArray(I,1)
Case else
Modify = True
Call WriteLine(strModifyPropertyArray(I,0) & " is not a valid property.", objOutputFile)
Exit Function
End Select
End If
Set objOutParam = objDNS.ExecMethod_("Modify", ObjInParam)
Set objDNS = objService.Get(objOutParam.RR)
If UpdateProperties(objDNS) = 1 then
Modify = 1
Exit Function
End If
intReturn = DisplayProperties
If blnErrorOccurred("Modifing Resource Record") then
Modify = 1
Modify = 0
End If
End Function
End Class
Class SOA_RecordData
Public strContainerName
Public strDnsServerName
Public strDomainName
Public strOwnerName
Public strExpireLimit
Public strMinimumTTL
Public strPrimaryServer
Public strRefreshInterval
Public strResponsibleParty
Public strRetryDelay
Public strSerialNumber
Public strTTL
Public strText
Public strRelPath
Public strClassType
Public strClass
Public intParseArguments
Public strModifyPropertyArray()
'Class Constructor
Sub Class_Initialize
strClassType = "SOA"
intParseArguments = 0
strClass = "MicrosoftDNS_SOAType"
ReDim strModifyPropertyArray(7,1)
End Sub
'Help for this Resource Record.
Public Function ModifyHelp
Call ClassHelp("Modifies a SOA (Start Of Authority) Record.", _
" DnsResource /Modify SOA <zone> [<property> <value>] [...]", _
" property Valid Properties are:" & vbCRLF & _
" expirelimit" & vbCRLF & _
" minimumttl" & vbCRLF & _
" primaryserver" & vbCRLF & _
" refreshinterval" & vbCRLF & _
" responsibleparty" & vbCRLF & _
" retrydelay" & vbCRLF & _
" serialnumber" & vbCRLF & _
" ttl" & vbCRLF & _
" value The new value for the listed property." , _
" DnsResource.vbs /Modify Example.microsoft.com SOA expirelimit 70000 retrydelay 500" & vbCRLF & _
" Modifies the SOA record's expire limit and retry delay properties.")
ModifyHelp = 1
End Function
'Fill in Class properties from Parse Data
Public Function PopulateClass(strArgArray)
strContainerName = strArgArray(0)
End Function
'Update Class Properties from a object
Public Function UpdateProperties(objDNS)
'On Error Resume Next
strContainerName = objDNS.ContainerName
strDNSServerName = objDNS.DNSServerName
strDomainName = objDNS.DomainName
strOwnername = objDNS.OwnerName
strTTL = objDNS.TTL
strExpireLimit = objDNS.ExpireLimit
strMinimumTTL = objDns.MinimumTTL
strPrimaryServer = objDns.PrimaryServer
strRefreshInterval = objDns.RefreshInterval
strRetryDelay = objDns.RetryDelay
strSerialNumber = objDns.SerialNumber
strText = objDns.TextRepresentation
strRelPath = objDns.Path_.Relpath
If blnErrorOccurred("Error while updating properties.") then
UpdateProperties = 1
UpdateProperties = 0
End If
End Function
'Display Class Properties to screen
Public Function DisplayProperties
Call WriteLine(" Expire Limit : " & strExpireLimit, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" Minimum TTL : " & strMinimumTTL, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" Primary Server : " & strPrimaryServer, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" Refresh Interval : " & strRefreshInterval, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" Responsible Party : " & strDNSServerName, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" Retry Delay : " & strRetryDelay, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" Serial Number : " & strSerialNumber, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" TTL : " & strTTL, objOutputFile)
DisplayProperties = 0
End Function
'Find the Class Instance based on current Class property Data
Public Function GetInstanceFromQuery
'On Error Resume Next
Dim strQuery
Dim objQuery, objInst
Dim intReturn
strQuery = "Select * From MicrosoftDNS_SOAtype Where"
If Not IsEmpty(strContainerName) then
strQuery = strQuery & " ContainerName=""" & strContainerName & """ and"
End If
If Not IsEmpty(strDnsServerName) then
strQuery = strQuery & " DnsServerName=""" & strDnsServerName & """ and"
End If
strQuery = Left(strQuery,Len(strQuery)-4)
Set objQuery = objService.ExecQuery(strQuery)
If objQuery.Count <> 1 then
GetInstanceFromQuery = objQuery.Count
GetInstanceFromQuery = 1
For Each objInst in objQuery
intReturn = UpdateProperties(objInst)
End If
If blnErrorOccurred("Error while finding Resource Record") Then
End If
End Function
'Modify the Record
Public Function Modify
'On Error Resume Next
Dim objDns, objMethod, objInParam, objOutParam
Dim intReturn
Set objDNS = objService.Get(strRelPath)
Set objMethod = objDNS.Methods_("Modify")
Set objInParam = objMethod.inParameters.SpawnInstance_()
For I = 0 to 7
If Not IsEmpty(strModifyPropertyArray(I,0)) Then
Select Case LCase(strModifyPropertyArray(I,0))
Case "expirelimit"
objInParam.ExpireLimit = strModifyPropertyArray(I,1)
Case "minimumttl"
objInParam.MinimumTTL = strModifyPropertyArray(I,1)
Case "primaryserver"
objInParam.PrimaryServer = strModifyPropertyArray(I,1)
Case "refreshinterval"
objInParam.RefreshInterval = strModifyPropertyArray(I,1)
Case "responsibleparty"
objInParam.ResponsibleParty = strModifyPropertyArray(I,1)
Case "retrydelay"
objInParam.RetryDelay = strModifyPropertyArray(I,1)
Case "serialnumber"
objInParam.SerialNumber = strModifyPropertyArray(I,1)
Case "ttl"
objInParam.TTL = strModifyPropertyArray(I,1)
Case else
Modify = True
Call WriteLine(strModifyPropertyArray(I,0) & " is not a valid property.", objOutputFile)
Exit Function
End Select
End If
Set objOutParam = objDNS.ExecMethod_("Modify", ObjInParam)
Set objDNS = objService.Get(objOutParam.RR)
If UpdateProperties(objDNS) = 1 then
Modify = 1
Exit Function
End If
intReturn = DisplayProperties
If blnErrorOccurred("Modifing Resource Record") then
Modify = 1
Modify = 0
End If
End Function
End Class
Class PTR_RecordData
Public strContainerName
Public strDnsServerName
Public strDomainName
Public strOwnerName
Public strTTL
Public strRecordData
Public strText
Public strRelPath
Public strClassType
Public strClass
Public intParseArguments
Public strModifyPropertyArray()
'Class Constructor
Sub Class_Initialize
strClassType = "PTR"
intParseArguments = 2
strClass = "MicrosoftDNS_PTRType"
ReDim strModifyPropertyArray(1,1)
End Sub
'Help for this Resource Record.
Public Function AddHelp
Call ClassHelp("Adds a PTR (Pointer) Record to a Zone.", _
" DnsResource /Add PTR <zone> <recordname> <host>", _
" recordname The name of the pointer record" & vbCRLF & _
" host Name of the host.", _
" DnsResource.vbs /Add PTR 15.251.123.in-addr.arpa 5 MyHost.Example.microsoft.com." & vbCRLF & _
" Creates a pointer to the ip address of to MyHost.Example.microsoft.com.")
AddHelp = 1
End Function
Public Function DeleteHelp
Call ClassHelp("Deletes a PTR (Pointer) Record from a Zone.", _
" DnsResource /Delete PTR <zone> <recordname> <host>", _
" recordname The name of the pointer record" & vbCRLF & _
" host Name of the host.", _
" DnsResource.vbs /Delete PTR 15.251.123.in-addr.arpa 5 MyHost.Example.microsoft.com." & vbCRLF & _
" Deletes the pointer to the ip address of to MyHost.Example.microsoft.com.")
DeleteHelp = 1
End Function
Public Function ModifyHelp
Call ClassHelp("Modifies a PTR (Pointer) Record.", _
" DnsResource /Modify PTR <zone> <recordname> <host> [<property> <value>] [...]", _
" property Valid Properties are:" & vbCRLF & _
" Host" & vbCRLF & _
" TTL" & vbCRLF & _
" recordname The name of the pointer record" & vbCRLF & _
" host Name of the host.", _
" DnsResource.vbs /Modify PTR 15.251.123.in-addr.arpa 5 MyHost.Example.microsoft.com ttl 7400" & vbCRLF & _
" Modifies the pointers' TTL value to 7400.")
ModifyHelp = 1
End Function
'Fill in Class properties from Parse Data
Public Function PopulateClass(strArgArray)
strContainerName = strArgArray(0)
strOwnerName = strFindFQDNOwnerName(strContainerName, strArgArray(1))
strRecordData = strFindFQDNOwnerName(strContainerName, strArgArray(2))
strText = strOwnername & " IN PTR " & strRecordData
End Function
'Update Class Properties from a object
Public Function UpdateProperties(objDNS)
'On Error Resume Next
strContainerName = objDNS.ContainerName
strDNSServerName = objDNS.DNSServerName
strDomainName = objDNS.DomainName
strOwnername = objDNS.OwnerName
strTTL = objDNS.TTL
strRecordData = objDNS.RecordData
strText = objDns.TextRepresentation
strRelPath = objDns.Path_.Relpath
If blnErrorOccurred("Error while updating properties.") then
UpdateProperties = 1
UpdateProperties = 0
End If
End Function
'Display Class Properties to screen
Public Function DisplayProperties
Call WriteLine(" Record Name : " & strOwnerName, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" Host Name : " & strRecordData, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" DNS Server : " & strDNSServerName, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" Zone : " & strContainerName, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" Domain : " & strDomainName, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" TTL : " & strTTL, objOutputFile)
DisplayProperties = 0
End Function
'Find the Class Instance based on current Class property Data
Public Function GetInstanceFromQuery
'On Error Resume Next
Dim strQuery
Dim objQuery, objInst
Dim intReturn
strQuery = strStandardQuery(strClass, strContainerName, strDnsServerName, strDomainName, strOwnerName, strTTL)
If Not IsEmpty(strRecordData) then
strQuery = strQuery & " RecordData=""" & strRecordData & """ and"
End If
strQuery = Left(strQuery,Len(strQuery)-4)
Set objQuery = objService.ExecQuery(strQuery)
If objQuery.Count <> 1 then
GetInstanceFromQuery = objQuery.Count
GetInstanceFromQuery = 1
For Each objInst in objQuery
intReturn = UpdateProperties(objInst)
End If
If blnErrorOccurred("Error while finding Resource Record") Then
End If
End Function
'Modify the Record
Public Function Modify
'On Error Resume Next
Dim objDns, objMethod, objInParam, objOutParam
Dim intReturn
Set objDNS = objService.Get(strRelPath)
Set objMethod = objDNS.Methods_("Modify")
Set objInParam = objMethod.inParameters.SpawnInstance_()
For I = 0 to 1
If Not IsEmpty(strModifyPropertyArray(I,0)) Then
Select Case LCase(strModifyPropertyArray(I,0))
Case "ttl"
objInParam.TTL = strModifyPropertyArray(I,1)
Case "host"
objInParam.PTRDomainName = strModifyPropertyArray(I,1)
Case else
Modify = True
Call WriteLine(strModifyPropertyArray(I,0) & " is not a valid property.", objOutputFile)
Exit Function
End Select
End If
Set objOutParam = objDNS.ExecMethod_("Modify", ObjInParam)
Set objDNS = objService.Get(objOutParam.RR)
If UpdateProperties(objDNS) = 1 then
Modify = 1
Exit Function
End If
intReturn = DisplayProperties
If blnErrorOccurred("Modifing Resource Record") then
Modify = 1
Modify = 0
End If
End Function
End Class
Class NS_RecordData
Public strContainerName
Public strDnsServerName
Public strDomainName
Public strOwnerName
Public strTTL
Public strRecordData
Public strText
Public strRelPath
Public strClassType
Public strClass
Public intParseArguments
Public strModifyPropertyArray()
'Class Constructor
Sub Class_Initialize
strClassType = "NS"
intParseArguments = 2
strClass = "MicrosoftDNS_NSType"
ReDim strModifyPropertyArray(1,1)
End Sub
'Help for this Resource Record.
Public Function AddHelp
Call ClassHelp("Adds a NS (Name Server) Record to a Zone.", _
" DnsResource /Add NS <zone> <recordname> <nshost>", _
" recordname The name of the NS Record" & vbCRLF & _
" nshost Name of the host.", _
" DnsResource.vbs /Add NS Example.microsoft.com MyDomain MyHost.MyDomain" & vbCRLF & _
" Creates a NS record for MyHost.MyDomain.Example.microsoft.com in the MyDomain domain.")
AddHelp = 1
End Function
Public Function DeleteHelp
Call ClassHelp("Deletes a NS (Name Server) Record from a Zone.", _
" DnsResource /Delete NS <zone> <recordname> <nshost>", _
" recordname The name of the NS Record" & vbCRLF & _
" nshost Name of the host.", _
" DnsResource.vbs /Delete NS Example.microsoft.com MyDomain MyHost.MyDomain" & vbCRLF & _
" Deletes the NS record for MyHost.MyDomain.Example.microsoft.com in the MyDomain domain.")
DeleteHelp = 1
End Function
Public Function ModifyHelp
Call ClassHelp("Modifies a NS (Name Server) Record.", _
" DnsResource /Modify NS <zone> <recordname> [<property> <value>] [...]", _
" property Valid Properties are:" & vbCRLF & _
" NSHost" & vbCRLF & vbCRLF & _
" TTL" & vbCRLF & _
" value The new value for the listed property." & vbCRLF & _
" recordname The name of the NS Record" & vbCRLF & _
" nshost Name of the host.", _
" DnsResource.vbs /Modify NS Example.microsoft.com MyDomain MyHost.MyDomain ttl 7400" & vbCRLF & _
" Modifies the NS Records' TTL value to 7400.")
ModifyHelp = 1
End Function
'Fill in Class properties from Parse Data
Public Function PopulateClass(strArgArray)
strContainerName = strArgArray(0)
strOwnerName = strFindFQDNOwnerName(strContainerName, strArgArray(1))
strRecordData = strFindFQDNOwnerName(strContainerName, strArgArray(2))
strText = strOwnername & " IN NS " & strRecordData
End Function
'Update Class Properties from a object
Public Function UpdateProperties(objDNS)
'On Error Resume Next
strContainerName = objDNS.ContainerName
strDNSServerName = objDNS.DNSServerName
strDomainName = objDNS.DomainName
strOwnername = objDNS.OwnerName
strTTL = objDNS.TTL
strRecordData = objDNS.RecordData
strText = objDns.TextRepresentation
strRelPath = objDns.Path_.Relpath
If blnErrorOccurred("Error while updating properties.") then
UpdateProperties = 1
UpdateProperties = 0
End If
End Function
'Display Class Properties to screen
Public Function DisplayProperties
Call WriteLine(" Record Name : " & strOwnerName, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" NS Host : " & strRecordData, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" DNS Server : " & strDNSServerName, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" Zone : " & strContainerName, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" Domain : " & strDomainName, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" TTL : " & strTTL, objOutputFile)
DisplayProperties = 0
End Function
'Find the Class Instance based on current Class property Data
Public Function GetInstanceFromQuery
'On Error Resume Next
Dim strQuery
Dim objQuery, objInst
Dim intReturn
strQuery = strStandardQuery(strClass, strContainerName, strDnsServerName, strDomainName, strOwnerName, strTTL)
If Not IsEmpty(strRecordData) then
strQuery = strQuery & " RecordData=""" & strRecordData & """ and"
End If
strQuery = Left(strQuery,Len(strQuery)-4)
Set objQuery = objService.ExecQuery(strQuery)
If objQuery.Count <> 1 then
GetInstanceFromQuery = objQuery.Count
GetInstanceFromQuery = 1
For Each objInst in objQuery
intReturn = UpdateProperties(objInst)
End If
If blnErrorOccurred("Error while finding Resource Record") Then
End If
End Function
'Modify the Record
Public Function Modify
'On Error Resume Next
Dim objDns, objMethod, objInParam, objOutParam
Dim intReturn
Set objDNS = objService.Get(strRelPath)
Set objMethod = objDNS.Methods_("Modify")
Set objInParam = objMethod.inParameters.SpawnInstance_()
For I = 0 to 1
If Not IsEmpty(strModifyPropertyArray(I,0)) Then
Select Case LCase(strModifyPropertyArray(I,0))
Case "ttl"
objInParam.TTL = strModifyPropertyArray(I,1)
Case "nshost"
objInParam.NSHost = strModifyPropertyArray(I,1)
Case else
Modify = True
Call WriteLine(strModifyPropertyArray(I,0) & " is not a valid property.", objOutputFile)
Exit Function
End Select
End If
Set objOutParam = objDNS.ExecMethod_("Modify", ObjInParam)
Set objDNS = objService.Get(objOutParam.RR)
If UpdateProperties(objDNS) = 1 then
Modify = 1
Exit Function
End If
intReturn = DisplayProperties
If blnErrorOccurred("Modifing Resource Record") then
Modify = 1
Modify = 0
End If
End Function
End Class
Class AAAA_RecordData
Public strContainerName
Public strDnsServerName
Public strDomainName
Public strOwnerName
Public strTTL
Public strRecordData
Public strText
Public strRelPath
Public strClassType
Public strClass
Public intParseArguments
Public strModifyPropertyArray()
'Class Constructor
Sub Class_Initialize
strClassType = "AAAA"
intParseArguments = 2
strClass = "MicrosoftDNS_AAAAType"
ReDim strModifyPropertyArray(1,1)
End Sub
'Help for this Resource Record.
Public Function AddHelp
Call ClassHelp("Adds an AAAA (IPV6) Record to a Zone.", _
" DnsResource /Add AAAA <zone> <host> <ipv6>", _
" host A host name." & vbCRLF & _
" ipv6 The IPV6 Host Address", _
" DnsResource.vbs /Add AAAA Example.microsoft.com MyHost 4321:0:1:2:3:4:567:89ab" & vbCRLF & _
" Creates an AAAA record for MyHost.")
AddHelp = 1
End Function
Public Function DeleteHelp
Call ClassHelp("Deletes an AAAA (IPV6) Record from a Zone.", _
" DnsResource /Delete AAAA <zone> <host> <ipv6>", _
" host A host name." & vbCRLF & _
" ipv6 The IPV6 Host Address", _
" DnsResource.vbs /Delete AAAA Example.microsoft.com MyHost 4321:0:1:2:3:4:567:89ab" & vbCRLF & _
" Deletes the AAAA record for MyHost.")
DeleteHelp = 1
End Function
Public Function ModifyHelp
Call ClassHelp("Modifies an AAAA (IPV6) Record.", _
" DnsResource /Modify AAAA <zone> <host> <ipv6> [<property> <value>] [...]", _
" property Valid Properties are:" & vbCRLF & _
" ipv6" & vbCRLF & _
" TTL" & vbCRLF & _
" value The new value for the listed property." & vbCRLF & _
" host A host name." & vbCRLF & _
" ipv6 The IPV6 Host Address", _
" DnsResource.vbs /Modify AAAA Example.microsoft.com MyHost 4321:0:1:2:3:4:567:89ab ttl 7400" & vbCRLF & _
" Modifies the AAAA TTL value to 7400.")
