I'm trying to bulk move blob objects from cool to archived.
I'm following the tutorial at Bulk Archive
I have two problems:
If you follow the tutorial, it only moves 5000 objects. I have changed it to
az storage blob list --account-name $accountName --account-key $key --container-name $containerName --prefix $folderName --query "[?properties.blobTier == 'Cool'].name" --num-results "*" --output tsv | xargs -I {} -P 10 az storage blob set-tier --account-name $accountName --account-key $key --container-name $containerName --tier Archive --name "{}"
But I still have the problem that the subdirectories try to move them and they generate an error
The requested operation is not supported on a directory.
Any help (for the second point) will be welcome
Estoy intentando mover masivamente objetos blob desde el almacenamiento esporádico ("Cool") a archivado ("Archive").
Estoy siguiendo el tutorial en Bulk Archive
Tengo dos problemas:
- Si sigues el tutorial, solo mueve 5000 objetos. Lo he cambiado a
az storage blob list --account-name $accountName --account-key $key --container-name $containerName --prefix $folderName --query "[?properties.blobTier == 'Cool'].name" --num-results "*" --output tsv | xargs -I {} -P 10 az storage blob set-tier --account-name $accountName --account-key $key --container-name $containerName --tier Archive --name "{}"
- Pero sigo teniendo el problema que los subdirectorios los intenta mover y generan un error
The requested operation is not supported on a directory.
Cualquier ayuda (para el segundo punto) será bienvenida