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.NET gives you various ways to customize your native interoperability code. This article includes the guidance that Microsoft's .NET teams follow for native interoperability.
The guidance in this section applies to all interop scenarios.
, if possible, when targeting .NET 7+.
is appropriate. A code analyzer with ID SYSLIB1054 tells you when that's the case.uint
when the native type is unsigned int
types, when passing callbacks to unmanaged functions in C#.[In]
and [Out]
attributes on array parameters.[In]
and [Out]
attributes on other types when the behavior you want differs from the default behavior.[LibraryImport]
or [DllImport]
attributes to use the C# nameof
language feature to pass in the name of the native library and ensure that you didn't misspell the name of the native library.SafeHandle
handles to manage lifetime of objects that encapsulate unmanaged resources. For more information, see Cleaning up unmanaged resources.A code analyzer, with ID SYSLIB1054, helps guide you with LibraryImportAttribute
. In most cases, the use of LibraryImportAttribute
requires an explicit declaration rather than relying on default settings. This design is intentional and helps avoid unintended behavior in interop scenarios.
Setting | Default | Recommendation | Details |
PreserveSig | true |
Keep default | When this is explicitly set to false, failed HRESULT return values will be turned into exceptions (and the return value in the definition becomes null as a result). |
SetLastError | false |
Depends on the API | Set this to true if the API uses GetLastError and use Marshal.GetLastWin32Error to get the value. If the API sets a condition that says it has an error, get the error before making other calls to avoid inadvertently having it overwritten. |
CharSet | Compiler-defined (specified in the charset documentation) | Explicitly use CharSet.Unicode or CharSet.Ansi when strings or characters are present in the definition |
This specifies marshalling behavior of strings and what ExactSpelling does when false . Note that CharSet.Ansi is actually UTF8 on Unix. Most of the time Windows uses Unicode while Unix uses UTF8. See more information on the documentation on charsets. |
ExactSpelling | false |
true |
Set this to true and gain a slight perf benefit as the runtime will not look for alternate function names with either an "A" or "W" suffix depending on the value of the CharSet setting ("A" for CharSet.Ansi and "W" for CharSet.Unicode ). |
A string
is pinned and used directly by native code (rather than copied) when passed by value (not ref
or out
) and any one of the following:
.❌ DON'T use [Out] string
parameters. String parameters passed by value with the [Out]
attribute can destabilize the runtime if the string is an interned string. See more information about string interning in the documentation for String.Intern.
✔️ CONSIDER char[]
or byte[]
arrays from an ArrayPool
when native code is expected to fill a character buffer. This requires passing the argument as [Out]
✔️ CONSIDER setting the CharSet
property in [DllImport]
so the runtime knows the expected string encoding.
✔️ CONSIDER avoiding StringBuilder
parameters. StringBuilder
marshalling always creates a native buffer copy. As such, it can be extremely inefficient. Take the typical scenario of calling a Windows API that takes a string:
of the desired capacity (allocates managed capacity) {1}.[In]
(the default for a StringBuilder
{3} (also the default for StringBuilder
allocates yet another managed array {4}.That's {4} allocations to get a string out of native code. The best you can do to limit this is to reuse the StringBuilder
in another call, but this still only saves one allocation. It's much better to use and cache a character buffer from ArrayPool
. You can then get down to just the allocation for the ToString()
on subsequent calls.
The other issue with StringBuilder
is that it always copies the return buffer back up to the first null. If the passed back string isn't terminated or is a double-null-terminated string, your P/Invoke is incorrect at best.
If you do use StringBuilder
, one last gotcha is that the capacity does not include a hidden null, which is always accounted for in interop. It's common for people to get this wrong as most APIs want the size of the buffer including the null. This can result in wasted/unnecessary allocations. Additionally, this gotcha prevents the runtime from optimizing StringBuilder
marshalling to minimize copies.
For more information on string marshalling, see Default Marshalling for Strings and Customizing string marshalling.
Windows Specific For
strings the CLR will useCoTaskMemFree
by default to free strings orSysStringFree
for strings that are marked asUnmanagedType.BSTR
. For most APIs with an output string buffer: The passed in character count must include the null. If the returned value is less than the passed in character count the call has succeeded and the value is the number of characters without the trailing null. Otherwise the count is the required size of the buffer including the null character.