ModifyHelp = 1
End Function
'Fill in Class properties from Parse Data
Public Function PopulateClass(strArgArray)
strContainerName = strArgArray(0)
strOwnerName = strFindFQDNOwnerName(strContainerName, strArgArray(1))
strRecordData = strArgArray(2)
strText = strOwnername & " IN AAAA " & strRecordData
End Function
'Update Class Properties from a object
Public Function UpdateProperties(objDNS)
'On Error Resume Next
strContainerName = objDNS.ContainerName
strDNSServerName = objDNS.DNSServerName
strDomainName = objDNS.DomainName
strOwnername = objDNS.OwnerName
strTTL = objDNS.TTL
strRecordData = objDNS.RecordData
strText = objDns.TextRepresentation
strRelPath = objDns.Path_.Relpath
If blnErrorOccurred("Error while updating properties.") then
UpdateProperties = 1
UpdateProperties = 0
End If
End Function
'Display Class Properties to screen
Public Function DisplayProperties
Call WriteLine(" Host Name : " & strOwnerName, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" IPV6 : " & strRecordData, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" DNS Server : " & strDNSServerName, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" Zone : " & strContainerName, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" Domain : " & strDomainName, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" TTL : " & strTTL, objOutputFile)
DisplayProperties = 0
End Function
'Find the Class Instance based on current Class property Data
Public Function GetInstanceFromQuery
'On Error Resume Next
Dim strQuery
Dim objQuery, objInst
Dim intReturn
strQuery = strStandardQuery(strClass, strContainerName, strDnsServerName, strDomainName, strOwnerName, strTTL)
If Not IsEmpty(strRecordData) then
strQuery = strQuery & " RecordData=""" & strRecordData & """ and"
End If
strQuery = Left(strQuery,Len(strQuery)-4)
Set objQuery = objService.ExecQuery(strQuery)
If objQuery.Count <> 1 then
GetInstanceFromQuery = objQuery.Count
GetInstanceFromQuery = 1
For Each objInst in objQuery
intReturn = UpdateProperties(objInst)
End If
If blnErrorOccurred("Error while finding Resource Record") Then
End If
End Function
'Modify the Record
Public Function Modify
'On Error Resume Next
Dim objDns, objMethod, objInParam, objOutParam
Dim intReturn
Set objDNS = objService.Get(strRelPath)
Set objMethod = objDNS.Methods_("Modify")
Set objInParam = objMethod.inParameters.SpawnInstance_()
For I = 0 to 1
If Not IsEmpty(strModifyPropertyArray(I,0)) Then
Select Case LCase(strModifyPropertyArray(I,0))
Case "ttl"
objInParam.TTL = strModifyPropertyArray(I,1)
Case "ipv6"
objInParam.IPV6Address = strModifyPropertyArray(I,1)
Case else
Modify = True
Call WriteLine(strModifyPropertyArray(I,0) & " is not a valid property.", objOutputFile)
Exit Function
End Select
End If
Set objOutParam = objDNS.ExecMethod_("Modify", ObjInParam)
Set objDNS = objService.Get(objOutParam.RR)
If UpdateProperties(objDNS) = 1 then
Modify = 1
Exit Function
End If
intReturn = DisplayProperties
If blnErrorOccurred("Modifing Resource Record") then
Modify = 1
Modify = 0
End If
End Function
End Class
Class AFSDB_RecordData
Public strContainerName
Public strDnsServerName
Public strDomainName
Public strOwnerName
Public strTTL
Public strSubType
Public strRecordData
Public strText
Public strRelPath
Public strClassType
Public strClass
Public intParseArguments
Public strModifyPropertyArray()
'Class Constructor
Sub Class_Initialize
strClassType = "AFSDB"
intParseArguments = 3
strClass = "MicrosoftDNS_AFSDBType"
ReDim strModifyPropertyArray(2,1)
End Sub
'Help for this Resource Record.
Public Function AddHelp
Call ClassHelp("Adds an AFSDB (AFS Database) Record to a Zone.", _
" DnsResource /Add AFSDB <zone> <recordname> <host> <subtype>", _
" recordname The name of the AFSDB record" & vbCRLF & _
" host Name of the host." & vbCRLF & _
" subtype The subtype of the host AFS Server." & vbCRLF & _
" 1 = AFS" & vbCRLF & _
" 2 = DCE", _
" DnsResource.vbs /Add AFSDB Example.microsoft.com afsdb.MyDomain MyHost.MyDomain 2" & vbCRLF & _
" Creates a DCE type AFSDB record for MyHost.")
AddHelp = 1
End Function
Public Function DeleteHelp
Call ClassHelp("Deletes an AFSDB (AFS Database) Record from a Zone.", _
" DnsResource /Delete AFSDB <zone> <recordname> <host> <subtype>", _
" recordname The name of the AFSDB record" & vbCRLF & _
" host Name of the host." & vbCRLF & _
" subtype The subtype of the host AFS Server." & vbCRLF & _
" 1 = AFS" & vbCRLF & _
" 2 = DCE", _
" DnsResource.vbs /Delete AFSDB Example.microsoft.com afsdb.MyDomain MyHost.MyDomain 2" & vbCRLF & _
" Deletes the DCE type AFSDB record for MyHost.")
DeleteHelp = 1
End Function
Public Function ModifyHelp
Call ClassHelp("Modifies an AFSDB (AFS Database) Record.", _
" DnsResource /Modify AFSDB <zone> <recordname> <host> <subtype> [<property> <value>] [...]", _
" property Valid Properties are:" & vbCRLF & _
" Host" & vbCRLF & _
" Subtype" & vbCRLF & _
" TTL" & vbCRLF & _
" value The new value for the listed property." & _
" recordname The name of the AFSDB record" & vbCRLF & _
" host Name of the host." & vbCRLF & _
" subtype The subtype of the host AFS Server." & vbCRLF & _
" 1 = AFS" & vbCRLF & _
" 2 = DCE", _
" DnsResource.vbs /Modify AFSDB Example.microsoft.com afsdb.MyDomain MyHost.MyDomain 2 ttl 7400" & vbCRLF & _
" Modifies the AFSDB's TTL value to 7400.")
ModifyHelp = 1
End Function
'Fill in Class properties from Parse Data
Public Function PopulateClass(strArgArray)
strContainerName = strArgArray(0)
strOwnerName = strFindFQDNOwnerName(strContainerName, strArgArray(1))
strRecordData = strFindFQDNOwnerName(strContainerName, strArgArray(2))
strSubtype = strArgArray(3)
strText = strOwnername & " IN AFSDB " & strSubtype & " " & strRecordData
End Function
'Update Class Properties from a object
Public Function UpdateProperties(objDNS)
'On Error Resume Next
strContainerName = objDNS.ContainerName
strDNSServerName = objDNS.DNSServerName
strDomainName = objDNS.DomainName
strOwnername = objDNS.OwnerName
strTTL = objDNS.TTL
strRecordData = objDNS.ServerName
strSubtype = objDNS.SubType
strText = objDns.TextRepresentation
strRelPath = objDns.Path_.Relpath
If blnErrorOccurred("Error while updating properties.") then
UpdateProperties = 1
UpdateProperties = 0
End If
End Function
'Display Class Properties to screen
Public Function DisplayProperties
Call WriteLine(" Record Name : " & strOwnerName, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" Host Name : " & strRecordData, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" Subtype : " & strRecordData, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" DNS Server : " & strDNSServerName, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" Zone : " & strContainerName, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" Domain : " & strDomainName, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" TTL : " & strTTL, objOutputFile)
DisplayProperties = 0
End Function
'Find the Class Instance based on current Class property Data
Public Function GetInstanceFromQuery
'On Error Resume Next
Dim strQuery
Dim objQuery, objInst
Dim intReturn
strQuery = strStandardQuery(strClass, strContainerName, strDnsServerName, strDomainName, strOwnerName, strTTL)
If Not IsEmpty(strRecordData) then
strQuery = strQuery & " ServerName=""" & strRecordData & """ and"
End If
If Not IsEmpty(strSubType) then
strQuery = strQuery & " Subtype=""" & strSubType & """ and"
End If
strQuery = Left(strQuery,Len(strQuery)-4)
wscript.echo strQuery
Set objQuery = objService.ExecQuery(strQuery)
If objQuery.Count <> 1 then
GetInstanceFromQuery = objQuery.Count
GetInstanceFromQuery = 1
For Each objInst in objQuery
intReturn = UpdateProperties(objInst)
End If
If blnErrorOccurred("Error while finding Resource Record") Then
End If
End Function
'Modify the Record
Public Function Modify
'On Error Resume Next
Dim objDns, objMethod, objInParam, objOutParam
Dim intReturn
Set objDNS = objService.Get(strRelPath)
Set objMethod = objDNS.Methods_("Modify")
Set objInParam = objMethod.inParameters.SpawnInstance_()
For I = 0 to 1
If Not IsEmpty(strModifyPropertyArray(I,0)) Then
Select Case LCase(strModifyPropertyArray(I,0))
Case "ttl"
objInParam.TTL = strModifyPropertyArray(I,1)
Case "host"
objInParam.ServerName = strModifyPropertyArray(I,1)
Case "subtype"
objInParam.SubType = strModifyPropertyArray(I,1)
Case else
Modify = True
Call WriteLine(strModifyPropertyArray(I,0) & " is not a valid property.", objOutputFile)
Exit Function
End Select
End If
Set objOutParam = objDNS.ExecMethod_("Modify", ObjInParam)
Set objDNS = objService.Get(objOutParam.RR)
If UpdateProperties(objDNS) = 1 then
Modify = 1
Exit Function
End If
intReturn = DisplayProperties
If blnErrorOccurred("Modifing Resource Record") then
Modify = 1
Modify = 0
End If
End Function
End Class
Class ATMA_RecordData
Public strContainerName
Public strDnsServerName
Public strDomainName
Public strOwnerName
Public strTTL
Public strRecordData
Public strFormat
Public strText
Public strRelPath
Public strClassType
Public strClass
Public intParseArguments
Public strModifyPropertyArray()
'Class Constructor
Sub Class_Initialize
strClassType = "ATMA"
intParseArguments = 3
strClass = "MicrosoftDNS_ATMAType"
ReDim strModifyPropertyArray(2,1)
End Sub
'Help for this Resource Record.
Public Function AddHelp
Call ClassHelp("Adds an ATMA (ATM Host) Record to a Zone.", _
" DnsResource /Add ATMA <zone> <recordname> <address> <format>", _
" recordname The name of the ATMA record" & vbCRLF & _
" address The ATM Address." & vbCRLF & _
" format The type of ATM Address:" & vbCRLF & _
" E164" & vbCRLF & _
" NSAP", _
" DnsResource.vbs /Add ATMA Example.microsoft.com ATMA.MyDomain ????? E164" & vbCRLF & _
" Creates an ATMA record for ATMA in the MyDomain.Example.microsoft.com domain.")
AddHelp = 1
End Function
Public Function DeleteHelp
Call ClassHelp("Deletes an ATMA (ATM Host) Record from a Zone.", _
" DnsResource /Delete <zone> <recordname> <address> <format>", _
" recordname The name of the ATMA record" & vbCRLF & _
" address The ATM Address." & vbCRLF & _
" format The type of ATM Address:" & vbCRLF & _
" E164" & vbCRLF & _
" NSAP", _
" DnsResource.vbs /Delete ATMA Example.microsoft.com ATMA.MyDomain ????? E164" & vbCRLF & _
" Deletes the ATMA record for ATMA in the MyDomain.Example.microsoft.com domain.")
DeleteHelp = 1
End Function
Public Function ModifyHelp
Call ClassHelp("Modifies an ATMA (ATM Host) Record.", _
" DnsResource /Modify ATMA <zone> <recordname> <address> <format> [<property> <value>] [...]", _
" property Valid Properties are:" & vbCRLF & _
" address" & vbCRLF & _
" format" & vbCRLF & _
" TTL" & vbCRLF & _
" value The new value for the listed property." & vbCRLF & _
" recordname The name of the ATMA record" & vbCRLF & _
" address The ATM Address." & vbCRLF & _
" format The type of ATM Address:" & vbCRLF & _
" E164" & vbCRLF & _
" NSAP", _
" DnsResource.vbs /Modify ATMA Example.microsoft.com ATMA.MyDomain ????? E164 ttl 7400" & vbCRLF & _
" Modifies the ATMA Record's TTL value to 7400.")
ModifyHelp = 1
End Function
'Fill in Class properties from Parse Data
Public Function PopulateClass(strArgArray)
If blnContextHelp = True then
Exit Function
End If
strContainerName = strArgArray(0)
strOwnerName = strFindFQDNOwnerName(strContainerName, strArgArray(1))
strRecordData = strArgArray(2)
Select Case LCase(strArgArray(3))
Case "e164"
strFormat = 1
Case "nsap"
strFormat = 2
Case Else
Wscript.Echo(strArgArray(3) & " is not a valid format.")
End Select
strText = strOwnername & " IN ATMA " & strFormat & " " & strRecordData
End Function
'Update Class Properties from a object
Public Function UpdateProperties(objDNS)
'On Error Resume Next
strContainerName = objDNS.ContainerName
strDNSServerName = objDNS.DNSServerName
strDomainName = objDNS.DomainName
strOwnername = objDNS.OwnerName
strTTL = objDNS.TTL
strRecordData = objDNS.ATMAddress
strFormat = objDNS.Format
strText = objDns.TextRepresentation
strRelPath = objDns.Path_.Relpath
If blnErrorOccurred("Error while updating properties.") then
UpdateProperties = 1
UpdateProperties = 0
End If
End Function
'Display Class Properties to screen
Public Function DisplayProperties
Call WriteLine(" Record Name : " & strOwnerName, objOutputFile)
Select Case strFormat
Case 0
Call WriteLine(" Host Name : E164", objOutputFile)
Case 1
Call WriteLine(" Host Name : NSAP", objOutputFile)
End Select
Call WriteLine(" Address : " & strRecordData, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" DNS Server : " & strDNSServerName, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" Zone : " & strContainerName, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" Domain : " & strDomainName, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" TTL : " & strTTL, objOutputFile)
DisplayProperties = 0
End Function
'Find the Class Instance based on current Class property Data
Public Function GetInstanceFromQuery
'On Error Resume Next
Dim strQuery
Dim objQuery, objInst
Dim intReturn
strQuery = strStandardQuery(strClass, strContainerName, strDnsServerName, strDomainName, strOwnerName, strTTL)
If Not IsEmpty(strRecordData) then
strQuery = strQuery & " ATMAddress=""" & strRecordData & """ and"
End If
If Not IsEmpty(strFormat) then
strQuery = strQuery & " Format=""" & strFormat & """ and"
End If
strQuery = Left(strQuery,Len(strQuery)-4)
Set objQuery = objService.ExecQuery(strQuery)
If objQuery.Count <> 1 then
GetInstanceFromQuery = objQuery.Count
GetInstanceFromQuery = 1
For Each objInst in objQuery
intReturn = UpdateProperties(objInst)
End If
If blnErrorOccurred("Error while finding Resource Record") Then
End If
End Function
'Modify the Record
Public Function Modify
'On Error Resume Next
Dim objDns, objMethod, objInParam, objOutParam
Dim intReturn
Set objDNS = objService.Get(strRelPath)
Set objMethod = objDNS.Methods_("Modify")
Set objInParam = objMethod.inParameters.SpawnInstance_()
For I = 0 to 2
If Not IsEmpty(strModifyPropertyArray(I,0)) Then
Select Case LCase(strModifyPropertyArray(I,0))
Case "ttl"
objInParam.TTL = strModifyPropertyArray(I,1)
Case "address"
objInParam.ATMaddress = strModifyPropertyArray(I,1)
Case "format"
Select Case LCase(strModifyPropertyArray(I,1))
Case "e164"
objInParam.ATMaddress = 1
Case "nsap"
objInParam.ATMaddress = 2
Case else
Call WriteLine("Cannot update Format to type " & strModifyPropertyArray(I,1), objOutputFile)
End Select
Case else
Modify = True
Call WriteLine(strModifyPropertyArray(I,0) & " is not a valid property.", objOutputFile)
Exit Function
End Select
End If
Set objOutParam = objDNS.ExecMethod_("Modify", ObjInParam)
Set objDNS = objService.Get(objOutParam.RR)
If UpdateProperties(objDNS) = 1 then
Modify = 1
Exit Function
End If
intReturn = DisplayProperties
If blnErrorOccurred("Modifing Resource Record") then
Modify = 1
Modify = 0
End If
End Function
End Class
Class HINFO_RecordData
Public strContainerName
Public strDnsServerName
Public strDomainName
Public strOwnerName
Public strTTL
Public strRecordData
Public strOS
Public strText
Public strRelPath
Public strClassType
Public strClass
Public intParseArguments
Public strModifyPropertyArray()
'Class Constructor
Sub Class_Initialize
strClassType = "HINFO"
intParseArguments = 3
strClass = "MicrosoftDNS_HINFOType"
ReDim strModifyPropertyArray(2,1)
End Sub
'Help for this Resource Record.
Public Function AddHelp
Call ClassHelp("Adds a HINFO (Host Information) Record to a Zone.", _
" DnsResource /Add HINFO <zone> <recordname> <cpu> <os> <host>", _
" cpu The type of CPU the host uses." & vbCRLF & _
" os The operating system of the host.", _
" DnsResource.vbs /Add HINFO Example.microsoft.com MyHost.MyDomain Intel-Pentium WIN32" & vbCRLF & _
" Creates a HINFO record for MyHost.")
AddHelp = 1
End Function
Public Function DeleteHelp
Call ClassHelp("Deletes a HINFO (Host Information) Record to a Zone.", _
" DnsResource /Delete HINFO <zone> <recordname> <cpu> <os> <host>", _
" cpu The type of CPU the host uses." & vbCRLF & _
" os The operating system of the host.", _
" DnsResource.vbs /Delete HINFO Example.microsoft.com MyHost.MyDomain Intel-Pentium WIN32" & vbCRLF & _
" Deletes the HINFO record for MyHost.")
DeleteHelp = 1
End Function
Public Function ModifyHelp
Call ClassHelp("Modifies a HINFO (Host Information) Record.", _
" DnsResource /Modify HINFO <zone> <recordname> <cpu> <os> <host> [<property> <value>] [...]", _
" property Valid Properties are:" & vbCRLF & _
" cpu" & vbCRLF & _
" os" & vbCRLF & _
" TTL" & vbCRLF & _
" value The new value for the listed property." & vbCRLF & _
" cpu The type of CPU the host uses." & vbCRLF & _
" os The operating system of the host.", _
" DnsResource.vbs /Modify HINFO Example.microsoft.com MyHost.MyDomain Intel-Pentium WIN32 ttl 7400" & vbCRLF & _
" Modifies the HINFO's TTL value to 7400.")
