Xamarin Community Toolkit TabView

The TabView control allows the user to display a set of tabs and their content. The TabView is fully customizable, other than the native tab bars.


The following code shows a simple example of a TabView implementation:

<ContentPage xmlns="http://xamarin.com/schemas/2014/forms"


                    Text="Tab 1"
                            Text="TabContent1" />

                    Text="Tab 2"
                            Text="TabContent2" />



The following properties are available on the TabView object:

Property Type Description
IsSwipeEnabled bool Enable or disable the swipe gesture.
IsTabTransitionEnabled bool Enable or disable the transition between tabs.
SelectedIndex int Gets or sets the currently selected tab. Default is 0.
TabContentBackgroundColor Color The tab content background.
TabContentDataTemplate DataTemplate The template the TabView uses to generate tab items' content.
TabContentHeight double The tab content height.
TabIndicatorColor Color The TabIndicator background.
TabIndicatorHeight double The TabIndicator height.
TabIndicatorPlacement TabIndicatorPlacement The selected tab indicator placement (top, center or bottom).
TabIndicatorView View The TabIndicator content.
TabIndicatorWidth double The TabIndicator width.
TabItems ObservableCollection<TabViewItem> Property that reflects the current tab items.
TabItemsSource IList A collection used to generate the TabView's tab items.
TabStripPlacement TabStripPlacement The TabStrip placement (top or bottom).
TabStripBackgroundColor Color The Color of the TabStrip background. This can't be used with TabStripBackgroundView.
TabStripBackgroundView View The View representing the TabStrip background. This can't be used with TabStripBackgroundColor.
TabStripHeight double The TabStrip height.
TabViewItemDataTemplate DataTemplate The template the TabView uses to generate tab items' header.

The following properties are available on the TabViewItem object:

Property Type Description
BadgeBackgroundColor Color The badge color used in the tab.
BadgeBackgroundColorSelected Color The badge color used in the selected tab.
BadgeBorderColor Color The badge border color used in the tab.
BadgeBorderColorSelected Color The badge border color used in the selected tab.
BadgeText string The badge text used in the tab.
BadgeTextColor Color The badge text color used in the tab.
BadgeTextColorSelected Color The badge text color used in the selected tab.
Content View The content of the tab. Anything can be used as content.
CurrentBadgeBackgroundColor Color Read-only property that reflects the currently used BadgeBackgroundColor
CurrentBadgeBorderColor Color Read-only property that reflects the currently used BadgeBorderColor
CurrentContent View Read-only property that reflects the currently used Content
CurrentFontAttributes FontAttributes Read-only property that reflects the currently used FontAttributes
CurrentFontFamily string Read-only property that reflects the currently used FontFamily
CurrentFontSize double Read-only property that reflects the currently used FontSize
CurrentIcon ImageSource Read-only property that reflects the currently used Icon
CurrentTextColor Color Read-only property that reflects the currently used TextColor
FontAttributes FontAttributes The font attributes used in the tab.
FontAttributesSelected FontAttributes The font attributes used in the selected tab.
FontFamily string The font family used in the tab.
FontFamilySelected string The font family used in the selected tab.
FontSize double The font size used in the tab text.
FontSizeSelected double The font size used in the selected tab.
Icon ImageSource The icon of the tab.
IconSelected ImageSource The ImageSource used as icon in the selected tab.
IsSelected bool A bool that indicates if the tab is selected or not.
TabAnimation ITabViewItemAnimation The transition animation of a tab.
TabWidth double The width of a tab item
TapCommand ICommand Command that is executed when the user taps a tab.
TapCommandParameter object The tap command parameter.
Text string The tab text.
TextColor Color The text color of the tab.
TextColorSelected Color The text color of the selected tab.


The following events are available on the TabView object:

Event Type Description
SelectionChanged TabSelectionChangedEventHandler Event that is raised when the selected tab changed.
Scrolled TabViewScrolledEventHandler Event that is raised when swiping between tabs.

The following events are available on the TabViewItem object:

Event Type Description
TabTapped TabTappedEventHandler Event that is raised when the user tap a tab.


TabView Sample Source

You can see this in action in the Xamarin Community Toolkit Sample App.