- Pass in 5, get 4: The string is 4 characters long with a trailing null.
- Pass in 5, get 6: The string is 5 characters long, need a 6 character buffer to hold the null. Windows Data Types for Strings
Booleans are easy to mess up. By default, a .NET bool
is marshalled to a Windows BOOL
, where it's a 4-byte value. However, the _Bool
, and bool
types in C and C++ are a single byte. This can lead to hard to track down bugs as half the return value will be discarded, which will only potentially change the result. For more for information on marshalling .NET bool
values to C or C++ bool
types, see the documentation on customizing boolean field marshalling.
GUIDs are usable directly in signatures. Many Windows APIs take GUID&
type aliases like REFIID
. When the method signature contains a reference parameter, place either a ref
keyword or a [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStruct)]
attribute on the GUID parameter declaration.
GUID | By-ref GUID |
❌ DON'T Use [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStruct)]
for anything other than ref
GUID parameters.
Blittable types are types that have the same bit-level representation in managed and native code. As such they do not need to be converted to another format to be marshalled to and from native code, and as this improves performance they should be preferred. Some types are not blittable but are known to contain blittable contents. These types have similar optimizations as blittable types when they are not contained in another type, but are not considered blittable when in fields of structs or for the purposes of UnmanagedCallersOnlyAttribute
Blittable types:
, sbyte
, short
, ushort
, int
, uint
, long
, ulong
, single
, double
or [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit)]
by defaultTypes with blittable contents:
or [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit)]
by defaultNOT blittable:
SOMETIMES blittable:
Types with SOMETIMES blittable contents:
When blittable types are passed by reference with in
, ref
, or out
, or when types with blittable contents are passed by value, they're simply pinned by the marshaller instead of being copied to an intermediate buffer.
is blittable in a one-dimensional array or if it's part of a type that contains it's explicitly marked with [StructLayout]
with CharSet = CharSet.Unicode
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
public struct UnicodeCharStruct
public char c;
contains blittable contents if it isn't contained in another type and is being passed by value (not ref
or out
) as an argument and any one of the following:
.You can see if a type is blittable or contains blittable contents by attempting to create a pinned GCHandle
. If the type isn't a string or considered blittable, GCHandle.Alloc
will throw an ArgumentException
When runtime marshalling is disabled, the rules for which types are blittable are significantly simpler. All types that are C# unmanaged
types and don't have any fields that are marked with [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Auto)]
are blittable. All types that are not C# unmanaged
types are not blittable. The concept of types with blittable contents, such as arrays or strings, does not apply when runtime marshalling is disabled. Any type that is not considered blittable by the aforementioned rule is unsupported when runtime marshalling is disabled.
These rules differ from the built-in system primarily in situations where bool
and char
are used. When marshalling is disabled, bool
is passed as a 1-byte value and not normalized and char
is always passed as a 2-byte value. When runtime marshalling is enabled, bool
can map to a 1, 2, or 4-byte value and is always normalized, and char
maps to either a 1 or 2-byte value depending on the CharSet
✔️ DO make your structures blittable when possible.
For more information, see:
will ensure an object stays in scope until the KeepAlive method is hit.
allows the marshaller to keep an object alive for the duration of a P/Invoke. It can be used instead of IntPtr
in method signatures. SafeHandle
effectively replaces this class and should be used instead.
allows pinning a managed object and getting the native pointer to it. The basic pattern is:
GCHandle handle = GCHandle.Alloc(obj, GCHandleType.Pinned);
IntPtr ptr = handle.AddrOfPinnedObject();
Pinning isn't the default for GCHandle
. The other major pattern is for passing a reference to a managed object through native code and back to managed code, usually with a callback. Here is the pattern:
GCHandle handle = GCHandle.Alloc(obj);
SomeNativeEnumerator(callbackDelegate, GCHandle.ToIntPtr(handle));
// In the callback
GCHandle handle = GCHandle.FromIntPtr(param);
object managedObject = handle.Target;
// After the last callback
Don't forget that GCHandle
needs to be explicitly freed to avoid memory leaks.