ModifyHelp = 1
End Function
'Fill in Class properties from Parse Data
Public Function PopulateClass(strArgArray)
strContainerName = strArgArray(0)
strOwnerName = strFindFQDNOwnerName(strContainerName, strArgArray(1))
strRecordData = strArgArray(2)
strOS = strArgArray(3)
strText = strOwnername & " IN HINFO """ & strOS & """ """ & strRecordData & """"
End Function
'Update Class Properties from a object
Public Function UpdateProperties(objDNS)
'On Error Resume Next
strContainerName = objDNS.ContainerName
strDNSServerName = objDNS.DNSServerName
strDomainName = objDNS.DomainName
strOwnername = objDNS.OwnerName
strTTL = objDNS.TTL
strRecordData = objDNS.CPU
strOS = objDns.OS
strText = objDns.TextRepresentation
strRelPath = objDns.Path_.Relpath
If blnErrorOccurred("Error while updating properties.") then
UpdateProperties = 1
UpdateProperties = 0
End If
End Function
'Display Class Properties to screen
Public Function DisplayProperties
Call WriteLine(" Record Name : " & strOwnerName, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" CPU : " & strRecordData, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" OS : " & strOS, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" DNS Server : " & strDNSServerName, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" Zone : " & strContainerName, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" Domain : " & strDomainName, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" TTL : " & strTTL, objOutputFile)
DisplayProperties = 0
End Function
'Find the Class Instance based on current Class property Data
Public Function GetInstanceFromQuery
'On Error Resume Next
Dim strQuery
Dim objQuery, objInst
Dim intReturn
strQuery = strStandardQuery(strClass, strContainerName, strDnsServerName, strDomainName, strOwnerName, strTTL)
If Not IsEmpty(strRecordData) then
strQuery = strQuery & " CPU=""" & strRecordData & """ and"
End If
If Not IsEmpty(strOS) then
strQuery = strQuery & " OSU=""" & strOS & """ and"
End If
strQuery = Left(strQuery,Len(strQuery)-4)
Set objQuery = objService.ExecQuery(strQuery)
If objQuery.Count <> 1 then
GetInstanceFromQuery = objQuery.Count
GetInstanceFromQuery = 1
For Each objInst in objQuery
intReturn = UpdateProperties(objInst)
End If
If blnErrorOccurred("Error while finding Resource Record") Then
End If
End Function
'Modify the Record
Public Function Modify
'On Error Resume Next
Dim objDns, objMethod, objInParam, objOutParam
Dim intReturn
Set objDNS = objService.Get(strRelPath)
Set objMethod = objDNS.Methods_("Modify")
Set objInParam = objMethod.inParameters.SpawnInstance_()
For I = 0 to 1
If Not IsEmpty(strModifyPropertyArray(I,0)) Then
Select Case LCase(strModifyPropertyArray(I,0))
Case "ttl"
objInParam.TTL = strModifyPropertyArray(I,1)
Case "cpu"
objInParam.CPU = strModifyPropertyArray(I,1)
Case "os"
objInParam.OS = strModifyPropertyArray(I,1)
Case else
Modify = True
Call WriteLine(strModifyPropertyArray(I,0) & " is not a valid property.", objOutputFile)
Exit Function
End Select
End If
Set objOutParam = objDNS.ExecMethod_("Modify", ObjInParam)
Set objDNS = objService.Get(objOutParam.RR)
If UpdateProperties(objDNS) = 1 then
Modify = 1
Exit Function
End If
intReturn = DisplayProperties
If blnErrorOccurred("Modifing Resource Record") then
Modify = 1
Modify = 0
End If
End Function
End Class
Class ISDN_RecordData
Public strContainerName
Public strDnsServerName
Public strDomainName
Public strOwnerName
Public strTTL
Public strRecordData
Public strSubaddress
Public strText
Public strRelPath
Public strClassType
Public strClass
Public intParseArguments
Public strModifyPropertyArray()
'Class Constructor
Sub Class_Initialize
strClassType = "ISDN"
intParseArguments = 3
strClass = "MicrosoftDNS_ISDNType"
ReDim strModifyPropertyArray(1,1)
End Sub
'Help for this Resource Record.
Public Function AddHelp
Call ClassHelp("Adds a ISDN Record to a Zone.", _
" DnsResource /Add ISDN <zone> <recordname> <number> <subaddress>", _
" recordname The name of the ISDN Record." & vbCRLF & _
" number The ISDN number." & vbCRLF & _
" subaddresss The ISDN sub address.", _
" DnsResource.vbs /Add ISDN Example.microsoft.com MyISDN.MyDomain 150862028003217 004" & vbCRLF & _
" Creates a ISDN record in Example.microsoft.com, in the MyDomain domain.")
AddHelp = 1
End Function
Public Function DeleteHelp
Call ClassHelp("Deletes a ISDN Record from a Zone.", _
" DnsResource /Delete ISDN <zone> <recordname> <number> <subaddress>", _
" recordname The name of the ISDN Record." & vbCRLF & _
" number The ISDN number." & vbCRLF & _
" subaddresss The ISDN sub address.", _
" DnsResource.vbs /Delete ISDN Example.microsoft.com MyISDN.MyDomain 150862028003217 004" & vbCRLF & _
" Deletes the ISDN record in Example.microsoft.com, in the MyDomain domain.")
DeleteHelp = 1
End Function
Public Function ModifyHelp
Call ClassHelp("Modifies a ISDN Record.", _
" DnsResource /Modify ISDN <zone> <recordname> <number> <subaddress> [<property> <value>] [...]", _
" property Valid Properties are:" & vbCRLF & _
" number" & vbCRLF & _
" subaddress" & vbCRLF & _
" TTL" & vbCRLF & _
" value The new value for the listed property." & vbCRLF & _
" recordname The name of the ISDN Record." & vbCRLF & _
" number The ISDN number." & vbCRLF & _
" subaddresss The ISDN sub address.", _
" DnsResource.vbs /Modify ISDN Example.microsoft.com MyISDN.MyDomain 150862028003217004 number 150862032100144" & vbCRLF & _
" Modifies a ISDN record's ISDN number.")
ModifyHelp = 1
End Function
'Fill in Class properties from Parse Data
Public Function PopulateClass(strArgArray)
strContainerName = strArgArray(0)
strOwnerName = strFindFQDNOwnerName(strContainerName, strArgArray(1))
strRecordData = strArgArray(2)
strSubAddress = strArgArray(3)
strText = strOwnername & " IN ISDN """ & strSubAddress & """ """ & strRecordData & """"
End Function
'Update Class Properties from a object
Public Function UpdateProperties(objDNS)
'On Error Resume Next
strContainerName = objDNS.ContainerName
strDNSServerName = objDNS.DNSServerName
strDomainName = objDNS.DomainName
strOwnername = objDNS.OwnerName
strTTL = objDNS.TTL
strRecordData = objDNS.ISDNNumber
strSubAddress = objDNS.SubAddress
strText = objDns.TextRepresentation
strRelPath = objDns.Path_.Relpath
If blnErrorOccurred("Error while updating properties.") then
UpdateProperties = 1
UpdateProperties = 0
End If
End Function
'Display Class Properties to screen
Public Function DisplayProperties
Call WriteLine(" Record Name : " & strOwnerName, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" ISDN Number : " & strRecordData, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" Sub Address : " & strSubAddress, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" DNS Server : " & strDNSServerName, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" Zone : " & strContainerName, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" Domain : " & strDomainName, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" TTL : " & strTTL, objOutputFile)
DisplayProperties = 0
End Function
'Find the Class Instance based on current Class property Data
Public Function GetInstanceFromQuery
'On Error Resume Next
Dim strQuery
Dim objQuery, objInst
Dim intReturn
strQuery = strStandardQuery(strClass, strContainerName, strDnsServerName, strDomainName, strOwnerName, strTTL)
If Not IsEmpty(strRecordData) then
strQuery = strQuery & " ISDNNumber=""" & strRecordData & """ and"
End If
If Not IsEmpty(strSubAddress) then
strQuery = strQuery & " SubAddress=""" & strSubAddress & """ and"
End If
strQuery = Left(strQuery,Len(strQuery)-4)
Set objQuery = objService.ExecQuery(strQuery)
If objQuery.Count <> 1 then
GetInstanceFromQuery = objQuery.Count
GetInstanceFromQuery = 1
For Each objInst in objQuery
intReturn = UpdateProperties(objInst)
End If
If blnErrorOccurred("Error while finding Resource Record") Then
End If
End Function
'Modify the Record
Public Function Modify
'On Error Resume Next
Dim objDns, objMethod, objInParam, objOutParam
Dim intReturn
Set objDNS = objService.Get(strRelPath)
Set objMethod = objDNS.Methods_("Modify")
Set objInParam = objMethod.inParameters.SpawnInstance_()
For I = 0 to 1
If Not IsEmpty(strModifyPropertyArray(I,0)) Then
Select Case LCase(strModifyPropertyArray(I,0))
Case "ttl"
objInParam.TTL = strModifyPropertyArray(I,1)
Case "number"
objInParam.ISDNNumber = strModifyPropertyArray(I,1)
Case "subaddress"
objInParam.SubAddress = strModifyPropertyArray(I,1)
Case else
Modify = True
Call WriteLine(strModifyPropertyArray(I,0) & " is not a valid property.", objOutputFile)
Exit Function
End Select
End If
Set objOutParam = objDNS.ExecMethod_("Modify", ObjInParam)
Set objDNS = objService.Get(objOutParam.RR)
If UpdateProperties(objDNS) = 1 then
Modify = 1
Exit Function
End If
intReturn = DisplayProperties
If blnErrorOccurred("Modifing Resource Record") then
Modify = 1
Modify = 0
End If
End Function
End Class
Class MB_RecordData
Public strContainerName
Public strDnsServerName
Public strDomainName
Public strOwnerName
Public strTTL
Public strRecordData
Public strText
Public strRelPath
Public strClassType
Public strClass
Public intParseArguments
Public strModifyPropertyArray()
'Class Constructor
Sub Class_Initialize
strClassType = "MB"
intParseArguments = 2
strClass = "MicrosoftDNS_MBType"
ReDim strModifyPropertyArray(1,1)
End Sub
'Help for this Resource Record.
Public Function AddHelp
Call ClassHelp("Adds a MB (Mail Box) Record to a Zone.", _
" DnsResource /Add MB <zone> <mailbox> <host>", _
" mailbox A mailbox name." & vbCRLF & _
" host Name of the host.", _
" DnsResource.vbs /Add MB Example.microsoft.com Mailbox.MyDomain MyHost.MyDomain" & vbCRLF & _
" Creates a mailbox for MyHost called in the MyDomain.Example.microsoft.com domain.")
AddHelp = 1
End Function
Public Function DeleteHelp
Call ClassHelp("Deletes a MB (Mail Box) Record to a Zone.", _
" DnsResource /Add MB <zone> <mailbox> <host>", _
" mailbox A mailbox name." & vbCRLF & _
" host Name of the host.", _
" DnsResource.vbs /Delete MB Example.microsoft.com Mailbox.MyDomain MyHost.MyDomain" & vbCRLF & _
" Deletes the mailbox for MyHost called in the MyDomain.Example.microsoft.com domain.")
DeleteHelp = 1
End Function
Public Function ModifyHelp
Call ClassHelp("Modifies a MB (Mail Box) Record.", _
" DnsResource /Modify MB <zone> <mailbox> <host> [<property> <value>] [...]", _
" property Valid Properties are:" & vbCRLF & _
" Host" & vbCRLF & _
" TTL" & vbCRLF & _
" value The new value for the listed property." & vbCRLF & _
" mailbox A mailbox name." & vbCRLF & _
" host Name of the host.", _
" DnsResource.vbs /Modify MB Example.microsoft.com Mailbox.MyDomain MyHost.MyDomain ttl 7400" & vbCRLF & _
" Modifies the MB Record's TTL value to 7400.")
ModifyHelp = 1
End Function
'Fill in Class properties from Parse Data
Public Function PopulateClass(strArgArray)
strContainerName = strArgArray(0)
strOwnerName = strFindFQDNOwnerName(strContainerName, strArgArray(1))
strRecordData = strFindFQDNOwnerName(strContainerName, strArgArray(0))
strText = strOwnername & " IN MB " & strRecordData
End Function
'Update Class Properties from a object
Public Function UpdateProperties(objDNS)
'On Error Resume Next
strContainerName = objDNS.ContainerName
strDNSServerName = objDNS.DNSServerName
strDomainName = objDNS.DomainName
strOwnername = objDNS.OwnerName
strTTL = objDNS.TTL
strRecordData = objDNS.RecordData
strText = objDns.TextRepresentation
strRelPath = objDns.Path_.Relpath
If blnErrorOccurred("Error while updating properties.") then
UpdateProperties = 1
UpdateProperties = 0
End If
End Function
'Display Class Properties to screen
Public Function DisplayProperties
Call WriteLine(" Mailbox : " & strOwnerName, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" Host Name : " & strRecordData, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" DNS Server : " & strDNSServerName, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" Zone : " & strContainerName, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" Domain : " & strDomainName, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" TTL : " & strTTL, objOutputFile)
DisplayProperties = 0
End Function
'Find the Class Instance based on current Class property Data
Public Function GetInstanceFromQuery
'On Error Resume Next
Dim strQuery
Dim objQuery, objInst
Dim intReturn
strQuery = strStandardQuery(strClass, strContainerName, strDnsServerName, strDomainName, strOwnerName, strTTL)
If Not IsEmpty(strRecordData) then
strQuery = strQuery & " RecordData=""" & strRecordData & """ and"
End If
strQuery = Left(strQuery,Len(strQuery)-4)
Set objQuery = objService.ExecQuery(strQuery)
If objQuery.Count <> 1 then
GetInstanceFromQuery = objQuery.Count
GetInstanceFromQuery = 1
For Each objInst in objQuery
intReturn = UpdateProperties(objInst)
End If
If blnErrorOccurred("Error while finding Resource Record") Then
End If
End Function
'Modify the Record
Public Function Modify
'On Error Resume Next
Dim objDns, objMethod, objInParam, objOutParam
Dim intReturn
Set objDNS = objService.Get(strRelPath)
Set objMethod = objDNS.Methods_("Modify")
Set objInParam = objMethod.inParameters.SpawnInstance_()
For I = 0 to 1
If Not IsEmpty(strModifyPropertyArray(I,0)) Then
Select Case LCase(strModifyPropertyArray(I,0))
Case "ttl"
objInParam.TTL = strModifyPropertyArray(I,1)
Case "host"
objInParam.MBHost = strModifyPropertyArray(I,1)
Case else
Modify = True
Call WriteLine(strModifyPropertyArray(I,0) & " is not a valid property.", objOutputFile)
Exit Function
End Select
End If
Set objOutParam = objDNS.ExecMethod_("Modify", ObjInParam)
Set objDNS = objService.Get(objOutParam.RR)
If UpdateProperties(objDNS) = 1 then
Modify = 1
Exit Function
End If
intReturn = DisplayProperties
If blnErrorOccurred("Modifing Resource Record") then
Modify = 1
Modify = 0
End If
End Function
End Class
Class MD_RecordData
Public strContainerName
Public strDnsServerName
Public strDomainName
Public strOwnerName
Public strTTL
Public strRecordData
Public strText
Public strRelPath
Public strClassType
Public strClass
Public intParseArguments
Public strModifyPropertyArray()
'Class Constructor
Sub Class_Initialize
strClassType = "MD"
intParseArguments = 2
strClass = "MicrosoftDNS_MDType"
ReDim strModifyPropertyArray(1,1)
End Sub
'Help for this Resource Record.
Public Function AddHelp
Call ClassHelp("Adds a MD Record to a Zone.", _
" DnsResource /Add MD <zone> <recordname> <host>", _
" recordname The name of the MD record." & vbCRLF & _
" host Name of the host.", _
" DnsResource.vbs /Add MD Example.microsoft.com MDRecord.MyDomain MyHost.MyDomain" & vbCRLF & _
" Creates a MD Record for MyHost in the MyDomain.Example.microsoft.com domain.")
AddHelp = 1
End Function
Public Function DeleteHelp
Call ClassHelp("Deletes a MD Record to a Zone.", _
" DnsResource /Delete MD <zone> <recordname> <host>", _
" recordname The name of the MD record." & vbCRLF & _
" host Name of the host.", _
" DnsResource.vbs /Delete MD Example.microsoft.com MDRecord.MyDomain MyHost.MyDomain" & vbCRLF & _
" Deletes the MD Record for MyHost in the MyDomain.Example.microsoft.com domain.")
DeleteHelp = 1
End Function
Public Function ModifyHelp
Call ClassHelp("Modifies a MD Record.", _
" DnsResource /Delete MD <zone> <recordname> <host>", _
" property Valid Properties are:" & vbCRLF & _
" Host" & vbCRLF & _
" TTL" & vbCRLF & _
" value The new value for the listed property." & vbCRLF & _
" recordname The name of the MD record." & vbCRLF & _
" host Name of the host.", _
" DnsResource.vbs /Modify MD Example.microsoft.com MDRecord.MyDomain MyHost.MyDomain ttl 7400" & vbCRLF & _
" Modifies the MD record's TTL value to 7400.")
