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Changing the Sample Rendering Plug-in Property (deprecated)

This page documents a feature that may be unavailable in future versions of Windows Media Player and the Windows Media Player SDK.

You will probably want to change the property that the Windows Media Plug-in Wizard creates by default. The following list details the items that might require changing:

  • The dialog resource. Click the ResourceView tab in the Project Workspace window. Expand the folder list to open the Dialog folder. Double-click the dialog resource to open the resource editor. You can make changes to the property page dialog. For instance, you could replace the radio buttons with checkboxes.
  • The property page object code. The default implementation uses a variable of type COLORREF to store the color value. You might require a different type of data. This would also require you to change the code that persists the data to the registry and reads the data from the registry (including the code that reads from the registry in CProjectName::FinalConstruct).
  • The member variable that stores the property value. This variable is named "m_TextColor" and is declared as type COLORREF. You may want to change the name and type of this variable throughout the project.
  • The property get and property put methods. You might want to change the names, parameters, and implementations of these methods. Don't forget to also reflect those changes elsewhere in the project. For instance, the property page Apply method calls CProjectName::put_color.

Implementing Your Rendering Code (deprecated)