Here is a list of data types commonly used in Windows APIs and which C# types to use when calling into the Windows code.
The following types are the same size on 32-bit and 64-bit Windows, despite their names.
Width | Windows | C# | Alternative |
32 | BOOL |
int |
bool |
byte |
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)] bool |
8 | BYTE |
byte |
8 | UCHAR |
byte |
8 | UINT8 |
byte |
8 | CCHAR |
byte |
8 | CHAR |
sbyte |
8 | CHAR |
sbyte |
8 | INT8 |
sbyte |
16 | CSHORT |
short |
16 | INT16 |
short |
16 | SHORT |
short |
16 | ATOM |
ushort |
16 | UINT16 |
ushort |
16 | USHORT |
ushort |
16 | WORD |
ushort |
32 | INT |
int |
32 | INT32 |
int |
32 | LONG |
int |
See CLong and CULong . |
32 | LONG32 |
int |
32 | CLONG |
uint |
See CLong and CULong . |
32 | DWORD |
uint |
See CLong and CULong . |
32 | DWORD32 |
uint |
32 | UINT |
uint |
32 | UINT32 |
uint |
32 | ULONG |
uint |
See CLong and CULong . |
32 | ULONG32 |
uint |
64 | INT64 |
long |
long |
64 | LONG64 |
long |
long |
64 | QWORD |
long |
64 | DWORD64 |
ulong |
64 | UINT64 |
ulong |
64 | ULONG64 |
ulong |
ulong |
ulong |
32 | HRESULT |
int |
int |
The following types, being pointers, do follow the width of the platform. Use IntPtr
for these.
Signed Pointer Types (use IntPtr ) |
Unsigned Pointer Types (use UIntPtr ) |
A Windows PVOID
, which is a C void*
, can be marshalled as either IntPtr
or UIntPtr
, but prefer void*
when possible.
There are rare instances when built-in support for a type is removed.
The UnmanagedType.HString
and UnmanagedType.IInspectable
built-in marshal support was removed in the .NET 5 release. You must recompile binaries that use this marshalling type and that target a previous framework. It's still possible to marshal this type, but you must marshal it manually, as the following code example shows. This code will work moving forward and is also compatible with previous frameworks.
public sealed class HStringMarshaler : ICustomMarshaler
public static readonly HStringMarshaler Instance = new HStringMarshaler();
public static ICustomMarshaler GetInstance(string _) => Instance;
public void CleanUpManagedData(object ManagedObj) { }
public void CleanUpNativeData(IntPtr pNativeData)
if (pNativeData != IntPtr.Zero)
public int GetNativeDataSize() => -1;
public IntPtr MarshalManagedToNative(object ManagedObj)
if (ManagedObj is null)
return IntPtr.Zero;
var str = (string)ManagedObj;
Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR(WindowsCreateString(str, str.Length, out var ptr));
return ptr;
public object MarshalNativeToManaged(IntPtr pNativeData)
if (pNativeData == IntPtr.Zero)
return null;
var ptr = WindowsGetStringRawBuffer(pNativeData, out var length);
if (ptr == IntPtr.Zero)
return null;
if (length == 0)
return string.Empty;
return Marshal.PtrToStringUni(ptr, length);
private static extern int WindowsCreateString([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string sourceString, int length, out IntPtr hstring);
private static extern int WindowsDeleteString(IntPtr hstring);
private static extern IntPtr WindowsGetStringRawBuffer(IntPtr hstring, out int length);
// Example usage:
[DllImport("api-ms-win-core-winrt-l1-1-0.dll", PreserveSig = true)]
internal static extern int RoGetActivationFactory(
/*[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.HString)]*/[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.CustomMarshaler, MarshalTypeRef = typeof(HStringMarshaler))] string activatableClassId,
[In] ref Guid iid,
[Out, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.IUnknown)] out object factory);
There are types in the C/C++ language that have latitude in how they are defined. When writing cross-platform interop, cases can arise where platforms differ and can cause issues if not considered.
C/C++ long
and C# long
are not necessarily the same size.
The long
type in C/C++ is defined to have "at least 32" bits. This means there is a minimum number of required bits, but platforms can choose to use more bits if desired. The following table illustrates the differences in provided bits for the C/C++ long
data type between platforms.