ModifyHelp = 1
End Function
'Fill in Class properties from Parse Data
Public Function PopulateClass(strArgArray)
strContainerName = strArgArray(0)
strOwnerName = strFindFQDNOwnerName(strContainerName, strArgArray(1))
strRecordData = strFindFQDNOwnerName(strContainerName, strArgArray(2))
strText = strOwnername & " IN MD " & strRecordData
End Function
'Update Class Properties from a object
Public Function UpdateProperties(objDNS)
'On Error Resume Next
strContainerName = objDNS.ContainerName
strDNSServerName = objDNS.DNSServerName
strDomainName = objDNS.DomainName
strOwnername = objDNS.OwnerName
strTTL = objDNS.TTL
strRecordData = objDNS.RecordData
strText = objDns.TextRepresentation
strRelPath = objDns.Path_.Relpath
If blnErrorOccurred("Error while updating properties.") then
UpdateProperties = 1
UpdateProperties = 0
End If
End Function
'Display Class Properties to screen
Public Function DisplayProperties
Call WriteLine(" Record Name : " & strOwnerName, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" Host Name : " & strRecordData, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" DNS Server : " & strDNSServerName, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" Zone : " & strContainerName, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" Domain : " & strDomainName, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" TTL : " & strTTL, objOutputFile)
DisplayProperties = 0
End Function
'Find the Class Instance based on current Class property Data
Public Function GetInstanceFromQuery
'On Error Resume Next
Dim strQuery
Dim objQuery, objInst
Dim intReturn
strQuery = strStandardQuery(strClass, strContainerName, strDnsServerName, strDomainName, strOwnerName, strTTL)
If Not IsEmpty(strRecordData) then
strQuery = strQuery & " RecordData=""" & strRecordData & """ and"
End If
strQuery = Left(strQuery,Len(strQuery)-4)
Set objQuery = objService.ExecQuery(strQuery)
If objQuery.Count <> 1 then
GetInstanceFromQuery = objQuery.Count
GetInstanceFromQuery = 1
For Each objInst in objQuery
intReturn = UpdateProperties(objInst)
End If
If blnErrorOccurred("Error while finding Resource Record") Then
End If
End Function
'Modify the Record
Public Function Modify
'On Error Resume Next
Dim objDns, objMethod, objInParam, objOutParam
Dim intReturn
Set objDNS = objService.Get(strRelPath)
Set objMethod = objDNS.Methods_("Modify")
Set objInParam = objMethod.inParameters.SpawnInstance_()
For I = 0 to 1
If Not IsEmpty(strModifyPropertyArray(I,0)) Then
Select Case LCase(strModifyPropertyArray(I,0))
Case "ttl"
objInParam.TTL = strModifyPropertyArray(I,1)
Case "host"
objInParam.MDHost = strModifyPropertyArray(I,1)
Case else
Modify = True
Call WriteLine(strModifyPropertyArray(I,0) & " is not a valid property.", objOutputFile)
Exit Function
End Select
End If
Set objOutParam = objDNS.ExecMethod_("Modify", ObjInParam)
Set objDNS = objService.Get(objOutParam.RR)
If UpdateProperties(objDNS) = 1 then
Modify = 1
Exit Function
End If
intReturn = DisplayProperties
If blnErrorOccurred("Modifing Resource Record") then
Modify = 1
Modify = 0
End If
End Function
End Class
Class MF_RecordData
Public strContainerName
Public strDnsServerName
Public strDomainName
Public strOwnerName
Public strTTL
Public strRecordData
Public strText
Public strRelPath
Public strClassType
Public strClass
Public intParseArguments
Public strModifyPropertyArray()
'Class Constructor
Sub Class_Initialize
strClassType = "MF"
intParseArguments = 2
strClass = "MicrosoftDNS_MFType"
ReDim strModifyPropertyArray(1,1)
End Sub
'Help for this Resource Record.
Public Function AddHelp
Call ClassHelp("Adds a MF Record to a Zone.", _
" DnsResource /Add MF <zone> <recordname> <host>", _
" recordname The name of the MF record." & vbCRLF & _
" host Name of the host.", _
" DnsResource.vbs /Add MF Example.microsoft.com MFRecord.MyDomain MyHost.MyDomain" & vbCRLF & _
" Creates a MF Record for MyHost in the MyDomain.Example.microsoft.com domain.")
AddHelp = 1
End Function
Public Function DeleteHelp
Call ClassHelp("Deletes a MF Record to a Zone.", _
" DnsResource /Delete MF <zone> <recordname> <host>", _
" recordname The name of the MF record." & vbCRLF & _
" host Name of the host.", _
" DnsResource.vbs /Delete MF Example.microsoft.com MFRecord.MyDomain MyHost.MyDomain" & vbCRLF & _
" Deletes the MF Record for MyHost in the MyDomain.Example.microsoft.com domain.")
DeleteHelp = 1
End Function
Public Function ModifyHelp
Call ClassHelp("Modifies a MF Record.", _
" DnsResource /Modify MF <zone> <recordname> <host> [<property> <value>] [...]", _
" property Valid Properties are:" & vbCRLF & _
" Host" & vbCRLF & _
" TTL" & vbCRLF & _
" value The new value for the listed property." & vbCRLF & _
" recordname The name of the MF record." & vbCRLF & _
" host Name of the host.", _
" DnsResource.vbs /Modify MF Example.microsoft.com MFRecord.MyDomain MyHost.MyDomain ttl 7400" & vbCRLF & _
" Modifies the MF record's TTL value to 7400.")
ModifyHelp = 1
End Function
'Fill in Class properties from Parse Data
Public Function PopulateClass(strArgArray)
strContainerName = strArgArray(0)
strOwnerName = strFindFQDNOwnerName(strContainerName, strArgArray(1))
strRecordData = strFindFQDNOwnerName(strContainerName, strArgArray(2))
strText = strOwnername & " IN MF " & strRecordData
End Function
'Update Class Properties from a object
Public Function UpdateProperties(objDNS)
'On Error Resume Next
strContainerName = objDNS.ContainerName
strDNSServerName = objDNS.DNSServerName
strDomainName = objDNS.DomainName
strOwnername = objDNS.OwnerName
strTTL = objDNS.TTL
strRecordData = objDNS.RecordData
strText = objDns.TextRepresentation
strRelPath = objDns.Path_.Relpath
If blnErrorOccurred("Error while updating properties.") then
UpdateProperties = 1
UpdateProperties = 0
End If
End Function
'Display Class Properties to screen
Public Function DisplayProperties
Call WriteLine(" Record Name : " & strOwnerName, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" Host Name : " & strRecordData, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" DNS Server : " & strDNSServerName, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" Zone : " & strContainerName, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" Domain : " & strDomainName, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" TTL : " & strTTL, objOutputFile)
DisplayProperties = 0
End Function
'Find the Class Instance based on current Class property Data
Public Function GetInstanceFromQuery
'On Error Resume Next
Dim strQuery
Dim objQuery, objInst
Dim intReturn
strQuery = strStandardQuery(strClass, strContainerName, strDnsServerName, strDomainName, strOwnerName, strTTL)
If Not IsEmpty(strRecordData) then
strQuery = strQuery & " RecordData=""" & strRecordData & """ and"
End If
strQuery = Left(strQuery,Len(strQuery)-4)
Set objQuery = objService.ExecQuery(strQuery)
If objQuery.Count <> 1 then
GetInstanceFromQuery = objQuery.Count
GetInstanceFromQuery = 1
For Each objInst in objQuery
intReturn = UpdateProperties(objInst)
End If
If blnErrorOccurred("Error while finding Resource Record") Then
End If
End Function
'Modify the Record
Public Function Modify
'On Error Resume Next
Dim objDns, objMethod, objInParam, objOutParam
Dim intReturn
Set objDNS = objService.Get(strRelPath)
Set objMethod = objDNS.Methods_("Modify")
Set objInParam = objMethod.inParameters.SpawnInstance_()
For I = 0 to 1
If Not IsEmpty(strModifyPropertyArray(I,0)) Then
Select Case LCase(strModifyPropertyArray(I,0))
Case "ttl"
objInParam.TTL = strModifyPropertyArray(I,1)
Case "host"
objInParam.MFHost = strModifyPropertyArray(I,1)
Case else
Modify = True
Call WriteLine(strModifyPropertyArray(I,0) & " is not a valid property.", objOutputFile)
Exit Function
End Select
End If
Set objOutParam = objDNS.ExecMethod_("Modify", ObjInParam)
Set objDNS = objService.Get(objOutParam.RR)
If UpdateProperties(objDNS) = 1 then
Modify = 1
Exit Function
End If
intReturn = DisplayProperties
If blnErrorOccurred("Modifing Resource Record") then
Modify = 1
Modify = 0
End If
End Function
End Class
Class MG_RecordData
Public strContainerName
Public strDnsServerName
Public strDomainName
Public strOwnerName
Public strTTL
Public strRecordData
Public strText
Public strRelPath
Public strClassType
Public strClass
Public intParseArguments
Public strModifyPropertyArray()
'Class Constructor
Sub Class_Initialize
strClassType = "MG"
intParseArguments = 2
strClass = "MicrosoftDNS_MGType"
ReDim strModifyPropertyArray(1,1)
End Sub
'Help for this Resource Record.
Public Function AddHelp
Call ClassHelp("Adds a MG (Mail Group) Record to a Zone.", _
" DnsResource /Add MG <zone> <recordname> <mailbox>", _
" recordname The name of the MD record." & vbCRLF & _
" mailbox Name of the mailbox.", _
" DnsResource.vbs /Add MG Example.microsoft.com MailBox.MyDomain MyHost.MyDomain" & vbCRLF & _
" Creates a MG Record for MailBox in the MyDomain.Example.microsoft.com domain.")
AddHelp = 1
End Function
Public Function DeleteHelp
Call ClassHelp("Deletes a MG (Mail Group) Record to a Zone.", _
" DnsResource /Delete MG <zone> <recordname> <mailbox>", _
" recordname The name of the MD record." & vbCRLF & _
" mailbox Name of the mailbox.", _
" DnsResource.vbs /Delete MG Example.microsoft.com MailBox.MyDomain MyHost.MyDomain" & vbCRLF & _
" Deletes the MG Record for MyHost in the MyDomain.Example.microsoft.com domain.")
DeleteHelp = 1
End Function
Public Function ModifyHelp
Call ClassHelp("Modifies a MG (Mail Group) Record.", _
" DnsResource /Modify MG <zone> <recordname> <mailbox> [<property> <value>] [...]", _
" property Valid Properties are:" & vbCRLF & _
" mailbox" & vbCRLF & _
" TTL" & vbCRLF & _
" value The new value for the listed property." & vbCRLF & _
" recordname The name of the MD record." & vbCRLF & _
" mailbox Name of the mailbox.", _
" DnsResource.vbs /Modify MG Example.microsoft.com MDRecord.MyDomain MyHost.MyDomain ttl 7400" & vbCRLF & _
" Modifies the MG record's TTL value to 7400.")
ModifyHelp = 1
End Function
'Fill in Class properties from Parse Data
Public Function PopulateClass(strArgArray)
strContainerName = strArgArray(0)
strOwnerName = strFindFQDNOwnerName(strContainerName, strArgArray(1))
strRecordData = strFindFQDNOwnerName(strContainerName, strArgArray(2))
strText = strOwnername & " IN MG " & strRecordData
End Function
'Update Class Properties from a object
Public Function UpdateProperties(objDNS)
'On Error Resume Next
strContainerName = objDNS.ContainerName
strDNSServerName = objDNS.DNSServerName
strDomainName = objDNS.DomainName
strOwnername = objDNS.OwnerName
strTTL = objDNS.TTL
strRecordData = objDNS.RecordData
strText = objDns.TextRepresentation
strRelPath = objDns.Path_.Relpath
If blnErrorOccurred("Error while updating properties.") then
UpdateProperties = 1
UpdateProperties = 0
End If
End Function
'Display Class Properties to screen
Public Function DisplayProperties
Call WriteLine(" Record Name : " & strOwnerName, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" Mailbox Name : " & strRecordData, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" DNS Server : " & strDNSServerName, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" Zone : " & strContainerName, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" Domain : " & strDomainName, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" TTL : " & strTTL, objOutputFile)
DisplayProperties = 0
End Function
'Find the Class Instance based on current Class property Data
Public Function GetInstanceFromQuery
'On Error Resume Next
Dim strQuery
Dim objQuery, objInst
Dim intReturn
strQuery = strStandardQuery(strClass, strContainerName, strDnsServerName, strDomainName, strOwnerName, strTTL)
If Not IsEmpty(strRecordData) then
strQuery = strQuery & " RecordData=""" & strRecordData & """ and"
End If
strQuery = Left(strQuery,Len(strQuery)-4)
Set objQuery = objService.ExecQuery(strQuery)
If objQuery.Count <> 1 then
GetInstanceFromQuery = objQuery.Count
GetInstanceFromQuery = 1
For Each objInst in objQuery
intReturn = UpdateProperties(objInst)
End If
If blnErrorOccurred("Error while finding Resource Record") Then
End If
End Function
'Modify the Record
Public Function Modify
'On Error Resume Next
Dim objDns, objMethod, objInParam, objOutParam
Dim intReturn
Set objDNS = objService.Get(strRelPath)
Set objMethod = objDNS.Methods_("Modify")
Set objInParam = objMethod.inParameters.SpawnInstance_()
For I = 0 to 1
If Not IsEmpty(strModifyPropertyArray(I,0)) Then
Select Case LCase(strModifyPropertyArray(I,0))
Case "ttl"
objInParam.TTL = strModifyPropertyArray(I,1)
Case "mailbox"
objInParam.MGMailbox = strModifyPropertyArray(I,1)
Case else
Modify = True
Call WriteLine(strModifyPropertyArray(I,0) & " is not a valid property.", objOutputFile)
Exit Function
End Select
End If
Set objOutParam = objDNS.ExecMethod_("Modify", ObjInParam)
Set objDNS = objService.Get(objOutParam.RR)
If UpdateProperties(objDNS) = 1 then
Modify = 1
Exit Function
End If
intReturn = DisplayProperties
If blnErrorOccurred("Modifing Resource Record") then
Modify = 1
Modify = 0
End If
End Function
End Class
Class MINFO_RecordData
Public strContainerName
Public strDnsServerName
Public strDomainName
Public strOwnerName
Public strTTL
Public strRecordData
Public strErrorBox
Public strText
Public strRelPath
Public strClassType
Public strClass
Public intParseArguments
Public strModifyPropertyArray()
'Class Constructor
Sub Class_Initialize
strClassType = "MINFO"
intParseArguments = 3
strClass = "MicrosoftDNS_MINFOType"
ReDim strModifyPropertyArray(2,1)
End Sub
'Help for this Resource Record.
Public Function AddHelp
Call ClassHelp("Adds a MINFO (Mailbox Information) Record to a Zone.", _
" DnsResource /Add MINFO <zone> <recordname> <responsible> <error>", _
" recordname The name of the MD record." & vbCRLF & _
" responsible Name of the responsible mailbox." & vbCRLF & _
" error Name of the error mailbox.", _
" DnsResource.vbs /Add MINFO Example.microsoft.com MyMailBox ResponsibleMailBox ErrorMailBox" & vbCRLF & _
" Creates a MINFO Record for MyMailBox.")
AddHelp = 1
End Function
Public Function DeleteHelp
Call ClassHelp("Deletes a MINFO (Mailbox Information) Record from a Zone.", _
" DnsResource /Delete MINFO <zone> <recordname> <responsible> <error>", _
" recordname The name of the MD record." & vbCRLF & _
" responsible Name of the responsible mailbox." & vbCRLF & _
" error Name of the error mailbox.", _
" DnsResource.vbs /Delete MINFO Example.microsoft.com MyMailBox ResponsibleMailBox ErrorMailBox" & vbCRLF & _
" Deletes the MINFO Record for MyMailBox.")
DeleteHelp = 1
End Function
Public Function ModifyHelp
Call ClassHelp("Modifies a MINFO (Mailbox Information) Record.", _
" DnsResource /Modify MINFO <zone> <recordname> <responsible> <error> [<property> <value>] [...]", _
" property Valid Properties are:" & vbCRLF & _
" responsible" & vbCRLF & _
" error" & vbCRLF & _
" TTL" & vbCRLF & _
" value The new value for the listed property." & vbCRLF & _
" recordname The name of the MD record." & vbCRLF & _
" responsible Name of the responsible mailbox." & vbCRLF & _
" error Name of the error mailbox.", _
" DnsResource.vbs /Modify MINFO Example.microsoft.com MyMailBox ResponsibleMailBox ErrorMailBox ttl 7400" & vbCRLF & _
" Modifies the MINFO's record's TTL value to 7400.")
ModifyHelp = 1
End Function
'Fill in Class properties from Parse Data
Public Function PopulateClass(strArgArray)
strContainerName = strArgArray(0)
strOwnerName = strFindFQDNOwnerName(strContainerName, strArgArray(1))
strRecordData = strFindFQDNOwnerName(strContainerName, strArgArray(2))
strErrorBox = strFindFQDNOwnerName(strContainerName, strArgArray(3))
strText = strOwnername & " IN MINFO " & strRecordData & " " & strErrorBox
End Function
'Update Class Properties from a object
Public Function UpdateProperties(objDNS)
'On Error Resume Next
strContainerName = objDNS.ContainerName
strDNSServerName = objDNS.DNSServerName
strDomainName = objDNS.DomainName
strOwnername = objDNS.OwnerName
strTTL = objDNS.TTL
strRecordData = objDNS.ResponsibleMailbox
strErrorBox = objDNS.ErrorMailbox
strText = objDns.TextRepresentation
strRelPath = objDns.Path_.Relpath
If blnErrorOccurred("Error while updating properties.") then
UpdateProperties = 1
UpdateProperties = 0
End If
End Function
'Display Class Properties to screen
Public Function DisplayProperties
Call WriteLine(" Record Name : " & strOwnerName, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" Responsible Mailbox : " & strRecordData, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" Error Mailbox : " & strErrorBox, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" DNS Server : " & strDNSServerName, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" Zone : " & strContainerName, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" Domain : " & strDomainName, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" TTL : " & strTTL, objOutputFile)
DisplayProperties = 0
End Function
'Find the Class Instance based on current Class property Data
Public Function GetInstanceFromQuery
'On Error Resume Next
Dim strQuery
Dim objQuery, objInst
Dim intReturn
strQuery = strStandardQuery(strClass, strContainerName, strDnsServerName, strDomainName, strOwnerName, strTTL)
If Not IsEmpty(strRecordData) then
strQuery = strQuery & " ResponsibleMailbox=""" & strRecordData & """ and"
End If
If Not IsEmpty(strErrorBox) then
strQuery = strQuery & " ErrorMailbox=""" & strErrorBox & """ and"
End If
strQuery = Left(strQuery,Len(strQuery)-4)
Set objQuery = objService.ExecQuery(strQuery)
If objQuery.Count <> 1 then
GetInstanceFromQuery = objQuery.Count
GetInstanceFromQuery = 1
For Each objInst in objQuery
intReturn = UpdateProperties(objInst)
End If
If blnErrorOccurred("Error while finding Resource Record") Then
End If
End Function
'Modify the Record
Public Function Modify
'On Error Resume Next
Dim objDns, objMethod, objInParam, objOutParam
Dim intReturn
Set objDNS = objService.Get(strRelPath)
Set objMethod = objDNS.Methods_("Modify")
Set objInParam = objMethod.inParameters.SpawnInstance_()
For I = 0 to 1
If Not IsEmpty(strModifyPropertyArray(I,0)) Then
Select Case LCase(strModifyPropertyArray(I,0))
Case "ttl"
objInParam.TTL = strModifyPropertyArray(I,1)
Case "responsible"
objInParam.ResponsibleMailbox = strModifyPropertyArray(I,1)
Case "error"
objInParam.ErrorMailbox = strModifyPropertyArray(I,1)
Case else
Modify = True
Call WriteLine(strModifyPropertyArray(I,0) & " is not a valid property.", objOutputFile)
Exit Function
End Select
End If
Set objOutParam = objDNS.ExecMethod_("Modify", ObjInParam)
Set objDNS = objService.Get(objOutParam.RR)
If UpdateProperties(objDNS) = 1 then
Modify = 1
Exit Function
End If
intReturn = DisplayProperties
If blnErrorOccurred("Modifing Resource Record") then
Modify = 1
Modify = 0
End If
End Function
End Class
Class MR_RecordData
Public strContainerName
Public strDnsServerName
Public strDomainName
Public strOwnerName
Public strTTL
Public strRecordData
Public strText
Public strRelPath
Public strClassType
Public strClass
Public intParseArguments
Public strModifyPropertyArray()
'Class Constructor
Sub Class_Initialize
strClassType = "MR"
intParseArguments = 2
strClass = "MicrosoftDNS_MRType"
ReDim strModifyPropertyArray(1,1)
End Sub
'Help for this Resource Record.
