IUpdate Properties

The IUpdate interface defines the following properties.

Property Description
AutoSelectOnWebSites Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether the update is flagged to be automatically selected by Windows Update.
BundledUpdates Gets an interface that contains information about the ordered list of the bundled updates for the update.
CanRequireSource Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether the source media of the update is required for installation or uninstallation.
Categories Gets an interface that contains a collection of categories to which the update belongs.
Deadline Gets the date by which the update must be installed.
DeltaCompressedContentAvailable Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether delta-compressed content is available on a server for the update.
DeltaCompressedContentPreferred Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether to prefer delta-compressed content during the download and install or uninstall of the update if delta-compressed content is available.
DeploymentAction Gets the action for which the update is deployed.
Description Gets the localized description of the update.
DownloadContents Gets file information about the download contents of the update.
DownloadPriority Gets the suggested download priority of the update.
EulaAccepted Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether the Microsoft Software License Terms that are associated with the update are accepted for the computer.
EulaText Gets the full localized text of the Microsoft Software License Terms that are associated with the update.
HandlerID Gets the install handler of the update.
Identity Gets an interface that contains the unique identifier of the update.
Image Gets an interface that contains information about an image that is associated with the update.
InstallationBehavior Gets an interface that contains the installation options of the update.
IsBeta Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether the update is a beta release.
IsDownloaded Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether all the update content is cached on the computer.
IsHidden Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether an update is hidden by a user.
IsInstalled Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether the update is installed on a computer when the search is performed.
IsMandatory Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether the installation of the update is mandatory.
IsUninstallable Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether a user can uninstall the update from a computer.
KBArticleIDs Gets a collection of Microsoft Knowledge Base article IDs that are associated with the update.
Languages Gets an interface that contains the languages that are supported by the update.
LastDeploymentChangeTime Gets the last published date of the update, in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) date and time, on the server that deploys the update.
MaxDownloadSize Gets the maximum download size of the update.
MinDownloadSize Gets the minimum download size of the update.
MoreInfoUrls Gets a collection of language-specific strings that specify the hyperlinks to more information about the update.
MsrcSeverity Gets the Microsoft Security Response Center severity rating of the update.
RecommendedCPUSpeed Gets the recommended CPU speed used to install the update, in megahertz (MHz).
RecommendedHardDiskSpace Gets the recommended free space that should be available on the hard disk before you install the update. The free space is specified in megabytes (MB).
RecommendedMemory Gets the recommended physical memory size that should be available in your computer before you install the update. The physical memory size is specified in megabytes (MB).
ReleaseNotes Gets the localized release notes for the update.
SecurityBulletinIDs Gets a collection of string values that contain the security bulletin IDs that are associated with the update.
SupersededUpdateIDs Gets a collection of update identifiers. This collection of identifiers specifies the updates that are superseded by the update.
SupportUrl Gets a hyperlink to the language-specific support information for the update.
Title Gets the localized title of the update.
Type Gets the type of the update.
UninstallationBehavior Gets an interface that contains the uninstallation options for the update.
UninstallationNotes Gets the uninstallation notes for the update.
UninstallationSteps Gets an interface that contains the uninstallation steps for the update.