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WebMatrix refresh released.

We’ve just published a minor refresh to WebMatrix, which you can download and use from the Web Platform Installer today.

We did this to fix some of the top customer issues that have been reported since we launched in January.

If you have any more problems or bugs with WebMatrix, please let us know! Smile


Some of the fixes that we’ve implemented in this refresh are:

  • Customer report: Ctrl+C/X/V breaks once international characters are entered when using the United States-International keyboard layout with WebMatrix
  • Exception error when template installer link is broken
  • Web Deploy hard-coded fallback MySqlDump.exe path will make MySQL app operations fail by default when WebPI starts using new version of MySQL
  • Web Deploy requiring MySQL installed locally when installing application for use with remote MySQL server
  • Bin deployment of SQL CE binaries broken in WebMatrix because Web Deploy copies only .dlls and additional .manifest file is required
  • Add "spotlight=true" to Find Web Hosting URL
  • Broken xml file for spanish resource file of template
  • IIS Express doesn't run when My Documents is on a root drive
  • For non-local documents, introduce a new environment variable that WebMatrix sets and IISExpress reads to determine if it needs to start polling
  • Redirection.config fallback path is incorrect
  • For non-local documents, introduce a new environment variable that WebMatrix sets and IISExpress reads to determine if it needs to start polling.
  • Add a regkey to switch default opening of PHP files in UTF-8 vs. local code page


  • Anonymous
    February 18, 2011
    really thanks to my customers faster than your web site can do the web matrix

  • Anonymous
    February 20, 2011
    why this language "We’ve just published a minor refresh to WebMatrix"? the fact is that it's an update not a refresh the meaning itself shows that "refresh" cannot be used in this context.

  • Anonymous
    February 23, 2011
    I have spent the last 3 days trying to install it and get wordpress up and running with no success. The database never lets me connect. What's worse is the websitespark site. 90% of the time one or more sections won't load so I can't even get any help or leave a comment. So far - worst software EVER!

  • Anonymous
    March 07, 2011
    I like WebMatrix for editing my php. I do have some feature requests though. Is there a place where we can share them?

  • Anonymous
    March 10, 2011
    So, I've been installing WebMatrix via the WPI for a little over 3.5 hours now. I sure hope it's worth the wait!

  • Anonymous
    March 20, 2011
    How do I change the install location for WebMatrix?  It doesn't give an option of where to install the application.

  • Anonymous
    April 08, 2011
    i want a web free web sait.helpme until ihavebeenonesait.

  • Anonymous
    April 12, 2011
    Hello, I just installed WebMatrix but it automatically install the German version (my Windows os is German)...but I want the English version, I cannot find how to change it! please help! thanks!

  • Anonymous
    April 12, 2011
    Hello, I just installed WebMatrix but it automatically install the German version (my Windows os is German)...but I want the English version, I cannot find how to change it! please help! thanks!

  • Anonymous
    May 16, 2011
    This is fantastic way to make own web site. Thanks Matrix.

  • Anonymous
    October 04, 2012
    After installing the Refresh WebMatrix still claims a newer version exists and keep popping up a message about it! I've tried to uninstall it and install fresh one - same annoying behaviour!