Public Function AddHelp
Call ClassHelp("Adds a MR (Rename Mailbox) Record to a Zone.", _
" DnsResource /Add MR <zone> <mailbox> <replacement>", _
" mailbox The old mailbox name" & vbCRLF & _
" replacement The new mailbox name.", _
" DnsResource.vbs /Add MR Example.microsoft.com OldBox.MyDomain NewBox.MyDomain" & vbCRLF & _
" Creates a MR record to replace OldBox with NewBox.")
AddHelp = 1
End Function
Public Function DeleteHelp
Call ClassHelp("Deletes a MR (Rename Mailbox) Record from a Zone.", _
" DnsResource /Delete MR <zone> <mailbox> <replacement>", _
" mailbox The old mailbox name" & vbCRLF & _
" replacement The new mailbox name.", _
" DnsResource.vbs /Delete MR Example.microsoft.com OldBox.MyDomain NewBox.MyDomain" & vbCRLF & _
" Deletes the MR record to replace OldBox with NewBox.")
DeleteHelp = 1
End Function
Public Function ModifyHelp
Call ClassHelp("Modifies a MR (Rename Mailbox) Record.", _
" DnsResource /Modify MR <zone> <mailbox> <replacement> [...]", _
" property Valid Properties are:" & vbCRLF & _
" NewBox" & vbCRLF & _
" TTL" & vbCRLF & _
" value The new value for the listed property." & vbCRLF & _
" mailbox The old mailbox name" & vbCRLF & _
" replacement The new mailbox name.", _
" DnsResource.vbs /Modify MR Example.microsoft.com OldBox.MyDomain NewBox.MyDomain ttl 7400" & vbCRLF & _
" Modifies the MS Record's TTL value to 7400.")
ModifyHelp = 1
End Function
'Fill in Class properties from Parse Data
Public Function PopulateClass(strArgArray)
strContainerName = strArgArray(0)
strOwnerName = strFindFQDNOwnerName(strContainerName, strArgArray(1))
strRecordData = strFindFQDNOwnerName(strContainerName, strArgArray(2))
strText = strOwnername & " IN MR " & strRecordData
End Function
'Update Class Properties from a object
Public Function UpdateProperties(objDNS)
'On Error Resume Next
strContainerName = objDNS.ContainerName
strDNSServerName = objDNS.DNSServerName
strDomainName = objDNS.DomainName
strOwnername = objDNS.OwnerName
strTTL = objDNS.TTL
strRecordData = objDNS.RecordData
strText = objDns.TextRepresentation
strRelPath = objDns.Path_.Relpath
If blnErrorOccurred("Error while updating properties.") then
UpdateProperties = 1
UpdateProperties = 0
End If
End Function
'Display Class Properties to screen
Public Function DisplayProperties
Call WriteLine(" Old Box : " & strOwnerName, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" New Box : " & strRecordData, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" DNS Server : " & strDNSServerName, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" Zone : " & strContainerName, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" Domain : " & strDomainName, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" TTL : " & strTTL, objOutputFile)
DisplayProperties = 0
End Function
'Find the Class Instance based on current Class property Data
Public Function GetInstanceFromQuery
'On Error Resume Next
Dim strQuery
Dim objQuery, objInst
Dim intReturn
strQuery = strStandardQuery(strClass, strContainerName, strDnsServerName, strDomainName, strOwnerName, strTTL)
If Not IsEmpty(strRecordData) then
strQuery = strQuery & " RecordData=""" & strRecordData & """ and"
End If
strQuery = Left(strQuery,Len(strQuery)-4)
Set objQuery = objService.ExecQuery(strQuery)
If objQuery.Count <> 1 then
GetInstanceFromQuery = objQuery.Count
GetInstanceFromQuery = 1
For Each objInst in objQuery
intReturn = UpdateProperties(objInst)
End If
If blnErrorOccurred("Error while finding Resource Record") Then
End If
End Function
'Modify the Record
Public Function Modify
'On Error Resume Next
Dim objDns, objMethod, objInParam, objOutParam
Dim intReturn
Set objDNS = objService.Get(strRelPath)
Set objMethod = objDNS.Methods_("Modify")
Set objInParam = objMethod.inParameters.SpawnInstance_()
For I = 0 to 1
If Not IsEmpty(strModifyPropertyArray(I,0)) Then
Select Case LCase(strModifyPropertyArray(I,0))
Case "ttl"
objInParam.TTL = strModifyPropertyArray(I,1)
Case "newbox"
objInParam.MRMailbox = strModifyPropertyArray(I,1)
Case else
Modify = True
Call WriteLine(strModifyPropertyArray(I,0) & " is not a valid property.", objOutputFile)
Exit Function
End Select
End If
Set objOutParam = objDNS.ExecMethod_("Modify", ObjInParam)
Set objDNS = objService.Get(objOutParam.RR)
If UpdateProperties(objDNS) = 1 then
Modify = 1
Exit Function
End If
intReturn = DisplayProperties
If blnErrorOccurred("Modifing Resource Record") then
Modify = 1
Modify = 0
End If
End Function
End Class
Class RP_RecordData
Public strContainerName
Public strDnsServerName
Public strDomainName
Public strOwnerName
Public strTTL
Public strRecordData
Public strTXTDomain
Public strText
Public strRelPath
Public strClassType
Public strClass
Public intParseArguments
Public strModifyPropertyArray()
'Class Constructor
Sub Class_Initialize
strClassType = "RP"
intParseArguments = 3
strClass = "MicrosoftDNS_RPtype"
ReDim strModifyPropertyArray(2,1)
End Sub
'Help for this Resource Record.
Public Function AddHelp
Call ClassHelp("Adds a RP (Responsible Person) Record to a Zone.", _
" DnsResource /Add RP <zone> <recordname> <mailbox> <textrecord>", _
" recordname The name of the RP Record." & vbCRLF & _
" mailbox The Mailbox of the responsible person." & vbCRLF & _
" textrecord An associated text record.", _
" DnsResource.vbs /Add RP Example.microsoft.com MyDomain admim.example admim-info.example" & vbCRLF & _
" Creates a MR Record for the MyDomain domain.")
AddHelp = 1
End Function
Public Function DeleteHelp
Call ClassHelp("Deletes a RP (Responsible Person) Record from a Zone.", _
" DnsResource /Delete RP <zone> <recordname> <mailbox> <textrecord>", _
" recordname The name of the RP Record." & vbCRLF & _
" mailbox The Mailbox of the responsible person." & vbCRLF & _
" textrecord An associated text record.", _
" DnsResource.vbs /Delete RP Example.microsoft.com MyDomain admim.example admim-info.example" & vbCRLF & _
" Deletes the MR Record for the MyDomain domain.")
DeleteHelp = 1
End Function
Public Function ModifyHelp
Call ClassHelp("Modifies a RP (Responsible Person) Record.", _
" DnsResource /Modify RP <zone> <recordname> <mailbox> <textrecord> [<property> <value>] [...]", _
" property Valid Properties are:" & vbCRLF & _
" mailbox" & vbCRLF & _
" textrecord" & vbCRLF & _
" TTL" & vbCRLF & _
" value The new value for the listed property." & vbCRLF & _
" recordname The name of the RP Record." & vbCRLF & _
" mailbox The Mailbox of the responsible person." & vbCRLF & _
" textrecord An associated text record.", _
" DnsResource.vbs /Modify RP Example.microsoft.com MyDomain admim.example admim-info.example ttl 7400" & vbCRLF & _
" Modifies the RP record's TTL value to 7400.")
ModifyHelp = 1
End Function
'Fill in Class properties from Parse Data
Public Function PopulateClass(strArgArray)
strContainerName = strArgArray(0)
strOwnerName = strFindFQDNOwnerName(strContainerName, strArgArray(1))
strRecordData = strFindFQDNOwnerName(strContainerName, strArgArray(2))
strTXTDomain = strFindFQDNOwnerName(strContainerName, strArgArray(3))
strText = strOwnername & " IN RP " & strRecordData & " " & strTXTDomain
End Function
'Update Class Properties from a object
Public Function UpdateProperties(objDNS)
'On Error Resume Next
strContainerName = objDNS.ContainerName
strDNSServerName = objDNS.DNSServerName
strDomainName = objDNS.DomainName
strOwnername = objDNS.OwnerName
strTTL = objDNS.TTL
strRecordData = objDNS.RPMailbox
strTXTDomain = objDNS.TXTDomainName
strText = objDns.TextRepresentation
strRelPath = objDns.Path_.Relpath
If blnErrorOccurred("Error while updating properties.") then
UpdateProperties = 1
UpdateProperties = 0
End If
End Function
'Display Class Properties to screen
Public Function DisplayProperties
Call WriteLine(" Record Name : " & strOwnerName, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" Mailbox : " & strRecordData, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" Text Record : " & strTXTDomain, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" DNS Server : " & strDNSServerName, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" Zone : " & strContainerName, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" Domain : " & strDomainName, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" TTL : " & strTTL, objOutputFile)
DisplayProperties = 0
End Function
'Find the Class Instance based on current Class property Data
Public Function GetInstanceFromQuery
'On Error Resume Next
Dim strQuery
Dim objQuery, objInst
Dim intReturn
strQuery = strStandardQuery(strClass, strContainerName, strDnsServerName, strDomainName, strOwnerName, strTTL)
If Not IsEmpty(strRecordData) then
strQuery = strQuery & " RPMAilbox=""" & strRecordData & """ and"
End If
If Not IsEmpty(strTXTDomain) then
strQuery = strQuery & " TXTDomainName=""" & strTXTDomain & """ and"
End If
strQuery = Left(strQuery,Len(strQuery)-4)
Set objQuery = objService.ExecQuery(strQuery)
If objQuery.Count <> 1 then
GetInstanceFromQuery = objQuery.Count
GetInstanceFromQuery = 1
For Each objInst in objQuery
intReturn = UpdateProperties(objInst)
End If
If blnErrorOccurred("Error while finding Resource Record") Then
End If
End Function
'Modify the Record
Public Function Modify
'On Error Resume Next
Dim objDns, objMethod, objInParam, objOutParam
Dim intReturn
Set objDNS = objService.Get(strRelPath)
Set objMethod = objDNS.Methods_("Modify")
Set objInParam = objMethod.inParameters.SpawnInstance_()
For I = 0 to 1
If Not IsEmpty(strModifyPropertyArray(I,0)) Then
Select Case LCase(strModifyPropertyArray(I,0))
Case "ttl"
objInParam.TTL = strModifyPropertyArray(I,1)
Case "mailbox"
objInParam.RPMailbox = strModifyPropertyArray(I,1)
Case "textrecord"
objInParam.TXTDomainName = strModifyPropertyArray(I,1)
Case else
Modify = True
Call WriteLine(strModifyPropertyArray(I,0) & " is not a valid property.", objOutputFile)
Exit Function
End Select
End If
Set objOutParam = objDNS.ExecMethod_("Modify", ObjInParam)
Set objDNS = objService.Get(objOutParam.RR)
If UpdateProperties(objDNS) = 1 then
Modify = 1
Exit Function
End If
intReturn = DisplayProperties
If blnErrorOccurred("Modifing Resource Record") then
Modify = 1
Modify = 0
End If
End Function
End Class
Class RT_RecordData
Public strContainerName
Public strDnsServerName
Public strDomainName
Public strOwnerName
Public strTTL
Public strRecordData
Public strPreference
Public strText
Public strRelPath
Public strClassType
Public strClass
Public intParseArguments
Public strModifyPropertyArray()
'Class Constructor
Sub Class_Initialize
strClassType = "RT"
intParseArguments = 3
strClass = "MicrosoftDNS_RTType"
ReDim strModifyPropertyArray(2,1)
End Sub
'Help for this Resource Record.
Public Function AddHelp
Call ClassHelp("Adds a RT (Route Through) Record to a Zone.", _
" DnsResource /Add RT <zone> <recordname> <host> <preference>", _
" recordname The name of the RT Record." & vbCRLF & _
" host Name of the host." & vbCRLF & _
" preference The priority this record has over others.", _
" DnsResource.vbs /Add RT Example.microsoft.com rtrecord lan-router 10" & vbCRLF & _
" Creates a RT record.")
AddHelp = 1
End Function
Public Function DeleteHelp
Call ClassHelp("Deletes a RT (Route Through) Record from a Zone.", _
" DnsResource /Delete RT <zone> <recordname> <host> <preference>", _
" recordname The name of the RT Record." & vbCRLF & _
" host Name of the host." & vbCRLF & _
" preference The priority this record has over others.", _
" DnsResource.vbs /Delete RT Example.microsoft.com rtrecord lan-router 10" & vbCRLF & _
" Deletes the RT Record.")
DeleteHelp = 1
End Function
Public Function ModifyHelp
Call ClassHelp("Modifies a RT (Route Through) Record.", _
" DnsResource /Modify RT <zone> <recordname> <host> <preference> [<property> <value>] [...]", _
" property Valid Properties are:" & vbCRLF & _
" Host" & vbCRLF & _
" preference" & vbCRLF & _
" TTL" & vbCRLF & _
" value The new value for the listed property." & vbCRLF & _
" recordname The name of the RT Record." & vbCRLF & _
" host Name of the host." & vbCRLF & _
" preference The priority this record has over others.", _
" DnsResource.vbs /Modify RT Example.microsoft.com rtrecord lan-router 10 ttl 7400" & vbCRLF & _
" Modifies the RT record's TTL value to 7400.")
ModifyHelp = 1
End Function
'Fill in Class properties from Parse Data
Public Function PopulateClass(strArgArray)
strContainerName = strArgArray(0)
strOwnerName = strFindFQDNOwnerName(strContainerName, strArgArray(1))
strRecordData = strFindFQDNOwnerName(strContainerName, strArgArray(2))
strPreference = strArgArray(3)
strText = strOwnername & " IN RT " & strPreference & " " & strRecordData
End Function
'Update Class Properties from a object
Public Function UpdateProperties(objDNS)
'On Error Resume Next
strContainerName = objDNS.ContainerName
strDNSServerName = objDNS.DNSServerName
strDomainName = objDNS.DomainName
strOwnername = objDNS.OwnerName
strTTL = objDNS.TTL
strRecordData = objDNS.IntermediateHost
strPreference = objDNS.Preference
strText = objDns.TextRepresentation
strRelPath = objDns.Path_.Relpath
If blnErrorOccurred("Error while updating properties.") then
UpdateProperties = 1
UpdateProperties = 0
End If
End Function
'Display Class Properties to screen
Public Function DisplayProperties
Call WriteLine(" Record Name : " & strOwnerName, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" Host Name : " & strRecordData, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" Preference : " & strPreference, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" DNS Server : " & strDNSServerName, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" Zone : " & strContainerName, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" Domain : " & strDomainName, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" TTL : " & strTTL, objOutputFile)
DisplayProperties = 0
End Function
'Find the Class Instance based on current Class property Data
Public Function GetInstanceFromQuery
'On Error Resume Next
Dim strQuery
Dim objQuery, objInst
Dim intReturn
strQuery = strStandardQuery(strClass, strContainerName, strDnsServerName, strDomainName, strOwnerName, strTTL)
If Not IsEmpty(strRecordData) then
strQuery = strQuery & " IntermediateHost=""" & strRecordData & """ and"
End If
If Not IsEmpty(strPreference) then
strQuery = strQuery & " Preference=""" & strPreference & """ and"
End If
strQuery = Left(strQuery,Len(strQuery)-4)
Set objQuery = objService.ExecQuery(strQuery)
If objQuery.Count <> 1 then
GetInstanceFromQuery = objQuery.Count
GetInstanceFromQuery = 1
For Each objInst in objQuery
intReturn = UpdateProperties(objInst)
End If
If blnErrorOccurred("Error while finding Resource Record") Then
End If
End Function
'Modify the Record
Public Function Modify
'On Error Resume Next
Dim objDns, objMethod, objInParam, objOutParam
Dim intReturn
Set objDNS = objService.Get(strRelPath)
Set objMethod = objDNS.Methods_("Modify")
Set objInParam = objMethod.inParameters.SpawnInstance_()
For I = 0 to 2
If Not IsEmpty(strModifyPropertyArray(I,0)) Then
Select Case LCase(strModifyPropertyArray(I,0))
Case "ttl"
objInParam.TTL = strModifyPropertyArray(I,1)
Case "host"
objInParam.IntermediateHost = strModifyPropertyArray(I,1)
Case "preference"
objInParam.Preference = strModifyPropertyArray(I,1)
Case else
Modify = True
Call WriteLine(strModifyPropertyArray(I,0) & " is not a valid property.", objOutputFile)
Exit Function
End Select
End If
Set objOutParam = objDNS.ExecMethod_("Modify", ObjInParam)
Set objDNS = objService.Get(objOutParam.RR)
If UpdateProperties(objDNS) = 1 then
Modify = 1
Exit Function
End If
intReturn = DisplayProperties
If blnErrorOccurred("Modifing Resource Record") then
Modify = 1
Modify = 0
End If
End Function
End Class
Class SRV_RecordData
'Class Constructor
Sub Class_Initialize
Wscript.Echo("SRV Record is not currently supported.")
End Sub
End Class
Class TXT_RecordData
Public strContainerName
Public strDnsServerName
Public strDomainName
Public strOwnerName
Public strTTL
Public strRecordData
Public strText
Public strRelPath
Public strClassType
Public strClass
Public intParseArguments
Public strModifyPropertyArray()
'Class Constructor
Sub Class_Initialize
strClassType = "TXT"
intParseArguments = 2
strClass = "MicrosoftDNS_TXTType"
ReDim strModifyPropertyArray(1,1)
End Sub
'Help for this Resource Record.
Public Function AddHelp
Call ClassHelp("Adds a TXT (Text) Record to a Zone.", _
" DnsResource /Add TXT <zone> <recordname> <text>", _
" recordname The name of the TXT record." & vbCRLF & _
" text Descriptive text.", _
" DnsResource.vbs /Add TXT Example.microsoft.com MyText ""This is sample text""" & vbCRLF & _
" Creates a TXT record in Example.microsoft.com with the name MyHost.")
AddHelp = 1
End Function
Public Function DeleteHelp
Call ClassHelp("Deletes a TXT (Text) Record to a Zone.", _
" DnsResource /Delete TXT <zone> <recordname> <text>", _
" recordname The name of the TXT record." & vbCRLF & _
" text Descriptive text.", _
" DnsResource.vbs /Delete TXT Example.microsoft.com MyText ""This is sample text""" & vbCRLF & _
" Deletes the TXT record in Example.microsoft.com with the name MyHost.")
