Bing Maps for Enterprise is deprecated and will be retired. Free (Basic) account customers can continue to use Bing Maps for Enterprise services until June 30th, 2025. Enterprise account customers can continue to use Bing Maps for Enterprise services until June 30th, 2028. To avoid service disruptions, all implementations using Bing Maps for Enterprise REST APIs and SDKs will need to be updated to use Azure Maps by the retirement date that applies to your Bing Maps for Enterprise account type.
Azure Maps is Microsoft's next-generation maps and geospatial services for developers. Azure Maps has many of the same features as Bing Maps for Enterprise, and more. To get started with Azure Maps, create a free Azure subscription and an Azure Maps account. For more information about azure Maps, see Azure Maps Documentation. For migration guidance, see Bing Maps Migration Overview.
These data sources contain a subset of 2010 US Census data sourced from the US Census Bureau. The United States collects census data once every ten years. The last US Census was in 2010 and the next one is scheduled for 2020. These data sources provide Census data based on 4 types of geographical boundaries; states, counties, ZTCA5 (Zip Code Tabulation Area), and the 111th Congressional Districts.
Query URLs
The following are the Query URL’s that can be used to access the US Census data separated by each of the 4 types of geographical boundary types.
Aprenda a desarrollar una solución de transformación digital de la informática en la nube para el sector público. Utilice Azure, Azure Stack Hub y Azure Stack Edge. Aplique la soberanía de datos, aborde requisitos de cumplimiento personalizados y aplique toda la protección disponible a datos altamente confidenciales.
Describes the process of downloading a data source, outlines transaction accounting, and provides a reference for understanding Bing Maps transactions.
The overview page for the Geocode Dataflow API, which uses REST URLs to geocode and reverse-geocode large sets of spatial data, with information on what you need to do in order to use these API along with links to articles that describe the data schema, how to create and check on jobs, download results, sample input/output files, sample code and a walkthrough.
Describes how to upload a set of spatial data and to create a job to geocode and reverse-geocode the data, including supported HTTP methods, the URL template, template parameters, examples, and sample code.