My newly created account has been blocked for apparently no reason, and it won´t send me the phone verification code

Isaac Rojas 0 Puntos de reputación

Yesterday I created an account to buy PC Xbox Game Pass on, everything went great, payment went through, and downloaded the microsoft game Forza Horizon 5, this game requires you to log in with a microsoft account when booted, which I accidentally did with a different Microsoft account than the one I had been using to buy Game Pass and download some games. After that I was kicked out of the Xbox App, and logged out, when I try to log back in, it says there has been an error, and that I should try to log in on , which I do, and Im greeted with the message that my account has been blocked, I am asked to enter a phone number to recieve a code, and after I put the number in I get this "something went wrong" message, I try several times with different phone numbers and nothing. It was pretty late at night, so I figured Id give it a try the next day, now its the morning and I still cant access my microsoft account, my xbox app or any of the games I just paid for yesterday, any help is appreciated, I have always liked microsoft but this is very dissapointing and frustrating to have my account blocked when I just paid to play some games. I still have no idea why it was blocked.

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