DeleteHelp = 1
End Function
Public Function ModifyHelp
Call ClassHelp("Modifies a TXT (Text) Record to a Zone.", _
" DnsResource /Modify TXT <zone> <recordname> <text> [<property> <value>] [...]", _
" property Valid Properties are:" & vbCRLF & _
" text" & vbCRLF & _
" TTL" & vbCRLF & _
" value The new value for the listed property." & vbCRLF & _
" recordname The name of the TXT record." & vbCRLF & _
" text Descriptive text.", _
" DnsResource.vbs /Modify TXT Example.microsoft.com MyText ""This is sample text"" text ""This is new text""" & vbCRLF & _
" Modifies a TXT record's text.")
ModifyHelp = 1
End Function
'Fill in Class properties from Parse Data
Public Function PopulateClass(strArgArray)
strContainerName = strArgArray(0)
strOwnerName = strFindFQDNOwnerName(strContainerName, strArgArray(1))
strRecordData = strArgArray(2)
strText = strOwnername & " IN TXT " & """" & strRecordData & """"
End Function
'Update Class Properties from a object
Public Function UpdateProperties(objDNS)
'On Error Resume Next
strContainerName = objDNS.ContainerName
strDNSServerName = objDNS.DNSServerName
strDomainName = objDNS.DomainName
strOwnername = objDNS.OwnerName
strTTL = objDNS.TTL
strRecordData = objDNS.RecordData
strText = objDns.TextRepresentation
strRelPath = objDns.Path_.Relpath
If blnErrorOccurred("Error while updating properties.") then
UpdateProperties = 1
UpdateProperties = 0
End If
End Function
'Display Class Properties to screen
Public Function DisplayProperties
Call WriteLine(" Record Name : " & strOwnerName, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" Text : " & strRecordData, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" DNS Server : " & strDNSServerName, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" Zone : " & strContainerName, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" Domain : " & strDomainName, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" TTL : " & strTTL, objOutputFile)
DisplayProperties = 0
End Function
'Find the Class Instance based on current Class property Data
Public Function GetInstanceFromQuery
'On Error Resume Next
Dim strQuery
Dim objQuery, objInst
Dim intReturn
strQuery = strStandardQuery(strClass, strContainerName, strDnsServerName, strDomainName, strOwnerName, strTTL)
If Not IsEmpty(strRecordData) then
strQuery = strQuery & " RecordData=""" & "\""" & strRecordData & "\""" & """ and"
End If
strQuery = Left(strQuery,Len(strQuery)-4)
Set objQuery = objService.ExecQuery(strQuery)
If objQuery.Count <> 1 then
GetInstanceFromQuery = objQuery.Count
GetInstanceFromQuery = 1
For Each objInst in objQuery
intReturn = UpdateProperties(objInst)
End If
If blnErrorOccurred("Error while finding Resource Record") Then
End If
End Function
'Modify the Record
Public Function Modify
'On Error Resume Next
Dim objDns, objMethod, objInParam, objOutParam
Dim intReturn
Set objDNS = objService.Get(strRelPath)
Set objMethod = objDNS.Methods_("Modify")
Set objInParam = objMethod.inParameters.SpawnInstance_()
For I = 0 to 1
If Not IsEmpty(strModifyPropertyArray(I,0)) Then
Select Case LCase(strModifyPropertyArray(I,0))
Case "ttl"
objInParam.TTL = strModifyPropertyArray(I,1)
Case "text"
objInParam.DescriptiveText = "" & strModifyPropertyArray(I,1) & ""
Case else
Modify = True
Call WriteLine(strModifyPropertyArray(I,0) & " is not a valid property.", objOutputFile)
Exit Function
End Select
End If
Set objOutParam = objDNS.ExecMethod_("Modify", ObjInParam)
Set objDNS = objService.Get(objOutParam.RR)
If UpdateProperties(objDNS) = 1 then
Modify = 1
Exit Function
End If
intReturn = DisplayProperties
If blnErrorOccurred("Modifing Resource Record") then
Modify = 1
Modify = 0
End If
End Function
End Class
Class WINSR_RecordData
'Class Constructor
Sub Class_Initialize
Wscript.Echo("WINSR Record is not currently supported.")
End Sub
End Class
Class WINS_RecordData
Public strContainerName
Public strDnsServerName
Public strDomainName
Public strOwnerName
Public strTTL
Public strCacheTimeout
Public strLookupTimeout
Public strMappingFlag
Public strWinsServers
Public strText
Public strRelPath
Public strClassType
Public strClass
Public intParseArguments
Public strModifyPropertyArray()
'Class Constructor
Sub Class_Initialize
strClassType = "WINS"
intParseArguments = 5
strClass = "MicrosoftDNS_WINSType"
ReDim strModifyPropertyArray(5,1)
End Sub
'Help for this Resource Record.
Public Function AddHelp
Call ClassHelp("Adds a WINS Record to a Zone.", _
" DnsResource /Add WINS <zone> <recordname> <servers> <cachetimeout> <lookuptimeout> <replicate>", _
" recordname The name of the WINS record." & vbCRLF & _
" servers The IP Address(es) for the WINS Server(s)." & vbCRLF & _
" lookuptimeout The time in seconds to cache a Wins server's response." & vbCRLF & _
" cachetimeout The time in seconds to wait for a Wins server's response." & vbCRLF & _
" replicate Whether to include WINS records in Zone replication:" & vbCRLF & _
" True" & vbCRLF & _
" False", _
" DnsResource.vbs /Add WINS Example.microsoft.com @ """" 72000 1200 false" & vbCRLF & _
" Creates a WINS record for Example.microsoft.com with two WINS servers.")
AddHelp = 1
End Function
Public Function DeleteHelp
Call ClassHelp("Deletes a WINS Record from a Zone.", _
" DnsResource /Delete WINS <zone> <recordname> <servers> <cachetimeout> <lookuptimeout> <replicate>", _
" recordname The name of the WINS record." & vbCRLF & _
" servers The IP Address(es) for the WINS Server(s)." & vbCRLF & _
" lookuptimeout The time in seconds to cache a Wins server's response." & vbCRLF & _
" cachetimeout The time in seconds to wait for a Wins server's response." & vbCRLF & _
" replicate Whether to include WINS records in Zone replication:" & vbCRLF & _
" True" & vbCRLF & _
" False", _
" DnsResource.vbs /Delete WINS Example.microsoft.com @ """" 72000 1200 false" & vbCRLF & _
" Deletes the WINS record for Example.microsoft.com with two WINS servers.")
DeleteHelp = 1
End Function
Public Function ModifyHelp
Call ClassHelp("Modifies a WINS Record.", _
" DnsResource /Modify WINS <zone> <recordname> <servers> <cachetimeout> <lookuptimeout> <replicate> [<property> <value>] [...]", _
" property Valid Properties are:" & vbCRLF & _
" servers" & vbCRLF & _
" cachetimeout" & vbCRLF & _
" lookuptimeout" & vbCRLF & _
" replicate" & vbCRLF & _
" TTL" & vbCRLF & _
" recordname The name of the WINS record." & vbCRLF & _
" recordname The name of the WINS record." & vbCRLF & _
" servers The IP Address(es) for the WINS Server(s)." & vbCRLF & _
" lookuptimeout The time in seconds to cache a Wins server's response." & vbCRLF & _
" cachetimeout The time in seconds to wait for a Wins server's response." & vbCRLF & _
" replicate Whether to include WINS records in Zone replication:" & vbCRLF & _
" True" & vbCRLF & _
" False", _
" DnsResource.vbs /Modify WINS Example.microsoft.com @ "" 72000 1200 false servers """"" & vbCRLF & _
" Changes the order of WINS Servers in a WINS Record.")
ModifyHelp = 1
End Function
'Fill in Class properties from Parse Data
Public Function PopulateClass(strArgArray)
strContainerName = strArgArray(0)
strOwnerName = strFindFQDNOwnerName(strContainerName, strArgArray(1))
strWinsServers = strArgArray(2)
strCacheTimeout = strArgArray(3)
strLookupTimeout = strArgArray(4)
Select Case LCase(strArgArray(5))
Case "true"
strMappingFlag = 1
Case "false"
strMappingFlag = 0
Case Else
Wscript.Echo(strArgArray(5) & " is not a valid value for replicate")
End Select
strText = strOwnername & " IN WINS " & strMappingFlag & " " & strLookupTimeout & " " & strCacheTimeout & " " & strWinsServers
End Function
'Update Class Properties from a object
Public Function UpdateProperties(objDNS)
'On Error Resume Next
strContainerName = objDNS.ContainerName
strDNSServerName = objDNS.DNSServerName
strDomainName = objDNS.DomainName
strOwnername = objDNS.OwnerName
strTTL = objDNS.TTL
strWinsServers = objDNS.WinsServers
strCacheTimeout = objDNS.CacheTimeout
strLookupTimeout = objDNS.LookupTimeout
strMappingFlag = objDNS.MappingFlag
strText = objDns.TextRepresentation
strRelPath = objDns.Path_.Relpath
If blnErrorOccurred("Error while updating properties.") then
UpdateProperties = 1
UpdateProperties = 0
End If
End Function
'Display Class Properties to screen
Public Function DisplayProperties
Call WriteLine(" Record Name : " & strOwnerName, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" Wins Servers : " & strWinsServers, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" Cache Timeout : " & strCacheTimeout, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" Lookup Timeput : " & strLookupTimeout, objOutputFile)
Select Case strMappingFlag
Case 0
Call WriteLine(" Replicate : False", objOutputFile)
Case 1
Call WriteLine(" Replicate : True", objOutputFile)
End Select
Call WriteLine(" DNS Server : " & strDNSServerName, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" Zone : " & strContainerName, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" Domain : " & strDomainName, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" TTL : " & strTTL, objOutputFile)
DisplayProperties = 0
End Function
'Find the Class Instance based on current Class property Data
Public Function GetInstanceFromQuery
'On Error Resume Next
Dim strQuery
Dim objQuery, objInst
Dim intReturn
strQuery = strStandardQuery(strClass, strContainerName, strDnsServerName, strDomainName, strOwnerName, strTTL)
If Not IsEmpty(strWinsServers) then
strQuery = strQuery & " WinsServers=""" & strWinsServers & """ and"
End If
If Not IsEmpty(strCacheTimeout) then
strQuery = strQuery & " CacheTimeout=""" & strCacheTimeout & """ and"
End If
If Not IsEmpty(strLookupTimeout) then
strQuery = strQuery & " LookupTimeout=""" & strLookupTimeout & """ and"
End If
If Not IsEmpty(strMappingFlag) then
strQuery = strQuery & " MappingFlag=""" & strMappingFlag & """ and"
End If
strQuery = Left(strQuery,Len(strQuery)-4)
Set objQuery = objService.ExecQuery(strQuery)
If objQuery.Count <> 1 then
GetInstanceFromQuery = objQuery.Count
GetInstanceFromQuery = 1
For Each objInst in objQuery
intReturn = UpdateProperties(objInst)
End If
If blnErrorOccurred("Error while finding Resource Record") Then
End If
End Function
'Modify the Record
Public Function Modify
'On Error Resume Next
Dim objDns, objMethod, objInParam, objOutParam
Dim intReturn
Set objDNS = objService.Get(strRelPath)
Set objMethod = objDNS.Methods_("Modify")
Set objInParam = objMethod.inParameters.SpawnInstance_()
For I = 0 to 5
If Not IsEmpty(strModifyPropertyArray(I,0)) Then
Select Case LCase(strModifyPropertyArray(I,0))
Case "ttl"
objInParam.TTL = strModifyPropertyArray(I,1)
Case "servers"
objInParam.WinsServers = strModifyPropertyArray(I,1)
Case "cachetimeout"
objInParam.CacheTimeout = strModifyPropertyArray(I,1)
Case "lookuptimeout"
objInParam.LookupTimeout = strModifyPropertyArray(I,1)
Case "replicate"
Select Case LCase(strModifyPropertyArray(I,1))
Case "true"
objInParam.MappingFlag = 1
Case "false"
objInParam.MappingFlag = 0
Case Else
Modify = True
Wscript.Echo(strModifyPropertyArray(I,1) & " is not a valid value for Replicate.")
Exit Function
End Select
Case else
Modify = True
Call WriteLine(strModifyPropertyArray(I,0) & " is not a valid property.", objOutputFile)
Exit Function
End Select
End If
Set objOutParam = objDNS.ExecMethod_("Modify", ObjInParam)
Set objDNS = objService.Get(objOutParam.RR)
If UpdateProperties(objDNS) = 1 then
Modify = 1
Exit Function
End If
intReturn = DisplayProperties
If blnErrorOccurred("Modifing Resource Record") then
Modify = 1
Modify = 0
End If
End Function
End Class
Class WKS_RecordData
Public strContainerName
Public strDnsServerName
Public strDomainName
Public strOwnerName
Public strTTL
Public strIP
Public strProtocol
Public strServices
Public strText
Public strRelPath
Public strClassType
Public strClass
Public intParseArguments
Public strModifyPropertyArray()
'Class Constructor
Sub Class_Initialize
strClassType = "WKS"
intParseArguments = 4
strClass = "MicrosoftDNS_WKSType"
ReDim strModifyPropertyArray(4,1)
End Sub
'Help for this Resource Record.
Public Function AddHelp
Call ClassHelp("Adds a WKS (Well Known Services) Record to a Zone.", _
" DnsResource /Add WKS <zone> <recordname> <ip> <protocol> <services>", _
" recordname The name of the WKS Record." & vbCRLF & _
" ip The IP Address for the service." & vbCRLF & _
" protocol The IP Protocol the service uses:" & vbCRLF & _
" tcp" & vbCRLF & _
" udp" & vbCRLF & _
" services The name of the service(s).", _
" DnsResource.vbs /Add WKS Example.microsoft.com MyWKS tcp ""telnet ftp""" & vbCRLF & _
" Creates a WKS record in Example.microsoft.com.")
AddHelp = 1
End Function
Public Function DeleteHelp
Call ClassHelp("Deletes a WKS (Well Known Services) Record from a Zone.", _
" DnsResource /Delete WKS <zone> <recordname> <ip> <protocol> <services>", _
" recordname The name of the WKS Record." & vbCRLF & _
" ip The IP Address for the service." & vbCRLF & _
" protocol The IP Protocol the service uses:" & vbCRLF & _
" tcp" & vbCRLF & _
" udp" & vbCRLF & _
" services The name of the service(s).", _
" DnsResource.vbs /Delete WKS Example.microsoft.com MyWKS tcp ""telnet ftp""" & vbCRLF & _
" Deletes the WKS record in Example.microsoft.com.")
DeleteHelp = 1
End Function
Public Function ModifyHelp
Call ClassHelp("Modifies a WKS (Well Known Services) Record.", _
" DnsResource /Modify WKS <zone> <recordname> <ip> <protocol> <services> [<property> <value>] [...]", _
" property Valid Properties are:" & vbCRLF & _
" ip" & vbCRLF & _
" protocol" & vbCRLF & _
" services" & vbCRLF & _
" TTL" & vbCRLF & _
" value The new value for the listed property." & vbCRLF & _
" recordname The name of the WKS Record." & vbCRLF & _
" ip The IP Address for the service." & vbCRLF & _
" protocol The IP Protocol the service uses:" & vbCRLF & _
" tcp" & vbCRLF & _
" udp" & vbCRLF & _
" services The name of the service(s).", _
" DnsResource.vbs /Modify WKS Example.microsoft.com MyWKS tcp ""telnet ftp"" services ""telnet""" & vbCRLF & _
" Removes ftp from the list of services.")
ModifyHelp = 1
End Function
'Fill in Class properties from Parse Data
Public Function PopulateClass(strArgArray)
strContainerName = strArgArray(0)
strOwnerName = strFindFQDNOwnerName(strContainerName, strArgArray(1))
strIP = strArgArray(2)
strProtocol = strArgArray(3)
strServices = strArgArray(4)
strText = strOwnername & " IN WKS " & strProtocol & " " & strIP & " """ & strServices & """"
End Function
'Update Class Properties from a object
Public Function UpdateProperties(objDNS)
'On Error Resume Next
strContainerName = objDNS.ContainerName
strDNSServerName = objDNS.DNSServerName
strDomainName = objDNS.DomainName
strOwnername = objDNS.OwnerName
strTTL = objDNS.TTL
strIP = objDNS.InternetAddress
strProtocol = objDNS.IPProtocol
strServices = objDNS.Services
strText = objDns.TextRepresentation
strRelPath = objDns.Path_.Relpath
If blnErrorOccurred("Error while updating properties.") then
UpdateProperties = 1
UpdateProperties = 0
End If
End Function
'Display Class Properties to screen
Public Function DisplayProperties
Call WriteLine(" Record Name : " & strOwnerName, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" IP : " & strIP, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" Protocol : " & strProtocol, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" Services : " & strServices, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" DNS Server : " & strDNSServerName, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" Zone : " & strContainerName, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" Domain : " & strDomainName, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" TTL : " & strTTL, objOutputFile)
DisplayProperties = 0
End Function
'Find the Class Instance based on current Class property Data
Public Function GetInstanceFromQuery
'On Error Resume Next
Dim strQuery
Dim objQuery, objInst
Dim intReturn
strQuery = strStandardQuery(strClass, strContainerName, strDnsServerName, strDomainName, strOwnerName, strTTL)
If Not IsEmpty(strIP) then
strQuery = strQuery & " InternetAddress=""" & strIP & """ and"
End If
If Not IsEmpty(strProtocol) then
strQuery = strQuery & " IPProtocol=""" & strProtocol & """ and"
End If
If Not IsEmpty(strServices) then
strQuery = strQuery & " Services=""" & "\""" & strServices & "\""" & """ and"
End If
strQuery = Left(strQuery,Len(strQuery)-4)
Set objQuery = objService.ExecQuery(strQuery)
If objQuery.Count <> 1 then
GetInstanceFromQuery = objQuery.Count
GetInstanceFromQuery = 1
For Each objInst in objQuery
intReturn = UpdateProperties(objInst)
End If
If blnErrorOccurred("Error while finding Resource Record") Then
End If
End Function
'Modify the Record
Public Function Modify
'On Error Resume Next
Dim objDns, objMethod, objInParam, objOutParam
Dim intReturn
Set objDNS = objService.Get(strRelPath)
Set objMethod = objDNS.Methods_("Modify")
Set objInParam = objMethod.inParameters.SpawnInstance_()
For I = 0 to 3
If Not IsEmpty(strModifyPropertyArray(I,0)) Then
Select Case LCase(strModifyPropertyArray(I,0))
Case "ttl"
objInParam.TTL = strModifyPropertyArray(I,1)
Case "ip"
objInParam.InternetAddress = strModifyPropertyArray(I,1)
Case "protocol"
objInParam.IPProtocol = strModifyPropertyArray(I,1)
Case "service"
objInParam.Services = "\""" & strModifyPropertyArray(I,1) & "\"""
Case else
Modify = True
Call WriteLine(strModifyPropertyArray(I,0) & " is not a valid property.", objOutputFile)
Exit Function
End Select
End If
Set objOutParam = objDNS.ExecMethod_("Modify", ObjInParam)
Set objDNS = objService.Get(objOutParam.RR)
If UpdateProperties(objDNS) = 1 then
Modify = 1
Exit Function
End If
intReturn = DisplayProperties
If blnErrorOccurred("Modifing Resource Record") then
Modify = 1
Modify = 0
End If
End Function
End Class
Class X25_RecordData
Public strContainerName
Public strDnsServerName
Public strDomainName
Public strOwnerName
Public strTTL
Public strRecordData
Public strText
Public strRelPath
Public strClassType
Public strClass
Public intParseArguments
Public strModifyPropertyArray()
'Class Constructor
Sub Class_Initialize
strClassType = "X25"
intParseArguments = 2
strClass = "MicrosoftDNS_X25Type"
ReDim strModifyPropertyArray(1,1)
End Sub
'Help for this Resource Record.
