IDXCoreAdapterFactory::UnregisterEventNotification method

Unregisters from a notification that you previously registered for. For programming guidance, and code examples, see Using DXCore to enumerate adapters.


virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE UnregisterEventNotification(
  uint32_t eventCookie) = 0;



Type: uint32_t

The cookie value (returned when you called IDXCoreAdapterFactory::RegisterEventNotification) representing a prior registration that you now wish to unregister for.



If the function succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code.

Return value Description
E_INVALIDARG The value of eventCookie is not a valid cookie representing a prior registration.


UnregisterEventNotification returns only after all pending/in-progress callbacks for this registration have completed. DXCore guarantees that no new callbacks will occur for this registration after UnregisterEventNotification has returned. However, to avoid a deadlock, if you call UnregisterEventNotification from within your callback, then UnregisterEventNotification doesn't wait for the active callback to complete.


Before you destroy the DXCore object represented by the dxCoreObject argument passed to IDXCoreAdapterFactory::RegisterEventNotification, you must use the cookie value to unregister that object from notifications by calling UnregisterEventNotification. If you don't do that, then a fatal exception is raised when the situation is detected.

Once you unregister a cookie value, that value is then eligible for being returned by a subsequent registration

See also

IDXCoreAdapter, IDXCoreAdapterList, IDXCoreAdapterFactory::UnregisterEventNotification, DXCore Reference, Using DXCore to enumerate adapters