DXCoreNotificationType enumeration (dxcore_interface.h)

Defines constants that specify types of notifications raised by IDXCoreAdapter or IDXCoreAdapterList objects.

You can register and unregister for these notifications by calling IDXCoreAdapterFactory::RegisterEventNotification and IDXCoreAdapterFactory::UnregisterEventNotification, respectively.


typedef enum DXCoreNotificationType {
  AdapterListStale = 0,
  AdapterNoLongerValid = 1,
  AdapterBudgetChange = 2,
  AdapterHardwareContentProtectionTeardown = 3
} ;


Value: 0
This notification is raised by an IDXCoreAdapterList object when the adapter list becomes stale. The fresh-to-stale transition is one-way, and one-time, so this notification is raised at most one time.
Value: 1
This notification is raised by an IDXCoreAdapter object when the adapter becomes no longer valid. The valid-to-invalid transition is one-way, and one-time, so this notification is raised at most one time.
Value: 2
This notification is raised by an IDXCoreAdapter object when an adapter budget change occurs. This notification can occur many times. Using this notification is functionally similar to IDXGIAdapter3::RegisterVideoMemoryBudgetChangeNotificationEvent. In response to this event, you should call IDXCoreAdapter::QueryState (with DXCoreAdapterState::AdapterMemoryBudget) to evaluate the current memory budget state.
Value: 3
This notification is raised by an IDXCoreAdapter object to notify of an adapter's hardware content protection teardown. This notification can occur many times. It is functionally similar to IDXGIAdapter3::RegisterHardwareContentProtectionTeardownStatusEvent. In response to this event, you should re-evaluate the current crypto session status; for example, by calling ID3D11VideoContext1::CheckCryptoSessionStatus to determine the impact of the hardware teardown for a specific ID3D11CryptoSession interface.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 10 (Build 18936)
Header dxcore_interface.h (include dxcore.h)

See also

IDXCoreAdapterFactory::RegisterEventNotification, IDXCoreAdapterFactory::UnregisterEventNotification, IDXCoreAdapter, IDXCoreAdapterList, DXCore Reference, Using DXCore to enumerate adapters