Public Function AddHelp
Call ClassHelp("Adds a X25 (X.25) Record to a Zone.", _
" DnsResource /Add X25 <zone> <recordname> <address>", _
" recordname The name of the X.25 record" & vbCRLF & _
" address The X.121 PSDN address.", _
" DnsResource.vbs /Add X25 Example.microsoft.com MyX25 52204455506" & vbCRLF & _
" Creates a X.25 record in Example.microsoft.com.")
AddHelp = 1
End Function
Public Function DeleteHelp
Call ClassHelp("Deletes a X25 (X.25) Record to a Zone.", _
" DnsResource /Delete X25 <zone> <recordname> <address>", _
" recordname The name of the X.25 record" & vbCRLF & _
" address The X.121 PSDN address.", _
" DnsResource.vbs /Delete X25 Example.microsoft.com MyX25 52204455506" & vbCRLF & _
" Deletes the X.25 record in Example.microsoft.com.")
DeleteHelp = 1
End Function
Public Function ModifyHelp
Call ClassHelp("Modifies a X25 (X.25) Record.", _
" DnsResource /Modify X25 <zone> <recordname> <address> [<property> <value>] [...]", _
" property Valid Properties are:" & vbCRLF & _
" Address" & vbCRLF & _
" TTL" & vbCRLF & _
" value The new value for the listed property." & vbCRLF & _
" recordname The name of the X.25 record" & vbCRLF & _
" address The X.121 PSDN address.", _
" DnsResource.vbs /Modify X25 Example.microsoft.com MyX25 52204455506 address 52204455506" & vbCRLF & _
" Modifies a X25 record's address to 52204455506.")
ModifyHelp = 1
End Function
'Fill in Class properties from Parse Data
Public Function PopulateClass(strArgArray)
strContainerName = strArgArray(0)
strOwnerName = strFindFQDNOwnerName(strContainerName, strArgArray(1))
strRecordData = strArgArray(2)
strText = strOwnername & " IN X25 """ & strRecordData & """"
End Function
'Update Class Properties from a object
Public Function UpdateProperties(objDNS)
'On Error Resume Next
strContainerName = objDNS.ContainerName
strDNSServerName = objDNS.DNSServerName
strDomainName = objDNS.DomainName
strOwnername = objDNS.OwnerName
strTTL = objDNS.TTL
strRecordData = objDNS.RecordData
strText = objDns.TextRepresentation
strRelPath = objDns.Path_.Relpath
If blnErrorOccurred("Error while updating properties.") then
UpdateProperties = 1
UpdateProperties = 0
End If
End Function
'Display Class Properties to screen
Public Function DisplayProperties
Call WriteLine(" Record Name : " & strOwnerName, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" Address : " & strRecordData, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" DNS Server : " & strDNSServerName, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" Zone : " & strContainerName, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" Domain : " & strDomainName, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" TTL : " & strTTL, objOutputFile)
DisplayProperties = 0
End Function
'Find the Class Instance based on current Class property Data
Public Function GetInstanceFromQuery
'On Error Resume Next
Dim strQuery
Dim objQuery, objInst
Dim intReturn
strQuery = strStandardQuery(strClass, strContainerName, strDnsServerName, strDomainName, strOwnerName, strTTL)
If Not IsEmpty(strRecordData) then
strQuery = strQuery & " RecordData=""" & "\""" & strRecordData & "\""" & """ and"
End If
strQuery = Left(strQuery,Len(strQuery)-4)
Set objQuery = objService.ExecQuery(strQuery)
If objQuery.Count <> 1 then
GetInstanceFromQuery = objQuery.Count
GetInstanceFromQuery = 1
For Each objInst in objQuery
intReturn = UpdateProperties(objInst)
End If
If blnErrorOccurred("Error while finding Resource Record") Then
End If
End Function
'Modify the Record
Public Function Modify
'On Error Resume Next
Dim objDns, objMethod, objInParam, objOutParam
Dim intReturn
Set objDNS = objService.Get(strRelPath)
Set objMethod = objDNS.Methods_("Modify")
Set objInParam = objMethod.inParameters.SpawnInstance_()
For I = 0 to 1
If Not IsEmpty(strModifyPropertyArray(I,0)) Then
Select Case LCase(strModifyPropertyArray(I,0))
Case "ttl"
objInParam.TTL = strModifyPropertyArray(I,1)
Case "address"
objInParam.PSDNAddress = """" & strModifyPropertyArray(I,1) & """"
Case else
Modify = True
Call WriteLine(strModifyPropertyArray(I,0) & " is not a valid property.", objOutputFile)
Exit Function
End Select
End If
Set objOutParam = objDNS.ExecMethod_("Modify", ObjInParam)
Set objDNS = objService.Get(objOutParam.RR)
If UpdateProperties(objDNS) = 1 then
Modify = 1
Exit Function
End If
intReturn = DisplayProperties
If blnErrorOccurred("Modifing Resource Record") then
Modify = 1
Modify = 0
End If
End Function
End Class
'* Main Program
List Resource Records
This code example shows tasks associated with listing resource records.
Private Sub DnsList(strServer , _
strUserName , _
strPassword , _
strOutputFile , _
strDomain , _
cResource , _
blnContextHelp )
'On Error Resume Next
Dim strTemp
Dim objFileSystem, objDns, objInst, objDomain
Dim intReturn
If blnContextHelp then
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo "Lists Resource Record in a domain."
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo "SYNTAX:"
Wscript.Echo " DnsResource /List <recordtype> <domain>"
Wscript.Echo " [/S <server>] [/U <username>] [/W <password>]"
Wscript.Echo " [/O <outputfile>]"
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo " recordtype A resource record type. Valid Types are:"
Wscript.Echo " MB, MD, MF, MG, MINFO, MR, RP, RT, SRV, TXT, WINSR, WINS"
Wscript.Echo " WKS, X25, SOA"
Wscript.Echo " domain The domain in which to enumerate records."
Wscript.Echo " server The name of the DNS Server."
Wscript.Echo " username The current user's name."
Wscript.Echo " password Password of the current user."
Wscript.Echo " outputfile The output file name."
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo "EXAMPLE:"
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo " DnsResource.vbs /List MX MyDomain.Example.microsoft.com"
Wscript.Echo " Lists all MX records in the MyDomain domain."
Exit Sub
End If
'Open a text file for output If the file is requested
If Not IsEmpty(strOutputFile) Then
If (NOT blnOpenFile(strOutputFile, objOutputFile)) Then
Call Wscript.Echo ("Could not open an output file.")
Exit Sub
End If
End If
'Establish a connection with the server.
If blnConnect("root\microsoftdns" , _
strUserName , _
strPassword , _
strServer , _
objService ) Then
Call Wscript.Echo("")
Call Wscript.Echo("Please check the server name, " _
& "credentials and WBEM Core.")
Exit Sub
End If
If IsEmpty(cResource) then
Call WriteLine("All Resource Records in " & strDomain & ":", objOutputFile)
Set objDNS = objService.ExecQuery("Select * from MicrosoftDNS_ResourceRecord where DomainName=""" & strDomain & """",,48)
For Each objInst in objDNS
Call WriteLine(" " & strFindType(objInst.TextRepresentation) & " Record:", objOutputFile)
If GetClass(strFindType(objInst.TextRepresentation), cResource) then
Call WriteLine("Error Finding Record Class", objOutputFile)
End If
intReturn = cResource.UpdateProperties(objInst)
intReturn = cResource.DisplayProperties
Call WriteLine("", objOutputFile)
'Call WriteLine(" " & objInst.TextRepresentation, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine("All " & cResource.strClassType & " Records in " & strDomain & ":", objOutputFile)
Set objDNS = objService.ExecQuery("Select * from " & cResource.strClass & " where DomainName=""" & strDomain & """",,48)
For Each objInst in objDNS
intReturn = cResource.UpdateProperties(objInst)
intReturn = cResource.DisplayProperties
Call WriteLine("", objOutputFile)
End If
Set objDNS = objService.ExecQuery("Select * from MicrosoftDNS_Zone where name=""" & strDomain & """")
If objDNS.Count = 0 then
Set objDNS = objService.ExecQuery("Select * from MicrosoftDNS_Domain where name=""" & strDomain & """")
If objDNS.Count = 1 then
For Each objInst in objDNS
strTemp = objInst.Path_.RelPath
End If
For Each objInst in objDNS
strTemp = objInst.Path_.RelPath
End If
Set objDNS = objService.ExecQuery("Select * from MicrosoftDNS_DomainDomainContainment where GroupComponent=""" & strConvertQuotes(strTemp) & """")
If objDNS.count <> 0 then
Call WriteLine("", objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine("Domains:", objOutputFile)
For Each objInst in objDNS
Set objDomain = objService.Get(objInst.PartComponent)
Call WriteLine(" " & objDomain.Name, objOutputfile)
End If
If IsObject(objOutputFile) Then
Call Wscript.Echo ("Results are saved in file " & strOutputFile & ".")
End If
End Sub
Add a Resource Record
This code example shows tasks associated with adding resource records.
Private Sub DnsCreate(strServer , _
strUserName , _
strPassword , _
strOutputFile , _
cResource , _
blnContextHelp )
'On Error Resume Next
Dim objFileSystem, objDns, objServer, Inst, intReturn, objMethod, objInParam, objOutParam
If blnContextHelp then
If IsEmpty(cResource) then
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo "Adds a Resource Record to a Zone."
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo "SYNTAX:"
Wscript.Echo " DnsResource /Add <recordtype> <zone> <properties>"
Call CommonHelp(False)
Wscript.Echo " DnsResource.vbs /Add A Example.microsoft.com MyHost.MyDomain.Example.microsoft.com"
Wscript.Echo " Creates an A record in Example.microsoft.com, in the MyDomain domain, with the name MyHost."
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo "NOTES:"
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo " To see help for a specific type use the following syntax:"
Wscript.Echo " DnsResource / Add <recordtype> /?"
intReturn = cResource.AddHelp
End If
Exit Sub
End If
'Open a text file for output If the file is requested
If Not IsEmpty(strOutputFile) Then
If (NOT blnOpenFile(strOutputFile, objOutputFile)) Then
Call Wscript.Echo ("Could not open an output file.")
Exit Sub
End If
End If
'Establish a connection with the server.
If blnConnect("root\microsoftdns" , _
strUserName , _
strPassword , _
strServer , _
objService ) Then
Call Wscript.Echo("")
Call Wscript.Echo("Please check the server name, " _
& "credentials and WBEM Core.")
Exit Sub
End If
Set objDNS = objService.Get("MicrosoftDNS_ResourceRecord")
Set objServer = objService.Get("MicrosoftDNS_Server.Name="".""")
Set objMethod = objDNS.Methods_("CreateInstanceFromTextRepresentation")
Set ObjInParam = objMethod.inParameters.SpawnInstance_()
ObjInParam.TextRepresentation = cResource.strText
ObjInParam.DnsServerName = objServer.Name
ObjInParam.ContainerName = cResource.strContainerName
Call WriteLine("Creating Resource Record...", objOutputFile)
Set objOutParam = objDNS.ExecMethod_("CreateInstanceFromTextRepresentation", ObjInParam)
Set objDNS = objService.Get(objOutParam.RR)
If cResource.UpdateProperties(objDNS) = 1 then
Exit Sub
End If
intReturn = cResource.DisplayProperties
If blnErrorOccurred("Creating object.") then
Exit Sub
Call WriteLine("Operation Successful!", objOutputFile)
End If
If IsObject(objOutputFile) Then
Call Wscript.Echo ("Results are saved in file " & strOutputFile & ".")
End If
End Sub
Delete a Resource Record
This code example shows tasks associated with deleting resource records.
Private Sub DnsDelete(strServer , _
strUserName , _
strPassword , _
strOutputFile , _
cResource , _
blnContextHelp )
'On Error Resume Next
Dim objFileSystem, objDns, objDnsServer, Inst, intReturn
If blnContextHelp then
If IsEmpty(cResource) then
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo "Deletes a Resource Record from a Zone."
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo "SYNTAX:"
Wscript.Echo " DnsResource /Delete <recordtype> <zone> <properties>"
Call CommonHelp(False)
Wscript.Echo " DnsResource.vbs /Delete A Example.microsoft.com MyHost.MyDomain.Example.microsoft.com"
Wscript.Echo " Deletes the A record in Example.microsoft.com, in the MyDomain domain, with the name MyHost."
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo "NOTES:"
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo " To see help for a specific type use the following syntax:"
Wscript.Echo " DnsResource / Delete <recordtype> /?"
intReturn = cResource.DeleteHelp
End If
Exit Sub
End If
'Open a text file for output If the file is requested
If Not IsEmpty(strOutputFile) Then
If (NOT blnOpenFile(strOutputFile, objOutputFile)) Then
Call Wscript.Echo ("Could not open an output file.")
Exit Sub
End If
End If
'Establish a connection with the server.
If blnConnect("root\microsoftdns" , _
strUserName , _
strPassword , _
strServer , _
objService ) Then
Call Wscript.Echo("")
Call Wscript.Echo("Please check the server name, " _
& "credentials and WBEM Core.")
Exit Sub
End If
intReturn = cResource.GetInstanceFromQuery
If intReturn <> 1 then
Call WriteLine("Could not Delete because the information you supplied returned " & intReturn & " results.", objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine("Deleting Resource Record...", objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" " & cResource.strClassType & " Record", objOutputFile)
intReturn = cResource.DisplayProperties
Set objDNS = objService.Get(cResource.strRelPath)
If blnErrorOccurred("Deleting object.") then
Exit Sub
Call WriteLine("Operation Successful!", objOutputFile)
End If
End If
If IsObject(objOutputFile) Then
Call Wscript.Echo ("Results are saved in file " & strOutputFile & ".")
End If
End Sub
Modify a Resource Record
This code example shows tasks associated with changing resource records.
Private Sub DnsModify(strServer , _
strUserName , _
strPassword , _
strOutputFile , _
cResource , _
blnContextHelp )
'On Error Resume Next
Dim objFileSystem, objDns, objDnsServer, Inst, intReturn
If blnContextHelp then
If IsEmpty(cResource) then
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo "ModIfies a Resource Record."
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo "SYNTAX:"
Wscript.Echo " DnsResource /Modify <recordtype> <zone> <properties> [<property> <value>] [...]"
Call CommonHelp(True)
Wscript.Echo " DnsResource.vbs /Modify A Example.microsoft.com MyHost.MyDomain.Example.microsoft.com IPAddress TTL 7200"
Wscript.Echo " ModIfies an A record's ip address and TTL."
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo "NOTES:"
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo " To see help for a specific type use the following syntax:"
Wscript.Echo " DnsResource / Modify <recordtype> /?"
intReturn = cResource.ModifyHelp
End If
Exit Sub
End If
'Open a text file for output If the file is requested
If Not IsEmpty(strOutputFile) Then
If (NOT blnOpenFile(strOutputFile, objOutputFile)) Then
Call Wscript.Echo ("Could not open an output file.")
Exit Sub
End If
End If
'Establish a connection with the server.
If blnConnect("root\microsoftdns" , _
strUserName , _
strPassword , _
strServer , _
objService ) Then
Call Wscript.Echo("")
Call Wscript.Echo("Please check the server name, " _
& "credentials and WBEM Core.")
Exit Sub
End If
intReturn = cResource.GetInstanceFromQuery
If intReturn <> 1 then
Call WriteLine("Could not Modify because the information you supplied returned " & intReturn & " results.", objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine("Modifing Resource Record...", objOutputFile)
intReturn = cResource.Modify
End If
If IsObject(objOutputFile) Then
Call Wscript.Echo ("Results are saved in file " & strOutputFile & ".")
End If
End Sub
Function strFindType(strText)
Dim intCounter
Dim strTemp
strTemp = ""
intCounter = 0
I = 0
Do Until I > len(strText)
I = I + 1
If Mid(strText,I,1) = " " then
intCounter = intCounter + 1
If intCounter = 2 then Exit Do
End If
Do Until I > len(strText)
I = I + 1
If Mid(strText,I,1) = " " then
Exit Do
strTemp = strTemp & Mid(strText,I,1)
End If
strFindType = Trim(strTemp)
End Function
Function strConvertQuotes(strTemp)
strConvertQuotes = ""
For I = 1 to Len(strTemp)
If Mid(strTemp, I, 1) = """" then
strConvertQuotes = strConvertQuotes & "'"
strConvertQuotes = strConvertQuotes & Mid(strTemp, I, 1)
End If
End Function
Function strStandardQuery(strClass, strContainerName, strDnsServerName, strDomainName, strOwnerName, strTTL)
Dim strQuery
strQuery = "Select * From " & strClass & " Where"
If Not IsEmpty(strContainerName) then
strQuery = strQuery & " ContainerName=""" & strContainerName & """ and"
End If
If Not IsEmpty(strDnsServerName) then
strQuery = strQuery & " DnsServerName=""" & strDnsServerName & """ and"
End If
If Not IsEmpty(strDomainName) then
strQuery = strQuery & " DomainName=""" & strDomainName & """ and"
End If
If Not IsEmpty(strOwnerName) then
strQuery = strQuery & " OwnerName=""" & strOwnerName & """ and"
End If
If Not IsEmpty(strTTL) then
strQuery = strQuery & " TTL=" & strTTL & " and"
End If
strStandardQuery = strQuery
End Function
Sub CommonHelp(blnSOA)
Wscript.Echo " [/S <server>] [/U <username>] [/W <password>]"
Wscript.Echo " [/O <outputfile>]"
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo " recordtype A resource record type. Valid Types are:"
Wscript.Echo " MB, MD, MF, MG, MINFO, MR, RP, RT, SRV, TXT, WINSR, WINS"
If blnSOA = True then
Wscript.Echo " WKS, X25, SOA"
Wscript.Echo " WKS, X25"
End If
Wscript.Echo " zone The Zone in which to create the record."
Wscript.Echo " properties The properties for the resource record."
Wscript.Echo " value The new value for the listed property."
Wscript.Echo " server The name of the DNS Server."
Wscript.Echo " username The current user's name."
