Get the ID field from a JSON file - Data Factory

Carlos Jahir Carreño Hernandez 125 Puntos de reputación

Through Data Factory, I am fetching information from Microsoft Graph. It generated a JSON file. Now, I need to extract a value from that JSON file, as shown in the following example:

{"@odata.context":"$metadata#deviceManagement/deviceConfigurations(id,displayName)","value":[{"@odata.type":"#microsoft.graph.windows10CustomConfiguration","id":"6004fe73-950a-4374-afea-2b8f8c46c84f","displayName":"Directiva AlwaysOnVPN PROTECCION AAD CP"},{"@odata.type":"#microsoft.graph.windows10CustomConfiguration","id":"111d9749-eacd-4f9f-b7fe-657ac87ca4d3","displayName":"Directiva AlwaysOnVPN PROTECCION PCN"},{"@odata.type":"#microsoft.graph.windows10CustomConfiguration","id":"a2c0ea8e-21ad-4e1a-946e-d9890efd957f","displayName":"Directiva Windows Analytics"},{"@odata.type":"#microsoft.graph.windows10CustomConfiguration","id":"bbb69b49-d776-4d65-b9e7-22c1a095a698","displayName":"DLP - Bloqueo App Whatsapp"},{"@odata.type":"#microsoft.graph.windows10CustomConfiguration","id":"a85ad993-a236-417a-bd84-283052c820aa","displayName":"DLP - Directiva Bloqueos URL Firefox"}]

The field I need to use for another REST query is the ID, but I'm not sure how to connect this information in a pipeline to later, through a foreach loop, make several queries since there are multiple IDs. User's image

User's image

User's image

I need to take that ID and perform a new query ID by ID, so I imagine I should use a foreach loop, but I haven't been able to understand how to replace a dynamic field in the URL in Azure Data Factory.

Source API:***ID***/deviceStatuses


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