MicrosoftDNS_ATMAType class

The subclass of MicrosoftDNS_ResourceRecord that represents an ATM Address to Name (ATMA) record.

The following syntax is simplified from MOF code.


class MicrosoftDNS_ATMAType : MicrosoftDNS_ResourceRecord
  uint16 Format;
  string ATMAddress;


The MicrosoftDNS_ATMAType class has these types of members:


The MicrosoftDNS_ATMAType class has these methods.

Method Description
CreateInstanceFromPropertyData Instantiates an ATMA Resource Record based on the data in the method's input parameters: the record's DNS Server Name, Container Name, Owner/Node Name, class (default = IN), time-to-live value, and ATM format and address. Returns a reference to the new object as an output parameter.
Qualifiers: Implemented, static
Modify Updates the TTL, Format and ATMA Address to the values specified as the input parameters of this method. If a new value for a parameter is not specified, the current value for the parameter is not changed. The method returns a reference to the modified object as an output parameter.
Qualifiers: Implemented


The MicrosoftDNS_ATMAType class has these properties.


Data type: string

Access type: Read-only

Variable length string of octets containing the ATM address of the node/owner to which this RR pertains. The first 4 bytes of the array are used to store the size of the octet string. The most significant byte is stored in byte 0.


Data type: uint16

Access type: Read-only

ATM address format. Valid values are: 0 indicating ATM End System Address (AESA) format and 1 indicating E.164 format.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client
None supported
Minimum supported server
Windows 2000 Server [desktop apps only]

See also

CreateInstanceFromPropertyData Method of the MicrosoftDNS_ATMAType Class

Modify Method of the MicrosoftDNS_ATMAType Class