Platform | 32-bit | 64-bit |
Windows | 32 | 32 |
macOS/*nix | 32 | 64 |
In contrast, C# long
is always 64 bit. For this reason, it's best to avoid using C# long
to interop with C/C++ long
(This problem with C/C++ long
does not exist for C/C++ char
, short
, int
, and long long
as they are 8, 16, 32, and 64 bits respectively on all of these platforms.)
In .NET 6 and later versions, use the CLong
and CULong
types for interop with C/C++ long
and unsigned long
data types. The following example is for CLong
, but you can use CULong
to abstract unsigned long
in a similar way.
// Cross platform C function
// long Function(long a);
extern static CLong Function(CLong a);
// Usage
nint result = Function(new CLong(10)).Value;
When targeting .NET 5 and earlier versions, you should declare separate Windows and non-Windows signatures to handle the problem.
static readonly bool IsWindows = RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows);
// Cross platform C function
// long Function(long a);
[DllImport("NativeLib", EntryPoint = "Function")]
extern static int FunctionWindows(int a);
[DllImport("NativeLib", EntryPoint = "Function")]
extern static nint FunctionUnix(nint a);
// Usage
nint result;
if (IsWindows)
result = FunctionWindows(10);
result = FunctionUnix(10);
Managed structs are created on the stack and aren't removed until the method returns. By definition then, they are "pinned" (it won't get moved by the GC). You can also simply take the address in unsafe code blocks if native code won't use the pointer past the end of the current method.
Blittable structs are much more performant as they can simply be used directly by the marshalling layer. Try to make structs blittable (for example, avoid bool
). For more information, see the Blittable Types section.
If the struct is blittable, use sizeof()
instead of Marshal.SizeOf<MyStruct>()
for better performance. As mentioned above, you can validate that the type is blittable by attempting to create a pinned GCHandle
. If the type is not a string or considered blittable, GCHandle.Alloc
will throw an ArgumentException
Pointers to structs in definitions must either be passed by ref
or use unsafe
and *
✔️ DO match the managed struct as closely as possible to the shape and names that are used in the official platform documentation or header.
✔️ DO use the C# sizeof()
instead of Marshal.SizeOf<MyStruct>()
for blittable structures to improve performance.
❌ DON'T depend on internal representation of struct types exposed by .NET runtime libraries unless it is explicitly documented.
❌ AVOID using classes to express complex native types through inheritance.
❌ AVOID using System.Delegate
or System.MulticastDelegate
fields to represent function pointer fields in structures.
Since System.Delegate and System.MulticastDelegate don't have a required signature, they don't guarantee that the delegate passed in will match the signature the native code expects. Additionally, in .NET Framework and .NET Core, marshalling a struct containing a System.Delegate
or System.MulticastDelegate
from its native representation to a managed object can destabilize the runtime if the value of the field in the native representation isn't a function pointer that wraps a managed delegate. In .NET 5 and later versions, marshalling a System.Delegate
or System.MulticastDelegate
field from a native representation to a managed object is not supported. Use a specific delegate type instead of System.Delegate
or System.MulticastDelegate
An array like INT_PTR Reserved1[2]
has to be marshalled to two IntPtr
fields, Reserved1a
and Reserved1b
. When the native array is a primitive type, we can use the fixed
keyword to write it a little more cleanly. For example, SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION
looks like this in the native header:
ULONG NextEntryOffset;
ULONG NumberOfThreads;
BYTE Reserved1[48];
In C#, we can write it like this:
internal unsafe struct SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION
internal uint NextEntryOffset;
internal uint NumberOfThreads;
private fixed byte Reserved1[48];
internal Interop.UNICODE_STRING ImageName;
However, there are some gotchas with fixed buffers. Fixed buffers of non-blittable types won't be correctly marshalled, so the in-place array needs to be expanded out to multiple individual fields. Additionally, in .NET Framework and .NET Core before 3.0, if a struct containing a fixed buffer field is nested within a non-blittable struct, the fixed buffer field won't be correctly marshalled to native code.
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17 Mar, 21 - 21 Mar, 10
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Choose the correct data type in your C# code - Training
Choose the correct data type for your code from several basic types used in C#.