JetCreateTableColumnIndex4W Function

Applies to: Windows | Windows Server

The JetCreateTableColumnIndex4W function creates a table in an Extensible Storage Engine (ESE( database with an initial set of indexes and an initial set of columns from an array of JET_TABLECREATE3 structures. The JET_TABLECREATE3 structure allows a callback function to be specified.

The JetCreateTableColumnIndex4W function was introduced in the Windows 8 operating system.

JET_ERR JET_API JetCreateTableColumnIndex4W(
  __in          JET_SESID sesid,
  __in          JET_DBID dbid,
  __in_out      JET_TABLECREATE3* ptablecreate



The database session context to use for the API call.


The database identifier to use for the API call.


A pointer to a JET_TABLECREATE3 structure that defines the table to be created. See JET_TABLECREATE3 for more details.

Return value

This function returns the JET_ERR datatype with one of the return codes listed in the following table. For more information about the possible Extensible Storage Enginge (ESE) errors, see Extensible Storage Engine Errors and Error Handling Parameters.

Return code



The operation completed successfully.


The callback function could not be resolved. The DLL might not have been found, or the function in the DLL might not have been found. With sufficient logging enabled, the event log will provide more details.


An attempt was made to index over an escrow-update or SLV column (note that SLV columns are deprecated).


Returned if the ptablecreate->grbit parameter specifies the JET_bitTableCreateTemplateTable value, but the ptablecreate->szTemplateTableName parameter is set to null.


A column already exists.


An attempt was made to index over a nonexistent column. An attempt to conditionally index over a nonexistent column can also produce this error.


An attempt was made to add a redundant column. No more than one autoincrement column should exist, and no more than one version column should exist per table.


This error will be returned if the ulDensity member of the JET_INDEXCREATE2 structure is set to a number less than 20 or more than 100.


Signifies that the table named in the szTemplateTableName member of the JET_TABLECREATE3 structure was not marked as a template table (that is, that table did not have the JET_bitTableCreateTemplateTable parameter value set).


An attempt to define two identical indexes was made.


An attempt was made to specify more than one primary index for a table. A table must have exactly one primary index. If no primary index is specified, the database engine will transparently create one.


An invalid index definition was specified. The following are some of the possible reasons for this error:

  • A primary index is conditional (that is, the grbit member of the JET_INDEXCREATE2 structure has the JET_bitIndexPrimary value set, and the cConditionalColumn member of the JET_INDEXCREATE2 structure is greater than zero).

  • Applies to versions of the Windows Server operating system starting with Windows Server 2003. An attempt to create a tuple index with tuple limits, but without passing the ptuplelimits member in the JET_INDEXCREATE2 structure (that is, the grbit member of the JET_INDEXCREATE2 structure has JET_bitIndexTupleLimits value set, but the ptuplelimits pointer is null).

  • Passing in an invalid key definition in the szKey member of the JET_INDEXCREATE2 structure. For information about valid definitions, see JET_INDEXCREATE2.

  • Setting the cbVarSegMac member in JET_INDEXCREATE2 to be greater than the JET_cbPrimaryKeyMost value (for a primary index) or greater than the JET_cbSecondaryKeyMost value (for a secondary index).

  • Passing an invalid combination for a user-defined Unicode index (one that has the JET_bitIndexUnicode value bit set in the grbit member of the JET_INDEXCREATE2 structure). Some common causes include the pidxunicode member of the JET_INDEXCREATE2 structure is null, or the LCID specified in the pidxunicode structure is invalid.

  • Specifying a multivalued column for a primary index.

  • Trying to index too many conditional columns. The cConditionalColumn member of the JET_INDEXCREATE2 structure must not be greater than JET_ccolKeyMost.


Applies to versions of Windows starting with Windows XP. A JET_TUPLELIMITS structure was specified, and its limits are not supported. For more information, see the remarks section of the JET_TUPLELIMITS structure.


Applies to versions of Windows starting with Windows XP. A tuple index cannot be unique (that is, the grbit member of the JET_INDEXCREATE2 structure must not have both JET_bitIndexPrimary and JET_bitIndexUnique values set).


Applies to versions of Windows starting with Windows XP. A tuple index can only be over a single column (that is, if the grbit member of the JET_INDEXCREATE2 structure has JET_bitIndexTuples value set, and the szKey member of the JET_INDEXCREATE2 structure specifies more than one column).


Applies to versions of Windows starting with Windows XP. A tuple index cannot be a primary index (that is, the grbit member of the JET_INDEXCREATE2 structure must not have both JET_bitIndexPrimary and JET_bitIndexTuples set).


Applies to versions of Windows starting with Windows XP. A tuple index can only be on a text or Unicode column. An attempt to index other columns (such as binary columns) will result in a JET_errIndexTuplesTextColumnsOnly response code.


Applies to versions of Windows starting with Windows XP. A tuple index does not allow the cbVarSegMac member of the JET_INDEXCREATE2 structure to be set.


An attempt was made to create an index without version information while in a transaction.


The cp member of the JET_COLUMNCREATE structure was not set to a valid code page. The only valid values for text columns are English (1252) and Unicode (1200). A value of 0 means the default will be used (English, 1252).


The coltyp member of the JET_COLUMNCREATE structure was not set to a valid column type.


The following are some reasons why this error may occur:


An invalid combination of grbit members was specified in the JET_TABLECREATE3 structure.

The index definition is invalid because the grbit member contains inconsistent values. The following are some possible reasons:

  • A primary index had an ignore bit specified (that is, JET_bitIndexPrimary value was passed with the JET_bitIndexIgnoreNull, JET_bitIndexIgnoreAnyNull, or JET_bitIndexIgnoreFirstNull values).

  • An empty index does not ignore any null members (that is, the grbit member of the JET_INDEXCREATE2 structure has the JET_bitIndexEmpty value set, but does not have JET_bitIndexIgnoreAnyNull value set).

  • Passing in a JET_CONDITIONALCOLUMN structure with an invalid grbit member.


An invalid Locale ID (LCID) was passed in (either through the lcid member of the JET_UNICODEINDEX structure that the pidxunicode member in the JET_INDEXCREATE2 structure points to, or through the lcid field of the JET_INDEXCREATE2 structure).


An invalid parameter was given. The following are some possible reasons:


The record is too big. The sum of the cbMax member of the JET_COLUMNCREATE structure for all fixed columns must not exceed a certain value.


The table already exists.


An attempt was made to add too many columns to the table. A table can have no more than JET_ccolFixedMost fixed columns, no more than JET_ccolVarMost variable-length columns, and no more than JET_ccolTaggedMost tagged columns.


An error occurred when an attempt was made to normalize a Unicode column. This can be caused by running out of system resources.


An element of the JET space hints structure was not correct or actionable.


The JetCreateTableColumnIndex4W function creates a table with an initial set of columns and indexes. Additional columns and indexes can be added and removed dynamically by means of the JetAddColumn, JetDeleteColumn, JetDeleteColumn2, JetCreateIndex, JetCreateIndex2, JetCreateIndex3, JetCreateIndex4W, and JetDeleteIndex functions.

As with the JetOpenTable function, when the application is done using the returned tableid, the JetCloseTable function should close the application.


Requirement Value


Requires Windows 8.


Requires Windows Server 2012.


Declared in Esent.h.


Use ESENT.lib.


Requires ESENT.dll.

See also
