Price bucket currency
This page includes guidance on using currencies other than USD with Prebid Server Premium (PSP).
Price bucket currency specifies the currency used for price buckets and does not apply to Microsoft Monetize Ad Server customers. Specifically, targeting keys, not bids, are converted into the selected currency. Select the currency that aligns with the line items in your ad server. You can choose any currency supported by Microsoft Advertising seen in Currency Support.
This is independent of your Monetize currency selection and only applies to Prebid Server Premium (PSP) auctions.
Bid response currency
Targeting keys
- If you are using our
(and have specifically set it to override targeting keys in response) or/ut/v3/prebid
endpoints, targeting keys within bid responses use the transaction currency that you have set via the Publisher Service API. If you need to override that currency selection, use the Prebid.js Currency Module. - If you are using another integration method, targeting keys within bids use the currency selected for PSP price buckets independently of the Publisher Service API.