Api.RetrieveColumn method (JET_SESID, JET_TABLEID, JET_COLUMNID, RetrieveColumnGrbit, JET_RETINFO)

Retrieves a single column value from the current record. The record is that record associated with the index entry at the current position of the cursor. Alternatively, this function can retrieve a column from a record being created in the cursor copy buffer. This function can also retrieve column data from an index entry that references the current record. In addition to retrieving the actual column value, JetRetrieveColumn can also be used to retrieve the size of a column, before retrieving the column data itself so that application buffers can be sized appropriately.

Namespace:  Microsoft.Isam.Esent.Interop
Assembly:  Microsoft.Isam.Esent.Interop (in Microsoft.Isam.Esent.Interop.dll)


Public Shared Function RetrieveColumn ( _
    sesid As JET_SESID, _
    tableid As JET_TABLEID, _
    columnid As JET_COLUMNID, _
    grbit As RetrieveColumnGrbit, _
    retinfo As JET_RETINFO _
) As Byte()
Dim sesid As JET_SESID
Dim tableid As JET_TABLEID
Dim columnid As JET_COLUMNID
Dim grbit As RetrieveColumnGrbit
Dim retinfo As JET_RETINFO
Dim returnValue As Byte()

returnValue = Api.RetrieveColumn(sesid, _
    tableid, columnid, grbit, retinfo)
public static byte[] RetrieveColumn(
    JET_SESID sesid,
    JET_TABLEID tableid,
    JET_COLUMNID columnid,
    RetrieveColumnGrbit grbit,
    JET_RETINFO retinfo


  • retinfo
    Type: Microsoft.Isam.Esent.Interop.JET_RETINFO

    If pretinfo is give as NULL then the function behaves as though an itagSequence of 1 and an ibLongValue of 0 (zero) were given. This causes column retrieval to retrieve the first value of a multi-valued column, and to retrieve long data at offset 0 (zero).

Return value

Type: []
The data retrieved from the column. Null if the column is null.

See also


Api class

Api members

RetrieveColumn overload

Microsoft.Isam.Esent.Interop namespace