Wscript.Echo " password Password of the current user."
Wscript.Echo " outputfile The output file name."
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo "EXAMPLE:"
Wscript.Echo ""
End Sub
Sub ClassHelp(strDescription, strSyntax, strParameter, strExample)
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo strDescription
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo "SYNTAX:"
Wscript.Echo strSyntax
Wscript.Echo " [/S <server>] [/U <username>] [/W <password>]"
Wscript.Echo " [/O <outputfile>]"
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo " zone The name of the zone."
Wscript.Echo strParameter
Wscript.Echo " server The name of the DNS Server."
Wscript.Echo " username The current user's name."
Wscript.Echo " password Password of the current user."
Wscript.Echo " outputfile The output file name."
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo "EXAMPLE"
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo strExample
End Sub
Function strFindFQDNOwnerName(strContainerName, strOwnerName)
If strOwnerName = "@" then
strFindFQDNOwnerName = strContainerName
If Not Right(strOwnerName,1) = "." then
strFindFQDNOwnerName = strOwnerName & "." & strContainerName
strFindFQDNOwnerName = strOwnerName
End If
End If
End Function
'* Function intParseCmdLine()
'* Purpose: Parses the command line.
'* Input:
'* Output: strServer a remote server ("" = local server")
'* strUserName the current user's name
'* strPassword the current user's password
'* strOutputFile an output file name
Private Function intParseCmdLine( ByRef strServer , _
ByRef strUserName , _
ByRef strPassword , _
ByRef strOutputFile , _
ByRef strDomain , _
ByRef cResource , _
ByRef blnContextHelp )
'On Error Resume Next
Dim strFlag, strProperty, strValue
Dim intState, intArgIter, intPropertyCount
Dim objFileSystem
Dim blnError
Dim strArgArray()
Dim intModifyCount
blnContextHelp = False
intPropertyCount = 0
If Wscript.Arguments.Count > 0 Then
strFlag = Wscript.arguments.Item(0)
End If
'Check If the user is asking for help or is just confused
If (strFlag="help") OR (strFlag="/h") OR (strFlag="\h") OR (strFlag="-h") _
OR (strFlag = "\?") OR (strFlag = "/?") OR (strFlag = "?") _
OR (strFlag="h") Then
intParseCmdLine = CONST_SHOW_USAGE
Exit Function
End If
'Retrieve the command line and set appropriate variables
intArgIter = 0
Do While intArgIter <= Wscript.arguments.Count - 1
Select Case LCase(Wscript.arguments.Item(intArgIter))
Case "/s"
If Not blnGetArg("Server", strServer, intArgIter) Then
intParseCmdLine = CONST_ERROR
Exit Function
End If
intArgIter = intArgIter + 1
Case "/o"
If Not blnGetArg("Output File", strOutputFile, intArgIter) Then
intParseCmdLine = CONST_ERROR
Exit Function
End If
intArgIter = intArgIter + 1
Case "/u"
If Not blnGetArg("User Name", strUserName, intArgIter) Then
intParseCmdLine = CONST_ERROR
Exit Function
End If
intArgIter = intArgIter + 1
Case "/w"
If Not blnGetArg("User Password", strPassword, intArgIter) Then
intParseCmdLine = CONST_ERROR
Exit Function
End If
intArgIter = intArgIter + 1
Case "/list"
intParseCmdLine = CONST_LIST
intArgIter = intArgIter + 1
Select Case intChkNextArgument(intArgIter)
Case 3
blnContextHelp = True
intArgIter = intArgIter + 1
Case 2
intParseCmdLine = CONST_ERROR
Exit Function
Case 1
If GetClass(Wscript.Arguments(intArgIter), cResource) then
strDomain = Wscript.Arguments(intArgIter)
intArgIter = intArgIter + 1
intArgIter = intArgIter + 1
If intChkNextArgument(intArgIter) = 1 then
intArgIter = intArgIter + 1
intParseCmdLine = CONST_ERROR
Exit Function
End If
End If
End Select
Case "/add"
intParseCmdLine = CONST_CREATE
If CommonParse(intArgIter, blnContextHelp, CResource, False) then
intParseCmdLine = CONST_ERROR
Exit Function
End If
Case "/delete"
intParseCmdLine = CONST_DELETE
If CommonParse(intArgIter, blnContextHelp, CResource, False) then
intParseCmdLine = CONST_ERROR
Exit Function
End If
Case "/modify"
intParseCmdLine = CONST_Modify
If CommonParse(intArgIter, blnContextHelp, CResource, True) then
intParseCmdLine = CONST_ERROR
Exit Function
End If
If blnContextHelp = False Then
If intChkNextArgument(intArgIter) <> 1 Then
Exit Do
End If
intArgIter = intArgIter + 1
If intChkNextArgument(intArgIter) <> 1 Then
intParseCmdLine = CONST_ERROR
Exit Function
End If
cResource.strModifyPropertyArray(intModifyCount,0) = Wscript.Arguments(intArgIter - 1)
cResource.strModifyPropertyArray(intModifyCount,1) = Wscript.Arguments(intArgIter)
intArgIter = intArgIter + 1
intModifyCount = intModifyCount + 1
End If
Case Else
intParseCmdLine = CONST_ERROR
Exit Function
End Select
Loop '** intArgIter <= Wscript.arguments.Count - 1
If err.Number <> 0 then
intParseCmdLine = CONST_ERROR
Exit Function
End If
If IsEmpty(intParseCmdLine) Then
If blnContextHelp = True then
intParseCmdLine = CONST_SHOW_USAGE
intParseCmdLine = CONST_ERROR
Exit Function
End If
End If
End Function
'* Function GetClass()
'* Purpose: Determines which class to use
Function GetClass(strClass, CResource)
GetClass = False
Select Case LCase(strClass)
Case "a"
Set cResource = New A_RecordData
Case "cname"
Set CResource = New CNAME_RecordData
Case "mx"
Set CResource = New MX_RecordData
Case "soa"
Set CResource = New SOA_RecordData
Case "ptr"
Set CResource = New PTR_RecordData
Case "ns"
Set CResource = New NS_RecordData
Case "aaaa"
Set CResource = New AAAA_RecordData
Case "afsdb"
Set CResource = New AFSDB_RecordData
Case "atma"
Set CResource = New ATMA_RecordData
Case "hinfo"
Set CResource = New HINFO_RecordData
Case "isdn"
Set CResource = New ISDN_RecordData
Case "mb"
Set CResource = New MB_RecordData
Case "md"
Set CResource = New MD_RecordData
Case "mf"
Set CResource = New MF_RecordData
Case "mg"
Set CResource = New MG_RecordData
Case "minfo"
Set CResource = New MINFO_RecordData
Case "mr"
Set CResource = New MR_RecordData
Case "rp"
Set CResource = New RP_RecordData
Case "rt"
Set CResource = New RT_RecordData
Case "srv"
Set CResource = New SRV_RecordData
Case "txt"
Set CResource = New TXT_RecordData
Case "winsr"
Set CResource = New WINSR_RecordData
Case "wins"
Set CResource = New WINS_RecordData
Case "wks"
Set CResource = New WKS_RecordData
Case "x25"
Set CResource = New X25_RecordData
Case Else
GetClass = True
End Select
End Function
'* Function CommonParse()
'* Purpose: Parses the commandline based on Class.
Function CommonParse(intArgIter, blnContextHelp, CResource, blnSOA)
CommonParse = False
intArgIter = intArgIter + 1
Select Case intChkNextArgument(intArgIter)
Case 3
blnContextHelp = True
intArgIter = intArgIter + 1
Case 2
CommonParse = True
Exit Function
Case 1
If GetClass(Wscript.Arguments(intArgIter), CResource) then
CommonParse = True
Exit Function
End If
If CResource.strClassType = "SOA" then
If blnSOA = False then
CommonParse = True
Exit Function
End If
End If
ReDim strArgArray(cResource.intParseArguments)
intArgIter = intArgIter + 1
For I = 0 to cResource.intParseArguments
Select Case intChkNextArgument(intArgIter)
Case 3
blnContextHelp = True
intArgIter = intArgIter + 1
I = cResource.intParseArguments
Case 2
CommonParse = True
Exit Function
Case 1
strArgArray(i) = Wscript.Arguments(intArgIter)
intArgIter = intArgIter + 1
End Select
End Select
End Function
'* Sub ShowUsage()
'* Purpose: Shows the correct usage to the user.
'* Input: None
'* Output: Help messages are displayed on screen.
Private Sub ShowUsage()
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo " Gets or sets DNS Resource Record Data."
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo "SYNTAX:"
Wscript.Echo " DnsResource operation <Parameter List>"
Wscript.Echo " [/S <server>] [/U <username>] [/W <password>]"
Wscript.Echo " [/O <outputfile>]"
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo " operation [/list | /add | /delete | /Modify]"
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo " For help on a specific operation type:"
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo " DnsResource /list /?"
Wscript.Echo " DnsResource /add /?"
Wscript.Echo " DnsResource /delete /?"
Wscript.Echo " DnsResource /Modify /?"
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo " server A machine name."
Wscript.Echo " username The current user's name."
Wscript.Echo " password Password of the current user."
Wscript.Echo " outputfile The output file name."
Wscript.Echo ""
End Sub
'* General Routines
'* Function strDisplayNull()
'* Purpose: Returns the input or a "<NULL>" string.
'* Input: strProperty the property to be evaualted
'* Output: The input or a "<NULL"> string.
Function strDisplayNull(strProperty)
If IsNull(strProperty) then
strDisplayNull = "<NULL>"
strDisplayNull = strProperty
End If
End Function
'* Function intChkNextArgument(intArgIter)
'* Purpose: Checks to see If the next argument is valid.
Function intChkNextArgument(intArgIter)
intChkNextArgument = 1
If Wscript.Arguments.Count < intArgIter + 1 then
intChkNextArgument = 2
Exit Function
End If
If Left(Wscript.Arguments(intArgIter),1) = "/" then
intChkNextArgument = 2
End If
If Wscript.Arguments(intArgIter) = "/?" then
intChkNextArgument = 3
End If
End Function
'* Function strPackString()
'* Purpose: Attaches spaces to a string to increase the length to intWidth.
'* Input: strString a string
'* intWidth the intended length of the string
'* blnAfter Should spaces be added after the string?
'* blnTruncate specifies whether to truncate the string or not if
'* the string length is longer than intWidth
'* Output: strPackString is returned as the packed string.
Private Function strPackString( ByVal strString, _
ByVal intWidth, _
ByVal blnAfter, _
ByVal blnTruncate)
'On Error Resume Next
intWidth = CInt(intWidth)
blnAfter = CBool(blnAfter)
blnTruncate = CBool(blnTruncate)
If Err.Number Then
Call Wscript.Echo ("Argument type is incorrect!")
End If
If IsNull(strString) Then
strPackString = "null" & Space(intWidth-4)
Exit Function
End If
strString = CStr(strString)
If Err.Number Then
Call Wscript.Echo ("Argument type is incorrect!")
End If
If intWidth > Len(strString) Then
If blnAfter Then
strPackString = strString & Space(intWidth-Len(strString))
strPackString = Space(intWidth-Len(strString)) & strString & " "
End If
If blnTruncate Then
strPackString = Left(strString, intWidth-1) & " "
strPackString = strString & " "
End If
End If
End Function
'* Function blnGetArg()
'* Purpose: Helper to intParseCmdLine()
'* Usage:
'* Case "/s"
'* blnGetArg ("server name", strServer, intArgIter)
Private Function blnGetArg ( ByVal StrVarName, _
ByRef strVar, _
ByRef intArgIter)
blnGetArg = False 'failure, changed to True upon successful completion
If Len(Wscript.Arguments(intArgIter)) > 2 then
If Mid(Wscript.Arguments(intArgIter),3,1) = ":" then
If Len(Wscript.Arguments(intArgIter)) > 3 then
strVar = Right(Wscript.Arguments(intArgIter), _
Len(Wscript.Arguments(intArgIter)) - 3)
blnGetArg = True
Exit Function
intArgIter = intArgIter + 1
If intArgIter > (Wscript.Arguments.Count - 1) Then
Call Wscript.Echo( "Invalid " & StrVarName & ".")
Call Wscript.Echo( "Please check the input and try again.")
Exit Function
End If
strVar = Wscript.Arguments.Item(intArgIter)
If Err.Number Then
Call Wscript.Echo( "Invalid " & StrVarName & ".")
Call Wscript.Echo( "Please check the input and try again.")
Exit Function
End If
If InStr(strVar, "/") Then
Call Wscript.Echo( "Invalid " & StrVarName)
Call Wscript.Echo( "Please check the input and try again.")
Exit Function
End If
blnGetArg = True 'success
End If
strVar = Right(Wscript.Arguments(intArgIter), _
Len(Wscript.Arguments(intArgIter)) - 2)
blnGetArg = True 'success
Exit Function
End If
intArgIter = intArgIter + 1
If intArgIter > (Wscript.Arguments.Count - 1) Then
Call Wscript.Echo( "Invalid " & StrVarName & ".")
Call Wscript.Echo( "Please check the input and try again.")
Exit Function
End If
strVar = Wscript.Arguments.Item(intArgIter)
If Err.Number Then
Call Wscript.Echo( "Invalid " & StrVarName & ".")
Call Wscript.Echo( "Please check the input and try again.")
Exit Function
End If
If InStr(strVar, "/") Then
Call Wscript.Echo( "Invalid " & StrVarName)
Call Wscript.Echo( "Please check the input and try again.")
Exit Function
End If
blnGetArg = True 'success
End If
End Function
Connect to the DNS WMI Provider
This code example shows tasks associated with connecting to a DNS WMI Provider.
'* Function blnConnect()
'* Purpose: Connects to machine strServer.
'* Input: strServer a machine name
'* strNameSpace a namespace
'* strUserName name of the current user
'* strPassword password of the current user
'* Output: objService is returned as a service object.
'* strServer is set to local host If left unspecIfied
Private Function blnConnect(ByVal strNameSpace, _
ByVal strUserName, _
ByVal strPassword, _
ByRef strServer, _
ByRef objService)
'On Error Resume Next
Dim objLocator, objWshNet
blnConnect = False 'There is no error.
'Create Locator object to connect to remote CIM object manager
Set objLocator = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator")
If Err.Number then
Call Wscript.Echo( "Error 0x" & CStr(Hex(Err.Number)) & _
" occurred in creating a locator object." )
If Err.Description <> "" Then
Call Wscript.Echo( "Error description: " & Err.Description & "." )
End If
blnConnect = True 'An error occurred
Exit Function
End If
'Connect to the namespace which is either local or remote
Set objService = objLocator.ConnectServer (strServer, strNameSpace, _
strUserName, strPassword)
ObjService.Security_.impersonationlevel = 3
If Err.Number then
Call Wscript.Echo( "Error 0x" & CStr(Hex(Err.Number)) & _
" occurred in connecting to server " _
& strServer & ".")
If Err.Description <> "" Then
Call Wscript.Echo( "Error description: " & Err.Description & "." )
End If
blnConnect = True 'An error occurred
End If
'Get the current server's name If left unspecified
If IsEmpty(strServer) Then
Set objWshNet = CreateObject("Wscript.Network")
strServer = objWshNet.ComputerName
End If
End Function
'* Sub VerifyHostIsCscript()
'* Purpose: Determines which program is used to run this script.
'* Input: None
'* Output: If host is not cscript, then an error message is printed
'* and the script is aborted.
Sub VerifyHostIsCscript()
'On Error Resume Next
Dim strFullName, strCommand, i, j, intStatus
strFullName = WScript.FullName
If Err.Number then
Call Wscript.Echo( "Error 0x" & CStr(Hex(Err.Number)) & " occurred." )
If Err.Description <> "" Then
Call Wscript.Echo( "Error description: " & Err.Description & "." )
End If
intStatus = CONST_ERROR
End If
i = InStr(1, strFullName, ".exe", 1)
If i = 0 Then
intStatus = CONST_ERROR
j = InStrRev(strFullName, "\", i, 1)
If j = 0 Then
intStatus = CONST_ERROR
strCommand = Mid(strFullName, j+1, i-j-1)
Select Case LCase(strCommand)
Case "cscript"
Case "wscript"
Case Else 'should never happen
Call Wscript.Echo( "An unexpected program was used to " _
& "run this script." )
Call Wscript.Echo( "Only CScript.Exe or WScript.Exe can " _
& "be used to run this script." )
intStatus = CONST_ERROR
End Select
End If
End If
If intStatus <> CONST_CSCRIPT Then
Call WScript.Echo( "Please run this script using CScript." & vbCRLF & _
"This can be achieved by" & vbCRLF & _
"1. Using ""CScript PS.VBS arguments"" for Windows 95/98 or" _
& vbCRLF & "2. Changing the default Windows Script Host " _
& "setting to CScript" & vbCRLF & " using ""CScript " _
& "//H:CScript //S"" and running the script using" & vbCRLF & _
" ""PS.VBS arguments"" for Windows NT/2000." )
End If
End Sub
'* Sub WriteLine()
'* Purpose: Writes a text line either to a file or on screen.
'* Input: strMessage the string to print
'* objFile an output file object
'* Output: strMessage is either displayed on screen or written to a file.
Sub WriteLine(ByVal strMessage, ByVal objFile)
'On Error Resume Next
If IsObject(objFile) then 'objFile should be a file object
objFile.WriteLine strMessage
Call Wscript.Echo( strMessage )
End If
End Sub
'* Function blnErrorOccurred()
'* Purpose: Reports error with a string saying what the error occurred in.
'* Input: strIn string saying what the error occurred in.
'* Output: displayed on screen
Private Function blnErrorOccurred (ByVal strIn)
If Err.Number Then
Call Wscript.Echo( "Error 0x" & CStr(Hex(Err.Number)) & ": " & strIn)
If Err.Description <> "" Then
Call Wscript.Echo( "Error description: " & Err.Description)
End If
blnErrorOccurred = True
blnErrorOccurred = False
End If
End Function
'* Function blnOpenFile
'* Purpose: Opens a file.
'* Input: strFileName A string with the name of the file.
'* Output: Sets objOpenFile to a FileSystemObject and setis it to
'* Nothing upon Failure.
Private Function blnOpenFile(ByVal strFileName, ByRef objOpenFile)
'On Error Resume Next
Dim objFileSystem
Set objFileSystem = Nothing
If IsEmpty(strFileName) OR strFileName = "" Then
blnOpenFile = False
Set objOpenFile = Nothing
Exit Function
End If
'Create a file object
Set objFileSystem = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If blnErrorOccurred("Could not create filesystem object.") Then
blnOpenFile = False
Set objOpenFile = Nothing
Exit Function
End If
'Open the file for output
Set objOpenFile = objFileSystem.OpenTextFile(strFileName, 8, True)
If blnErrorOccurred("Could not open") Then
blnOpenFile = False
Set objOpenFile = Nothing
Exit Function
End If
blnOpenFile = True
End Function
'* *
'* End of File *
'* *