Microsoft takes the security of our software products and services seriously, which includes all source code repositories managed through our GitHub organizations, which include Microsoft, Azure, DotNet, AspNet, Xamarin, and our GitHub organizations.
You should receive a response within 24 hours. If for some reason you do not, please follow up via email to ensure we received your original message. Additional information can be found at
Please include the requested information listed below (as much as you can provide) to help us better understand the nature and scope of the possible issue:
Type of issue (e.g. buffer overflow, SQL injection, cross-site scripting, etc.)
Full paths of source file(s) related to the manifestation of the issue
The location of the affected source code (tag/branch/commit or direct URL)
Any special configuration required to reproduce the issue
Step-by-step instructions to reproduce the issue
Proof-of-concept or exploit code (if possible)
Impact of the issue, including how an attacker might exploit the issue
This information will help us triage your report more quickly.
If you are reporting for a bug bounty, more complete reports can contribute to a higher bounty award. Please visit our Microsoft Bug Bounty Program page for more details about our active programs.
Secure software development means integrating security into each phase of your development lifecycle, from requirements analysis to maintenance. Microsoft provides many services that can help you develop more secure code and deploy a more secure application in the cloud. This learning path provides an overview of the services and offerings available to help you build secure software as part of a cybersecurity solution.The deadline for agencies to comply with NIST/CISA/OMB guidance on security measures for c